[FOSS4G2016] Website header size

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 07:05:31 PST 2016

I just hijack this thread for other CSS things.

There's a lot of whitespace between the sections on the first page. I've
you remove the `min-height` from the `.wrapper` it's nicely evenly spaced:

.wrapper {min-height: auto !important;};


On 01/22/2016 03:57 PM, Volker Mische wrote:
> Hi LOC,
> It's great to see that the website now has a smaller header. But what
> you think about making it even smaller?
> Here's a screenshot of what I mean:
> http://vmx.cx/tmp/foss4g/2016/smallerheader.jpg
> Here's the CSS I've used:
> #header {
>   min-height: auto;
> }
> #header .logo img {
>   height: 42px;
> 	width: auto;
> }
> #header .mod_customnav ul.level_1 {
> 	margin-top: 0;
> }
> Cheers,
>   Volker

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