[Francophone] [Marketing] OSGeoLive DVDs for FOSS4G-FR 2014 ?

Etienne DELAY etienne.delay at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 04:52:09 PDT 2014

+1 pour l'idée, maintenant d'un point de vue logistique je ne sais pas 
ce que ça implique (ni les dvd d'ailleur).


Le 25/04/2014 13:47, Fenoy Gerald a écrit :
> Bojour,
> désolé pour cette question pouvant paraître étrange mais n’ayant moi-même pas de lecteur DVD sur mes ordinateurs, je me demandais si c’était vraiment pertinent de penser à des LiveDVD ?
> Pourquoi pas des LiveUSB ? De plus, si nous choisissions des clé USB 3.0 (bon ok ce serait plus cher) ça irait beaucoup plus vite qu’un DVD.
> En espérant un retour de votre part et vos idées par rapport à ces remarques..
> ++
> Le 25 avr. 2014 à 13:32, Etienne DELAY <etienne.delay at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Nicolas a contacté la fondation OSGeo (merci :-) ) à propos des liveDVD. Et voilà la réponse! Quelle suite à donner?
>> E
>> Le 23/04/2014 18:26, Alex Mandel a écrit :
>>> On 04/23/2014 02:50 AM, nicolas bozon wrote:
>>>> Dear marketing committee, list
>>>> As you may know, the first ever francophone FOSS4G regional event [1] will
>>>> take place next month in Paris, France (May 20th-22nd).
>>>> FOSS4G-FR 2014 is organized by the francophone local chapter and it is
>>>> shaping pretty well with 10 sponsors and an interesting program [2].
>>>> The event LOC is planing to get an OSGeo booth during the conference in
>>>> order to communicate better on the Foundation, its projects and our chapter.
>>>> OSGeo-fr already has some items that could be compared to the Exhibition
>>>> pack [3]. I think we have the OSGeo black banner and a few remaining
>>>> goodies, and we are preparing an OSGeo-fr kakemono to put on the booth. The
>>>> LOC is also printing OSGeo welcome bags, pens, badges and stickers for
>>>> about 300 participants.
>>>> So this is not a request for an exhibition pack, but we are wondering if
>>>> the marketing committee could provide us with OSGeoLive DVDs.
>>>> Would it be possible to get them funded and shipped by OSGeo ?
>>>> If yes, what would be the procedure to follow please ?
>>>> If yes, how many DVDs could we target ?
>>>> If yes, would that be possible before one month (including shipping) ?
>>>> Many thanks in advance for any hint
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> On behalf of the FOSS4G-FR 2014 LOC,
>>>> Nicolas Bozon
>>>> [1] http://foss4g.osgeo.fr/Accueil
>>>> [2] http://foss4g.osgeo.fr/Programme
>>>> [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack
>>> It would be more likely if you can find a local printer of DVDs and get
>>> a quote.
>>> In the past we generally have not funded DVDs, but if everyone has an
>>> exhibition pack now, maybe we can shift some funds. Printing them in the
>>> US and shipping to France would be way too expensive though. So if you
>>> can find a source in the EU for printing and get the cost low enough per
>>> disc we might be able to help (fyi matching funds is also encouraging).
>>> I see 2 possible targets: 300 if you can get them into every back and
>>> convince the LOC to pay for 1/2, or about 50-75 - a guess (overestimate)
>>> at how many people would actually want one if they came by the booth.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>> --
>> Cordialement
>> Etienne DELAY(IDSkype : etienne.delay.tic)
>> PhD student on evolution of vineyard landscape
>> laboratoire GEOLAB UMR 6042 CNRS
>> Université de Limoges, FLSH
>> 39E rue Camille Guérin 87036 Limoges
>> blog : http://elcep.legtux.org
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> Gérald Fenoy
> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
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> Francophone mailing list
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Etienne DELAY(IDSkype : etienne.delay.tic)
PhD student on evolution of vineyard landscape
laboratoire GEOLAB UMR 6042 CNRS
Université de Limoges, FLSH
39E rue Camille Guérin 87036 Limoges
blog : http://elcep.legtux.org

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