[FOSS4G2016] FOSS4G organizing issues

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Mar 26 05:00:23 PDT 2015

Dear Timo,

up to now, I had some telkos with Mr. Ziegenhagen and his colleague, so 
in general I would say, the connection is fine so far.

I am mostly interested in their connecitons to local business, in order 
to get a bunch of local sponsors for the conference. That might be an 
issue you could mention, if you like.

About your offer regarding P&R for the conference, I really would like 
to talk to you and also to Monika Resch as a more local actor for this.

So far, Till

Am 26.03.2015 12:50, schrieb Textkoch:
> Hi Till,
> how does the connection to the city of Bonn work, especially to Dr. Ziegenhagen from the Office for Economic Development?
> I will have an official talk with him at the 7th of April, if you like, mainly about supporting the conference with PR and other things.
> Best wishes, Timo Thalmann (textkoch)
> Am 26.03.2015 um 08:28 schrieb Till Adams:
> Hi Jeff,
> I reduce the text amount and answer inline ;-)
>> I think we must for sure do something with the EARSeL remote sensing
>> community, and I am happy to see that you are discussing the track idea.
>> To be honest, I was a little disappointed of this news at first, but, I
>> believe if you keep the communication going with the EARSeL community
>> something good will come of it for the 2016 event. (a similar thing
>> happened with 2015 Soeul, where a joined event was planned initially
>> with another community, "SmartGeoExpo", in this case that event was
>> cancelled fully suddenly, but recently there is news that it will indeed
>> happen; so my point is, that you should keep the talking happening with
>> the EARSeL team, as I bet something can in fact happen together.
> Yes, i was surprised about this drawback as well, as they knew of the size of FOSs4G. Anyhow, Klaus Greve and me really want to connect both communities and be sure, we'll find a way for this ;-)
>>> To give an overview about what is happening by this week:
>>> 1. First of all, I want to fix the conference date this week.- I have to
>>> time frames offered by WCCB. One is end of August as mentioned in the
>>> roposal, a second potential time could be 5th-9th of september. I will
>>> talk to WCCB this week and will see, I guess, we get easier discount
>>> when taking the August time-span.
>> If the EARSeL event is not in the equation, I would recommend keeping
>> the usual September-sometime time frame, as that is when the global
>> FOSS4G usually is, and past attendees are likely to assume this event is
>> then also.
>> As a side note, when this 2016 news was announced, a community leader
>> sent me a direct message asking for future FOSS4G events to take into
>> account of major religious holidays.
>> Do your best :)
>>> 2. I have a meeting with our PCO tomorrow where we want to fix our
>>> collaboration and make a rough planning of what should happen when.
>> Great.  Please send me a copy of the contract (I will keep it private of
>> course, and yes I am used to seeing PCO contracts in other languages now).
> I will fix the contract with them in the next two weeks.
>>> 3. We definetely need some "heads" for several working groups/themes.
>>> For now we already have:
>>> - Franz-Josef Beer as chair of scientific track
>>> - Volker Mische as chair of program committee
>>> Of course we need more than just the chairs here! Feel free to raise
>>> your arms here or for the below listed themes:
>> I'd also encourage these teams to use existing methods of communication:
>>   - FOSS4G-Academic
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g-academic  (contains many
>> researchers ready to help, but sadly under-used each year)
>> - FOSS4G workshops
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference-workshops (contains
>> many/most past workshop presenters and past workshop organizers, giving
>> you a huge source of help)
> Good to know ;-)
>>> a) Workshop organization
>>> Marco already offered his help and also Pirmin said, that he would like
>>> to help with the OSGeo-live DVD. Having a local here for aquisicion of
>>> Workshop rooms and contact person to university would be very helpful.
>> Having a boots-on-the-ground person (local) to lead the workshop
>> committee is a must.  No question.
>>> b) financial issues
>>> Torsten Brassat, who helped at earlier FOSSGIS conferences offered some
>>> help here. Also I guess that Fred Ramm as our treasurer might contribute
>>> a little here, if he wants to. More people welcome.
>> Please let me know when you require "seed" (advance) funding from OSGeo.
>>   This is usually given as one transfer.  I assume it will be sent to a
>> new dedicated account, under the FOSSGIS_e.V. chapter?
