[FOSS4G2016] Accompanying family program

martin at foss4g2016.org martin at foss4g2016.org
Mon Jan 18 14:09:38 PST 2016

Hi Till,
hi LOC,

attached you'll find my suggestions (overview) for the accompanying 
family program, based on the proposal by Mrs. Zepp of TOURISMUS & 
CONGRESS GMBH. Marked in red are changes by myself, which have not 
finally been synchronized with the local promoters.

Could you please check if there are any incompabilities with other 
events I might have been heedless of?

Any comments on timing or selection of themes?

My guideline was:
- The original proposal spread the events from monday to saturday, I 
concentrated it to wednesday/saturday;
- I tried to have one event for children/juveniles each day (wednesday 
to friday);
- I changed it that way, that on thursday (Gala event!) no event lasts 
longer than 16:00.

Although all offers are in English, there are no English descriptions 
yet. I asked for these texts, but it seems that we still have to 
translate detailed descriptions mostly by ourselves...

My suggestion is to book one event/tour per offer. We can cancel each 
one until eight weeks before start (last minute arrangements could be 
possible in individual cases). So we should review applications early in 
June and decide which one to cancel or possibly to "double down on".

If there are no general objections (suggestions I would try to include) 
I will synchronize with Mrs. Zepp by the end of this week and send you 
(Till) the final version of the contract you sent me for signing.

Please send any comments or suggestions per mail, not via Redmine ;-)

Cheers, Martin
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