[foss4g2014] On Travel Grants/Scholarships

Kristin Bott bottk at reed.edu
Thu Mar 27 16:47:14 PDT 2014

Hi All,

I'm really excited to see travel grants launched as An Official Thing.
Three cheers for increasing access...

I wonder if there's a way to structure the application so that it's
possible for applicants to be specific in their ask for support. Something
like --
-- I am able to contribute x towards registration (conversely, I seek
$650-x in registration assistance)
-- I need lodging (or not)
-- I need assistance with additional travel expenses (or not; if so,
details required, because we/may not have funding to fly you in from

I imagine there's some number of folks who would work within themselves to
share hotel rooms (remember grad school?), or who might prefer to stay with
friends/family here, or travel regionally ("I live in Salem so if you help
me come up with the registration fee, I'm happy to commute, have to walk
the dog every evening anyway" etc). If we can find a way to get more
details from our folks-in-need, I imagine we'll be able to stretch our
grant dollar and be able to assist more folks.

...but I'm not always a font of spot-on ideas. Thoughts?

And yes, (a) I'm willing to put in time to make this happen and (b) I think
this sort of very specific ask ("we are raising funds to try to bring the
less-funded to the table") can go over well w/ potential supporters (says
the ex-fundraiser); I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of support I
can drum up locally. Woot!

cheers -

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org>wrote:

> I've created this page outlining the program we agreed upon at the
> planning meeting a few weeks back.
> https://2014.foss4g.org/attending/travel-grants/
> It's not yet public, so comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Darrell
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Kristin Bott
Instructional Technologist / Quantitative Applications
Instructional Technology Services (ITS)
Reed College

ETC 225
bottk at reed.edu
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