[foss4g2014] Workshop Planning Meeting

Matt Sayler matt.sayler at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 14:53:28 PDT 2014

How late you thinking? I'll be out of town until probably 7:30 or 8:00 on
Saturday if that's not too late.
On Mar 13, 2014 2:43 PM, "Darrell Fuhriman" <darrell at garnix.org> wrote:

> We should get together, maybe this weekend or one night next week to
> hammer out the Workshop Schedule, deal with any questions that arise, etc.
> For me, Sunday probably won’t work that well, but I could do Saturday,
> even in the evening (which might complicate any last second submissions,
> but… I’m not too worried about that)
> Otherwise maybe Monday or Tuesday of next week?
> Darrell
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