[Francophone] [veille] nouveau MNT "ouvert"

François Van Der Biest francois.vanderbiest at camptocamp.com
Sun Aug 16 11:36:25 EDT 2009

Voici une première étude rapide (à ma connaissance) sur la qualité des
données ASTER:
par Markus Neteler.

Conclusion: "Despite spikes (including unexpected craters), the
overall quality appears to be acceptable for this first version of
ASTER GDEM - the standard deviation is 18m for the test area with
outliers predominantely found in the areas of complex terrain rather
than in the valley floors. A shift of -2.3m is also observed
(reprojection artifact?)."


2009/6/30 Benjamin Chartier <benjamin.chartier at cegetel.net>:
> Effectivement, il s'agit d'une bonne nouvelle.

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