[FOSS4G2016] Angle support for the video team during the conference

astrid at foss4g2016.org astrid at foss4g2016.org
Mon Feb 29 22:21:23 PST 2016


I made a page in the wiki to coordinate the video team.

To get an idea how many angles we need I made this list. It is also in 
the wiki.

Angle to support the video team

We need several angles to support the video team. The angles have to be 
there obligatory because else we will get problems with the recording.

what do we need?

     * during the conference days we need at the same time 16 (in the 
rooms) + 1 cutting support + 2 Regie
     * persons can't work the whole day. 2 hour slots are reasonable 
(after 2 hours concentrations passes away)

     * Setup Tuesday (maybe already on monday): 4-6 Persons
     * Conference day 1: 16 (in the rooms) + 1 cutting support + 2 Regie 
--> 19*2 = 38 per day
     * Conference day 2: 16 (in the rooms) + 1 cutting support + 2 Regie 
--> 19*2 = 38 per day
     * Conference day 3: 16 (in the rooms) + 1 cutting support + 2 Regie 
--> 19*2 = 38 per day
     * Reduction Friday: 8 Persons (1 person per room)

@Till please consider this number of angles for the planning.

In the next days I will update the video wiki page, as we talked about 
many topics on our face-to-face meeting in Bonn.


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