[Francophone] Logo OSGeo FR

Benjamin Chartier benjamin.chartier at cegetel.net
Fri Dec 26 12:36:22 EST 2008

Bonjour à tous,

Le logo de l'OSGeo est personnalisable. Cf. le chapitre "Versions" de la 
page suivante sur le wiki de l'OSGeo :

Joyeuses fêtes,

Benjamin Chartier

David JONGLEZ a écrit :
> Bonjour à tous !
> Je forwarde ci-après un post de Lorenzo Becchi du Local Chapter ES sur
> la ML Marketing de l'OSGeo que je trouve intéressant pour affirmer
> l'identité des Local Chapterde  l'OSGeo.
> ate: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 00:01:29 +0100
> From: Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo at ominiverdi.com>
> Subject: [Marketing] extending the logo to a local chapter
> To: marketing at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID: <49516DC9.1020202 at ominiverdi.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> in the last meeting of the Board of the Spanish Local chapter 
> (board-es), we've focused on the need for a logo.
> we have started a good number of initiative and we need to show a little 
> bit of branding.
> Our idea is to have a variant of OSGeo logo like: "OSGeo-es" and to 
> translate or change "your open source compass".
> We think that literal translation could result hilarious.
> I've been talking about it with Jeroen in Valencia at the beginning of 
> December.
> Jeroen said that it is technically easy but would make sense to open the 
> debate to make things properly.
> I do agree.
> as official local chapter, questions are:
> - can we use the logo?
> - can we extend it?
> - car we change the "compass" phrase?
> best regards
> Lorenzo
> Attendons la réponse ... A noter que le Japan Local Chapter a déjà
> adapté le logo ...
> Très bonnes fêtes à tous,
> David
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