[FOSS4G2016] Logo adjustments
Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
gert-jan at osgeo.nl
Sun Oct 11 06:07:46 PDT 2015
Hi Anton,
I came across the 2013 style page at http://2013.foss4g.org/Style/
Apparently they had also a problem with the transparent background and
decided to use the logo in 4 styles.
Not my preference, but it's an escape route ;-)
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Anton Popov [mailto:mail at antonpopov.de]
Verzonden: zondag 4 oktober 2015 09:22
Aan: Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
Onderwerp: Re: [FOSS4G2016] Sharing marketing materials
Hi Gert-Jan,
thanks for clarifying! =)
I think we should give all elements (including the "FO" and the river) a
halo, though. I can do that to the fully transparent versions.
Unfortually I wont have internet access the next few days, so please be
patient =)
[1] https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/2016/marketing/banners/
On 10/03/2015 03:15 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl wrote:
> Hi Anton,
> (just a 1:1 reply, in order not to bother the list too much ;-)
> I took your logo and place a red rectangle behind it. (foss4logo.png)
> As you can see, the stroke/outline of the text "FOSS" is white
> (because this part is on a white background, and the stroke of the
> text "4G" is red (because it is on a red background). Apparently the
stroke is transparent.
> After that i took the SVG and applied (in Inkscape) a 1.8 mm white
> stroke the text elements (foss4glogo_halo.png). Because this is a
> fixed, non-transparent white stroke, this outline remains white,
> whatever the background color is.
> Hope this helps,
> GJ
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Anton Popov [mailto:mail at antonpopov.de]
> Verzonden: zaterdag 3 oktober 2015 14:01
> Aan: Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl;
> foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org
> Onderwerp: Re: [FOSS4G2016] Sharing marketing materials
> Hi Gert-Jan,
> could you create a sketch or something? I'm still not sure what you
> mean. I don't see a halo =) There is a gradient from transparent to
> white in the wide banners, there are small (transparent) gaps between
> the letters (see the original logo [1]), and there is the grayish
> river that "separates" the 2S's, the "4"
> and the "G".
> The transparent versions (e.g. [2]) just have the original logo and
> the slogan on it.
> Sorry for the inconvenience =/
> Anton
> [1] http://foss4g2016.org/files/foss4g/layout/foss4g-logo.png
> [2]
> http://antonpopov.de/foss4g-2016/banners/foss4g2016-banner-sml-i-go_al
> pha.pn
> g
> On 10/03/2015 01:39 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
>> Hi Anton,
>> No, not the dots. I mean the small halo that separates the 2S's, the
>> "4" and the "G" from their background.
>> regards,
>> GJ
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: foss4g2016-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>> [mailto:foss4g2016-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Namens Anton Popov
>> Verzonden: zaterdag 3 oktober 2015 13:29
>> Aan: foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org
>> Onderwerp: Re: [FOSS4G2016] Sharing marketing materials
>> Hi Gert-Jan,
>> by outline you mean these white bubbles? [1] (update)
>> Regards
>> Anton
>> [1] http://antonpopov.de/foss4g-2016/banners/
>> On 10/02/2015 06:29 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
> wrote:
>>> Hi Anton,
>>> Thanks for updating the style guide.
>>> Regarding the logo on a non-white background: in your examples [1]
>>> the white outline on "FOSS4G" in the wide banners (1-6) seems to
>>> have disappeared in the 5 slogan examples (or perhaps the outline
>>> was "same as background or "transparent" and thus sort of
>>> disappearing in the slogan
>> examples.
>>> Could you give it a try with a forced white outline in the 5 slogan
>>> examples
>>> Regards,
>>> GJ
>>> [1] http://antonpopov.de/foss4g-2016/banners/
>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>> Van: foss4g2016-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>> [mailto:foss4g2016-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Namens Anton Popov
>>> Verzonden: vrijdag 2 oktober 2015 14:13
>>> Aan: foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Onderwerp: Re: [FOSS4G2016] Sharing marketing materials
>>> Sorry for coming back so late on this - my time was very limited in
>>> the last few weeks (and still is). But if I remember correctly there
>>> is a marketing meeting of some sort today(?) between other LOCs - so
>>> some of the following may come in handy.
>>> As for the style guide Gert-Jan pointed out here [1], it's been
>>> updated with links and color/font information.
>>> Fixed URLs:
>>> [2] uses fixed URLs, but they are not available anymore. We could
>>> either link directly to the SVN or the Wiki-media-files (once/if
>>> they are
>> there).
>>> Having URLs like in [2] would look nicer though, I think =) In order
>>> to create a 2016 marketing page [3], I'd like to know how to proceed
>>> here. Will static images survive on [4]?
>>> Inspired by [2] I've put together a few banners here [5] and a
>>> preview page there [6], where you can change the background color to
>>> simulate the visual effect.
>>> I did *not* create a 2016 Marketing page [3] (yet) because 1) of the
>>> URL-issue and 2) I'd like some feedback if possible. The more I work
>>> with the logo the more I hate it for being so difficult to put on
>>> non-white background (or anywhere for that matter). I'm kinda
>>> frustrated with this right now...
>>> So if anyone has ideas on how to integrate the FOSS4G-Logo in a
>>> better way or if anyone knows a designer who can spare a few
>>> thoughts on that or even creates a few images/concepts him/herself,
>>> I would be very grateful! (I know that nobody wants to do design
>>> stuff because nobody wants to be responsible for a horrorible look,
>>> so I'm even willing to take the blame ;)
>>> Regards
>>> Anton
>>> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Foss4g_2016_style_guide
>>> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010_Marketing
>>> [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Marketing
>>> [4] http://foss4g2016.org/
>>> [5] https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/2016/marketing/banners/
>>> [6] http://antonpopov.de/foss4g-2016/banners/
>>> On 09/23/2015 02:04 PM, Daniel Kastl wrote:
>>>> It's the same task every year: updating the FOSS4G logo on various
>>> websites.
>>>> Wouldn't it be convenient to have a URL that doesn't change and
>>>> always points to the latest logo (or URLs to various sizes) and a
>>>> link that remains the same and forwards to the correct site?
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015, 17:07 <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
>>>>> Anton,
>>>>> great!
>>>>> Thanks, Till
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