[FOSS4G2016] Re-Cap for Call for Submissions

Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
Thu Mar 3 01:43:29 PST 2016

As far as I notice the submission rate to the Academic Track is very 
poor. So we will need a prolongation as well.


Am 03.03.2016 um 10:40 schrieb till.adams at fossgis.de:
> Hi list,
> one thing I'd like to discuss: Call for Submissions will end in 18 
> days. I know, that most of our people tend to hand in papers/workshop 
> proposals late. On the other hand I'd like to kick off a "second wave 
> of awareness" to our call.
> For this, I'd really like that Codrina (OpenData), Marc (Deisaster 
> Management), Arnulf (Land Informaton) and me (Remote sensing) publish 
> the topic-devoted calls within these communities latest **this** 
> weekend. Also I didn't see much forwarding of our call on the OSGeo 
> project lists ( I think Mapbender and GRASS did it), but I see all the 
> calls for many other events being posted on the specific user lists, 
> such as QGIS, GeoServer or whatever.
> So I'd really like to send out our call for submissions on the 
> specific OSGeo-project lists. I know that we discussed about this 
> weeks before and ended up with the idea to hint the people to publish 
> the call on their project lists, but this obviously didn't work.
> So, if there are no "-1"'s from anybody here I'd like to send this out 
> during our hacking weekend.
> Regards, Till
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