[FOSS4G2016] Submitted workshops

Carmen Tawalika carmen at foss4g2016.org
Wed Mar 2 00:35:24 PST 2016

Hi Danilo, Till,

we will do a lot of general planning this weekend.

We can see the submitted workshops in the registration system. Volker
made me an account for it. There are already more than two ;) Yes, it is
nice to get an idea of the submitted workshops but until registration
ends we don't really need to know.

Kind regards,

Am 02.03.2016 um 08:35 schrieb till.adams at fossgis.de:
> Am 2016-03-01 19:28, schrieb Danilo Bretschneider:
>> Hi Carmen, Hi list,
>> do we have a list of all submitted workshops? CfW will be closed in 3
>> weeks. This weekend we have the first meeting / discussing about
>> workshops.
>> It is a good idea to know the topics / content of submitted workshops.
>> Don't know how it works in the last years. As workspace committee do we
>> know the workshop before close?
>> Regards,
>> Danilo
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> Danilo,
> don't expect more than two submitted workshops yet. It's too early ;-)
> I think for the general planning - which is really, really **urgent**
> now - the specific workshops mustn't be already known.
> For me it's far more important that you plan:
> - general time scheduling
> - how to select workshops
> - how to orchestrate workshop leaders, so that they bring in their
> software/data in time, so that we can include it in OSGeo live
> - when to buy hardware
> - when and how to install OS on hardware
> - network planning in the venues
> - food/drinks during the workshops
> - how attendees could change between the two venues?
> - ...
> That's just a brainstorming of two minutes, so I guess we'll find many
> more really important things.
> Till
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> FOSS4G2016 mailing list
> FOSS4G2016 at lists.osgeo.org
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