[FOSS4G2016] A postcard for promoting the conference on print media

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jul 6 05:08:03 PDT 2015

Hi Till,

Instead of it being an "official" repository, only edited by you, I see 
it as more of a working directory - someone creates a file, then that 
same person should be checking in/submitting all of the files used to 
create that single file (project files etc.).  Then that person sends an 
email to the list, pointing to the file, then someone else wanting to 
edit it does an SVN update and works locally on the files.


On 2015-07-06 8:59 AM, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> thanks for the rememinder.
> It's me having to do that, but I always find a reason to postphone that
> to "later" ;-)
> Till
> Am 2015-07-06 13:51, schrieb Anton Popov:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I didn't forget about that (I already have access to the SVN). It's
>> just that
>> large image files that are subject to changes can be a real pain for
>> many people
>> if checked in frequently. I promise to commit the final results though =)
>> Thanks for the reminder!
>> Anton
>>> Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> hat am 6. Juli 2015 um
>>> 13:35
>>> geschrieben:
>>> Hi Anton, all,
>>> A reminder to check in all of your documents (logos, postcards, raw
>>> Illustrator files, html files, everything) into Subversion:
>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/2016/
>>> Unfortunately I see lots of logos and webpages and designs being
>>> created, sent around by email, but not being saved into SVN (not a
>>> single person has done this yet for 2016).
>>> Doing this is a great way to archive files and also help future FOSS4G
>>> local committees use those files.
>>> Ping me directly if you need write access to that SVN.
>>> -jeff
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Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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