[foss4g2014] js.geo, OSGeo LIVE, AGM, ten years, code sprint, booth materials

David William Bitner bitner at dbspatial.com
Tue Jul 29 14:56:57 PDT 2014

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 4:48 PM, TC Haddad <tchaddad at gmail.com> wrote:

> ....aaand not to be difficult, but I'll take the opposite view and relate
> that in the past when I've burned stacks of OSGeo Live DVDs for outreach at
> other events / large workshops, I have always been stuck with leftovers,
> all of which have been 100% useless to me within a few months. So though
> cheaper up front, these are the really useless product in the long term
> (mobiles and coasters notwithstanding). Plus, many new laptops don't even
> have DVD drives so...
> On the flip side, as a person who works in a miserly govt. agency and
> obviously doesn't get out as much as Darrell and David :), I think getting
> a USB drive at a conference is probably among the top 2 shwag items in
> terms of how much I actually continue to use it after the fact. Bottom of
> the list of shwag items? the usually unbelievably terrible conference bag,
> (if there is a way to avoid that...)

+1 to avoiding a useless bag. Conference Program, my badge, and a Shirt are
(personally) the only things that I want to receive at registration. There
should be additional maps, tourism info etc. available at the table in a
reasonable amount, but as much waste as can be avoided is awesome in my
book. I think it would be a great way to get people to visit the OSGeo
booth to have any USB sticks that are made distributed there.

> I agree USBs are expensive. Maybe there is compromise: 8GB USB 3.0 for
> workshop attendees (included in their fee) and in an opt-in 4GB USB 2.0
> basket at the OSGeo booth for others. All this would only work if we have
> the budget for it.
Last sentence being the most important. Is this even in the budget?
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