[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Review system is ready

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 01:36:54 PDT 2016

Hi Program-Committee

for all of you that have already sent me their usernames, the review
system is ready now. For all that haven't sent me their names yet,
please do, as now the real work starts :)

You should now have a "Reviews" section in your dashboard (in case you
don't see that let me know). You can select all talks, the ones you've
already reviewed and the onces you haven't.

When you click on a talk, you'll see the abstract and additional
information. You can then vote on it, that's all that's needed. One you
hit "submit" it will show the next abstract in the list, this should
make the review as fast as possible with as little clicks as possible.
If you come across your own proposals, please don't vote on them :)

You can also leave a message (you don't have to) that can then be used
by the committee for the final selection. My intention is that you don't
give a full review, but just some notes that might be useful for the
final selection process. It's for things like "I don't think that is
open source" or "This sounds very similar to xyz" or to make you
remember details that you want to share at the final selection. So use
it sparsely as it will make the spreadsheet we do the final selection on
only bigger ;)

The deadline for the reviews is 2016-04-11. So please start early (in
case the system has bugs) so that you really have the time to get
through all the abstracts (which would be ideal).

In case you wonder about the ordering. It is randomly ordered, but it's
the same every time you look at it. That's just a simple way to reduce
the bias a bit as all of us will have a different order.

If you've any questions or find bugs or usability issues, please let me


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