[FOSS4G2015] Anyone from FOSS4G 2015 LOC coming 2014?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Aug 25 06:40:53 PDT 2014

I'm looking forward to seeing you again Heegu! Let's plan to sit down in 
Portland over a beer and talk about 2015.


On 2014-08-25 10:37 AM, Heegu Park wrote:
> I should have said that I already registered the main event(the
> conference). :)
> Heegu Park
> 2014-08-25 22:28 GMT+09:00 Heegu Park <hgpark at gaia3d.com
> <mailto:hgpark at gaia3d.com>>:
>     Dear Darrell
>     I will prepare something for the introduction of FOSS4G 2015 next
>     month on PDX. I will present something or will try to play some
>     interesting video about Seoul provided by Seoul Tourist Bureau. I
>     will try to come to you there! Also, I may need you help to browse
>     the whole event including the workshop and conference about how it
>     is going on. I didn't register any workshop, but I want to browse
>     the workshops to see what's going on there if you don't mind. :)
>     Thank you very much,
>     Best regards,
>     Heegu Park
>     2014-08-24 21:30 GMT+09:00 Sanghee Shin <shshin at gaia3d.com
>     <mailto:shshin at gaia3d.com>>:
>         Hi Darrell,
>         Yep. Several FOSS4G 2015 LOC members will go to Portland and
>         Heegu Park may give a talk or play little video about Seoul there.
>         Heegu will contact you about this and ask some help from
>         Portland team. Your assist will be appreciated.
>         Best,
>         Sanghee
>         ---
>         Shin, Sanghee
>         Gaia3D, Inc. - Helping Earth Sustainable
>         http://www.gaia3d.com
>         Tel : +82-(0)2-3397-3475
>         Fax : +82-(0)2-3397-3478
>         2014. 8. 24., 오후 2:47, Jeff McKenna
>         <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
>         <mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> 작성:
>          > I've been talking to Sanghee about this and they are
>         preparing something for the final plenary slot that we spoke
>         of.  Yes it is confirmed, 2015 LOC reps will present Seoul in
>         the final plenary.
>          >
>          > -Jeff
>          >
>          > On Aug 23, 2014 10:28 PM, Darrell Fuhriman
>         <darrell at garnix.org <mailto:darrell at garnix.org>> wrote:
>          >>
>          >>
>          >> Hi all!
>          >>
>          >> We’re just about ready to go for FOSS4G 2014, and I was
>         wondering if the 2015 LOC will have any representatives in
>         Portland. We’d love to do an introduction of some sort. Last
>         year, we produced a little video introduction to Portland that
>         they showed.
>          >>
>          >> I don’t know if you want to get that fancy, but we’d love to
>         do at least a little hand off ceremony.
>          >>
>          >> Darrell
>          >>
>          >>

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