[FOSS4G2017] FOSS4G 2017 Sponsorship Prospectus Released to "announcements list"

Michael Terner mgt at appgeo.com
Fri Nov 4 05:58:10 PDT 2016

*For those of you only on the discussion list, the note below was posted to
our announcements list (foss4g2017-announce at lists.osgeo.org
<foss4g2017-announce at lists.osgeo.org>) earlier today:*

Earlier this week the Sponsorship Sub-Committee was proud to release
our Sponsor
Prospectus for the FOSS4G Boston 2017 Conference
<http://2017.foss4g.org/sponsor/SponsorshipProspectus.pdf>. This document
outlines the tiers of sponsorship as well as the costs and privileges at
each tier. You can also find the document linked from our web-site at:

Speaking of the web-site, please keep an eye on it over the coming week. We
have been working hard to launch a new, more elegant and fuller featured
site which will debut shortly (at the same URL).

​In the meantime, if any of you are considering sponsoring, please feel
free to engage with us ASAP as we will be pleased to answer any questions
and want to work with you to make sure this conference meets your
objectives. If you're not a direct sponsor, please help us identify others
who may be interested in the event.

Thanks for your interest in FOSS4G Boston 2017!​

​Sincerely, MT & Guido Stein

*Michael Terner*
*Executive Vice President*
Applied Geographics, Inc.

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