[FOSS4G2016] FOSS4G 2016 - requesting your assistance

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Mar 26 00:56:36 PDT 2015

Hi all,

I contact you, because you were the past chairs of FOSS4G conferences - 
OK, Sanghee is the actual chair of the 2015 event ;-)

In the moment I am starting to plan our timetable and the ToDo's for the 
2016 event. I wonder if you have/had something like a "master 
timetable", that you used when organizing FOSS4G and whether you would 
like to share it with us.

Also Jeff pointed me to you for requesting for your contacts to 
potential sponsors. So if there is any piece of information, that might 
help us, feel free sending it to me.

Many thanks for that,

regards, Till

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