[Foss4g2024] The Speaker Ticket price applies to workshop instructors?

Tatiana Pará tatianamdefreitas em gmail.com
Sexta Junho 21 11:07:52 PDT 2024

Dear Julio,

I apologize for the delay in responding; we were correcting the mistake I

As I explained earlier, we will offer a discount to individuals from the
Latin American region as a unique proposal to attract them to the event. We
have already provided a discount for those who registered early, as you can
see on the website.

Therefore, we will not have a discount for speakers; the speaker ticket
item has been removed to avoid further confusion. Initially, it was there
because we used the template from previous events, and I overlooked it.

I apologize for the confusion this caused and appreciate your understanding.

Please let me know if you would like to enjoy some original Amazonian Açaí
at the event; it would be a great way to make up for this small

Best regards,


Prezado Julio,
Desculpe a demora em responder, nós estávamos corrigindo o erro que cometi.

Como havia explicado anteriormente, nós teremos desconto para pessoas da
região da América Latina como uma proposta inédita de atraí-los ao evento.
Assim como já adiantamos um desconto para aqueles que se inscreveram
antecipadamente, como pode ver no site.
Desta forma não teremos desconto para palestrante, aquele item *speaker ticket
foi retirado para não gerar mais dúvida.*
Explico que , inicialmente ele estava lá, pois usamos o modelo de eventos
anteriores e por um descuido meu eu deixei passar.

Eu peço desculpa por ter gerado essa confusão e agradeço sua atenção.

Por favor, deixe-me saber se aceitar tomar um bom Açaí original da
Amazônia no evento, assim podemos recuperar esse pequeno desconforto.

Em sex., 21 de jun. de 2024 às 14:48, Júlio Hoffimann <
julio.hoffimann em gmail.com> escreveu:

> Appreciate if someone could help clarify this issue.
> Thank you,
> -Júlio
> Em qua., 19 de jun. de 2024 às 11:41, Júlio Hoffimann <
> julio.hoffimann em gmail.com> escreveu:
>> Dear Tatiana, thank you for the prompt reply.
>> It is not clear if workshop instructors qualify as speakers. Can workshop
>> instructors benefit from the Speaker Ticket discount?
>> I understand that the Speaker Ticket price is the lowest price among all
>> ticket prices, including the price for Brazilian (non-speaker) participants:
>> [image: image.png]
>> [image: image.png]
>> Appreciate if you could clarify this issue further.
>> Thank you,
>> -Júlio
>> Em ter., 18 de jun. de 2024 às 22:03, Tatiana Pará <
>> tatianamdefreitas em gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> Hi Julio, our discounts were given for purchasing tickets in advance,
>>> considering exactly who proposed the workshop and lecture, as we know they
>>> need to be in advance.  In addition, it was necessary to apply
>>> differentiated discounts for people from specific countries.
>>> https://2024.foss4g.org/en/buy-tickets/
>>> Em ter., 18 de jun. de 2024, 19:58, Júlio Hoffimann via Foss4g2024 <
>>> foss4g2024 em lists.osgeo.org> escreveu:
>>>> Dear FOSS4G community,
>>>> We submitted a workshop proposal and would like to ask if the Speaker
>>>> Ticket price applies. Could you please clarify our options?
>>>> Best,
>>>> -Júlio
>>>> --
>>>> Foss4g2024 mailing list
>>>> Foss4g2024 em lists.osgeo.org
>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2024

*Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas*
​Agrônoma, especialista em Geotecnologias
Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural e GEAE
Profª E.B.T.T. do  Instituto Federal do Pará - IFPA
Fundadora do projeto Meninas das Geotecnologias
*Rising Stars* 2023 -
*Geospatial World forum*Membra oficial *the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation* – OSGEO
Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8346985753324274
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