[FOSS4G2016] FOSS4G organizing issues

Karine Jean kjeancgq at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 10:43:04 PDT 2015

Hi Till and everyone,

I'll be in Germany during the summer and maybe more if I found a job
opportunity. I can help with anything for the FOSS4G 2016.
I have an interesting background in event organization with
EnvisionGEOMATICS[1] here in Quebec.

So, I definitely raise my hand to help you if necessary.
Let me know how I can be useful.



[1] http://2014.visiongeomatique.com/en/

2015-03-25 9:00 GMT-04:00 Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de>:

> Hi,
> did it:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Chairs
> Regards, Till
> Am 24.03.2015 14:51, schrieb Arnulf Christl:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Till,
>> I would prefer to have some of the more "static" information on the
>> OSGeo Wiki too because it is open, public and well known. I'd hope
>> that this way we can get more people who are not part of the Bonn
>> Local Chapter to find us and make the conference more global. Just
>> think about native Spanish speaking folks for example who might be
>> interested to help the international community but will surely not
>> find us right away if we "hide" all of what we do in a private Wiki
>> and ticketing system.
>> So I am not saying we shouldn't have that but that additionally we
>> need to reach out through all channels available.
>> Ah, bla - as "community manager" I'll probably just go ahead. Its a
>> Wiki, right? :-)
>> Cheers,
>> Arnulf
>> On 03/24/2015 09:34 AM, Till Adams wrote:
>>> Dear Arnulf,
>>> we've just discussed the WIKI and Ticekt sydtem issue. We can setup
>>> a jiffy box with redmine, which also has a WIKI inside from
>>> I prefer Redmine as a ticket system, if there is a similar
>>> architecuter on OSGeo architecture, I am fine with that. if we have
>>> the wiki on the one platform and the ticket system on an other, I'd
>>> prefer to choose that Jiffy, which could be setup by our terrestris
>>> administrator really fast. So we can direktly link from WIKI int
>>> tickets and vice versa.
>>> Regards, Till
>>> Am 24.03.2015 14:18, schrieb Arnulf Christl: Till, thanks for the
>>> update.
>>> I suggest to populate a Wiki with the tasks and names you listed
>>> below. Additionally we should also specifically ask people to take
>>> responsibility for tasks.
>>> Do you have a preference which Wiki to use? I'd suggest to
>>> populate the OSGeo Wiki because it has the biggest outreach. A
>>> proper ticketing system will help to keep track of what is going on
>>> but the "soft" information about who does what should be as public
>>> as we can make it. I can do that if there are no other opinions.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Best regards, Arnulf
>>> On 03/23/2015 04:51 AM, Till Adams wrote:
>>>> Dear FOSS4G2016'ers,
>>>>>> last friday I had a meeting with Klaus Greve, reagrding the
>>>>>> issue with EARSeL and FOSs4G. We agreed, that we won't make
>>>>>> it bringing both conferences into one event.
>>>>>> One problem is the timeline, as EARSeL tends to be early and
>>>>>> wants to start in June and FOSS4G month is traditionally
>>>>>> september. Second, some EARSeL guys got cold feet regarding
>>>>>> the different size of EARSeL (350) and FOSs4G (1000). That's
>>>>>> a pitty, but not to change for the moment.
>>>>>> In general we thought of creating a kind of "roof" on top of
>>>>>> both conferences (Bonner Geo-Summer or s.th like that) and
>>>>>> "connect" the events by having a FOSs4G track @EARSeL and a
>>>>>> Remote sensing Track @FOSS4G. Having this, we want to talk to
>>>>>> the city hoping to get some of the discount, they promised us
>>>>>> in advance. I am absolutely sure, that both communities may
>>>>>> benefit from each other.
>>>>>> On the other hand, this makes our plannings easier, as we can
>>>>>> focus on ourselves.
>>>>>> To give an overview about what is happening by this week:
>>>>>> 1. First of all, I want to fix the conference date this
>>>>>> week.- I have to time frames offered by WCCB. One is end of
>>>>>> August as mentioned in the roposal, a second potential time
>>>>>> could be 5th-9th of september. I will talk to WCCB this week
>>>>>> and will see, I guess, we get easier discount when taking the
>>>>>> August time-span.
>>>>>> 2. I have a meeting with our PCO tomorrow where we want to
>>>>>> fix our collaboration and make a rough planning of what
>>>>>> should happen when.
>>>>>> 3. We definetely need some "heads" for several working
>>>>>> groups/themes.
>>>>>> For now we already have:
>>>>>> - Franz-Josef Beer as chair of scientific track - Volker
>>>>>> Mische as chair of program committee
>>>>>> Of course we need more than just the chairs here! Feel free
>>>>>> to raise your arms here or for the below listed themes:
>>>>>> a) Workshop organization Marco already offered his help and
>>>>>> also Pirmin said, that he would like to help with the
>>>>>> OSGeo-live DVD. Having a local here for aquisicion of
>>>>>> Workshop rooms and contact person to university would be very
>>>>>> helpful.
>>>>>> b) financial issues Torsten Brassat, who helped at earlier
>>>>>> FOSSGIS conferences offered some help here. Also I guess that
>>>>>> Fred Ramm as our treasurer might contribute a little here, if
>>>>>> he wants to. More people welcome.
>>>>>> c) "social-event-organizer" The frame of the social events
>>>>>> are set, but I think we need one or two heads caring for gala
>>>>>> event and ice breaker especially. This may laso include some
>>>>>> offerings of field trips for the saturday.
>>>>>> d) sponsorship & exhibition Sponsorship is a source where we
>>>>>> can generate early income, so to start this process early is
>>>>>> a major part. Also I guess, that most companies are planning
>>>>>> their financial budget this year, so it is important to let
>>>>>> them know about the possibilities of sponsoring FOSS4G.
>>>>>> e) public relations I talked to Textkoch this FOSSGIS and he
>>>>>> offered his help together with Monika Resch here (of course
>>>>>> not for free :-(). Public relations work may play a major
>>>>>> role to get many people attending our conference. So for this
>>>>>> issues we need a group of people and also ideas on how to
>>>>>> structure this. Klaus Greve also said, that we might talk to
>>>>>> the public realtions office of the university first.
>>>>>> f) Family weekend An idea brought in by the irish proposal
>>>>>> was to make a family weekend before the conference. Peter,
>>>>>> the chair of the Dublin team offered his help here, but he
>>>>>> definetely needs a helping local hand here.
>>>>>> g) Code sprint We need an organizers of the code sprint. The
>>>>>> group cares for room, snacks and acts as contact persons for
>>>>>> this event.
>>>>>> h) Techniue There are competent people from WCCB, but we
>>>>>> definietely need a group of persons taking care of the
>>>>>> conference technique ingeneral.
>>>>>> i) Co-operation with WCCB, caterer, PCO etc.pp. I guess, this
>>>>>> will be my part as I started this already for the proposal.
>>>>>> Help welcome ;-)
>>>>>> This is it for know, did I forget anything (surely: yes!). I
>>>>>> will take care for getting a WIKI/Ticket system on our
>>>>>> FOSSGIS-architecture ASAP, so we can switch more into the
>>>>>> WIKI.
>>>>>> Regards, Till
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