[FOSS4G2016] admission fee for presenters, workshoppers trainers etc.

Sanghee Shin shshin at gaia3d.com
Wed Mar 2 07:07:44 PST 2016

If I add more in detail from Seoul team, 

1. 50% discount to 1 person per workshop
2. Free pass to 8 keynote speakers and 9 travel grantees. So, even LOC members paid full registration fee. 
3. 20% discount to early bird
4. 30% discount to students
5. 30% discount to attendees from Low or Lower-Middle Income Economies defined by the World Bank and WHO

Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company

> 2016. 3. 2., 오후 5:07, 신상희 <shshin at gaia3d.com> 작성:
> Dear Till, 
> FYI, Seoul team gave 50% discount to only 1 instructor per selected workshop. However we didn't give any discount to main conference speakers except keynote speakers, travel grantees. 
> Kind regards, 
> Sanghee
> 2016-03-02 16:46 GMT+09:00 <till.adams at fossgis.de <mailto:till.adams at fossgis.de>>:
> Am 2016-03-01 20:55, schrieb Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl:
> Hi all,
> Yesterday en today I had contact with 2 potential presenters from
> Holland.
> What came to my mind was that I don't know whether presenters,
> workshop trainers/guides/supervisor and other activists pay the full
> entrance price or have a somehow reduced entrance fee.
> If they pay the full price, a submission is in fact also a sort of
> blanc contract to join foss4g, but without knowing the entrance fee
> nor the program (yet)
> Do I miss something here?
> Kind regards,
> Gert-Jan
> Hi,
> just to make it clear to everybody:
> 1. In general there are *no* free tickets! We'll have only three exceptions:
>  - we from LOC (due to the LOC list in the OSGeo WIKI)
>  - keynoters
>  - our student helpers (they work for us 50% of the time)
> 2. All presenters have to pay full entrance, we can't make it other way (regard, we'll have around 150-200 presenters, how could this work?)
> 3. We agreed in having a minor reduction for workshop trainers, but that won't be really much, maybe 25% - in Korea and Nottingham there was no reduced fee at all
> 4. what are guides, supervisors, "other activists" ...?
> 5. The fees will be between 550-600€ for early bird and 700-750€ for regular - we didn't announce them yet: For now we plan with the higher fees, but want to reduce them as we get more sponsors coming in
> So the rough numbers could be released, if somebody asks.
> Till
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