[FOSS4G2016] Website: academic track call has "About FOSS4G" section

Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
Wed Jan 20 13:29:04 PST 2016

This "about" paragraph was part of the separate Call document which can 
be distributed seperately, even to communities not familiar with OSGeo 
and FOSS4G.

@Carmen: On the website this paragraph can be removed. Thanks.

Best regards - Franz-Josef

Am 20.01.2016 um 14:13 schrieb Volker Mische:
> Hi LOC,
> is it intentional that the academic track section [1] has a "About
> FOSS4G" section, or is it a bug?
> [1]: http://2016.foss4g.org/programme.html#academic-trac
> Cheers,
>    Volker
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