> I think we will do that that way. I have to talk to Fredrik, our treasurer for that.
>>> c) "social-event-organizer"
>>> The frame of the social events are set, but I think we need one or two
>>> heads caring for gala event and ice breaker especially.
>>> This may laso include some offerings of field trips for the saturday.
>> I know I mentioned this in the proposal process, but keep in mind some
>> loud feedback I have received in past events, to try to keep the number
>> of pre-paid social events to the minimum.
> I really hope, we can get funding for the ice breaker. The event in the botanical garden wouldn't be that expensive, I guess about 10k € all together (rent, toilets, security and some drinks). Of course we could include this also, but this would force up the costs for the conference fee...
>>> d) sponsorship & exhibition
>>> Sponsorship is a source where we can generate early income, so to start
>>> this process early is a major part. Also I guess, that most companies
>>> are planning their financial budget this year, so it is important to let
>>> them know about the possibilities of sponsoring FOSS4G.
>> A good source will also be contacting past chairs such as Sanghee and
>> Darrell and StevenF, for their sponsor contact info.
> YXes. I already contacted Sanghee anyhow. I also want to contact them and ask for their time tables they had.
>>> e) public relations
>>> I talked to Textkoch this FOSSGIS and he offered his help together with
>>> Monika Resch here (of course not for free :-(). Public relations work
>>> may play a major role to get many people attending our conference. So
>>> for this issues we need a group of people and also ideas on how to
>>> structure this. Klaus Greve also said, that we might talk to the public
>>> realtions office of the university first.
>>> f) Family weekend
>>> An idea brought in by the irish proposal was to make a family weekend
>>> before the conference. Peter, the chair of the Dublin team offered his
>>> help here, but he definetely needs a helping local hand here.
>> This could be a great addition to FOSS4G, Peter is right.
> Yes, but after a "yes I will help" I dind't hear anything more from Peter... I'll ask him directly again.
>>> g) Code sprint
>>> We need an organizers of the code sprint. The group cares for room,
>>> snacks and acts as contact persons for this event.
>> Speaking out loud, I wonder if Peter Lowe is interested in helping.  He
>> did an amazing job of organizing the 2014 EGU townhall meeting
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/EGU_Townhall_2014
> Indeed I had contact to Peter on FOSSGIs and he talked to me in another context about FOSS4G. But that's a good point to come back to him directly.
>>> h) Techniue
>>> There are competent people from WCCB, but we definietely need a group of
>>> persons taking care of the conference technique ingeneral.
>>> i) Co-operation with WCCB, caterer, PCO etc.pp.
>>> I guess, this will be my part as I started this already for the
>>> proposal. Help welcome ;-)
>>> This is it for know, did I forget anything (surely: yes!).
>>> I will take care for getting a WIKI/Ticket system on our
>>> FOSSGIS-architecture ASAP, so we can switch more into the WIKI.
>> Regarding wiki pages: don't forget to add your "FOSS4G2016" category to
>> all of your new pages, so they are automagically listed and found
>> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:FOSS4G2016)  /me acting Arnulf-bot
> /did it ;-)
>> Other points:
>> - I've asked the Seoul committee to reserve a 10 minute slot in the
>> closing plenary for the "2016 Handover".  Here you can wow the community
>> and get everyone excited for your event :)   You can show a video, or
>> anything you want, but the whole slot is 10 minutes total.
> Yes. I already talked to a friend, who is semi-professional movie maker and we plan to make a short film. I guess that way we can present Bonn as we like it and from another view than that official high glossing tourism advertising stuff ;-)
>> - it's not too early to think of a placeholder at
>> http://2016.foss4g.org/   Even just a 'coming soon' graphic.  OSGeo
>> servers can be used.
> OK. I already found a guy from a german open source company rising his arm for setting up a cms for the foss4g-website. I wonder how this was organized before, is there a ready-to-use template or did every group do what they wanted to?
>> - that brings up the logo issue of course :)    PS. don't forget the
>> ribbon requirement (you'd be surprised at how many times I have to
>> remind FOSS4G teams).
> You've already ssen the first drafts and yes, they include the ribbon ;-)
> So far, Till
>> Thanks,
>> -jeff
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