[FOSS4G2016] IRC chat today 01-28-2016 17h CET

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Thu Jan 28 09:41:12 PST 2016


I have created and assigned redmine issues for the adapted CfP for each 
of the for 4 key streams we have: Land Information, Disaster Management, 
Remote Sensing and Open Data. These CfP will afterwards be disseminated 
by the responsible person (see 
http://irclogs.geoapt.com/foss4g/%23foss4g.2016-01-21.log) wherever they 
see fit.

Disaster Management [http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/207]
Land Information [http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/204]
Open Data [http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/208]
Remote Sensing [http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/205]

Related to the press release, I suggested that by the end of next week 
to have a drafted version of text that compiles 2-3 main phrases from 
each topic and emphasis on the foss4g building bridges moto.


On 28/01/16 18:31, Volker Mische wrote:
> Hi LOC,
> Meeting 2016-01-28
> -------------------
> here's the important information, action items and questions from the
> weekly meeting.
> As the attendance was pretty low, I start with the questions that can be
> answered with replying to this mail.
> - What's the status of the blog functionality of the website. Will there
> be one?
> - Sponsorship team: please look over the website and make things clearer
> on how to sponsor [Note Volker: This is how I understood the agenda item])
> ### Attendees:
> Cordrina, Gert-Jan, Volker
> ### PR & M
> #### Next Press release
> Next press release will contain information about the 4 key topics: land
> info, open data, RS and disaster management.
> Action item for every representative of those key topics:
>   - by next Wednesday (2016-02-03), have a shrt text ready for Codrina.
> The press release will then look like (quoting her):
> <codrina> 1. a summarising short text with 2 phrases for each topic /
> community we are trying to reach out to - this would be general..
> <codrina> 2. the specific CfP that would be sent out to specific mailing
> lists, blogs etc.
> <codrina> #specific CfPs (for open data, for land info etc)
> She will open Redmine issues for each topic.
> #### Distribution of the Call for Papers
> We haven't had any information, Codrina will report it later
> #### Sponsorship
> Sadly no one from the sponsor team attended, hence the question is
> included in this mail, see above.
> Cheers,
>    Volker
> On 01/28/2016 07:14 AM, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
>> Hi LOC,
>> there is an IRC meeting today, I wrote down some things to talk about here:
>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Meeting_minutes#IRC_chat_2016-01-28
>> Could please somebody take the chair for the meeting, as I can't make it
>> today, because I have a meeting with a customer.
>> Till
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