[FOSS4G2016] Fwd: Text Attending

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Wed Mar 16 08:54:47 PDT 2016


A few minor things:

1. I would place this new page between Program and Building Bridges

2. Inconsistencies: B2B is a meeting 
[http://foss4g2016.org/programme.html#b2b-meeting]. Also, please change 
in the programme the price of the B2B. In registrations fees we have 40 
EUR, in the programme 35 EUR.

3. For registration fees: I would change "Full Day (3 Days)" with "Full 
(3 Days)"

4. For registration fees: I would ignore the year from the dates of 
types of registrations

5. For registration fees: excuse my ignorance but what does this ".-" 
mean after the price?


On 16/03/16 17:28, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Hi Codrina, @all,
> Carmen just released the "Atteending" page. She just makes some minor
> changes (i.e. table instead of text on "registration fees" subpage), so
> feel free to check and add comments before publishing via twitter&co!
> No discussion about fees! There has been a long discussion on that
> before ;-)
> Till

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