[OSGeo-Fundraising] Comment for Local Chapter Sponsorship

野田和徳 keny_noda at nike.eonet.ne.jp
Thu Mar 8 10:00:45 EST 2007

Dear Fundraising members,

  I would like to put my comment for Japan local chapter sponsorship according to the questions made by Mr. Frank Warmerdam.

1) Which chapters are wanting to solicit local funding for local activities?

    Japan want to solicit local funding separately from the OSGeo foundation.
    Major reasons are;
      (1) Japan chapter want to have our own web server like China chapter for easy communication among Japanese community.
      (2) We need to translate various project documents into Japanese to make OSGeo projects more popular in Japan.
      (3) We want to hold quarterly Japan chapter conference (or meeting).
      (4) We want to make Japan chapter a legal entity for giving confidence to our community members. 

2) The "Project Sponsorship" program is designed such that 75% of the sponsor
    funds are put into a reserve fund for use of the project, and 25% are put
    into OSGeo general income to support the project less directly.   Is this
    25% slice for general foundation use going to be acceptable to local

     This idea should not be a problem. I can agree.
     However, I guess it is not easy to get enough fund from the "Project Sponsor" to support the project.
     In this sense, 25% slice is bit heavy for the project. 20% or less is more reasonable.

3) To what extent are chapters willing to have their local sponsorship efforts 
    bound by foundation level rules?  For instance, foundation level sponsors 
    do not get any control over how their funds are spent.  Are local sponsors 
    willing to live by such a rule? 

     The local chapter could be governed by their own rules as situation varies from country to country.
     I think, Japan chapter can agree to live by the rule, since "foundation sponsor" can decide directly
     to sponsor the OSGeo Foundation.

4) Are local chapters willing to provide a detailed accounting of all
    financial activity to the central foundation for review?  This might be
    expected if local sponsorship funds are routed through OSGeo as a minimum
    level of diligence on the foundation's part.

     I think if funds are received by local chapter from OSGeo foundation, the local chapter can agree
     to submit a statement of account to OSGeo.

5) What level of promotional support do local chapters want/expect from the

    I want to provide same benefit of each level of OSGeo sponsor to local sponsor also. 
    Therefore I want to have some linkage between local sponsor scheme and foundation sponsor level.

    For example,

    If local sponsor contributes USD10,000 to Japan chapter, they can automatically become Associate Sponsor,
    and Japan Chapter will arrange to transfer USD3,000 (out of USD10,000) to OSGeo foundation. 

    If local sponsor gives USD30,000 to Japan local chapter, USD10,000 can be transferred to OSGeo foundation.
    In which case local sponsor will become " Supporting Sponsor" of OSGeo foundation.

    If local sponsor gives USD50,000 to Japan local chapter, USD20,000 can be transferred to OSGeo foundation.
    In which case local sponsor will become " Principal Sponsor" of OSGeo foundation.

    Local chapter will not handle "Sustaining Sponsors" and OSGeo foundation can directly deal with such sponsors. 

I hope my thought is helpful to establish appropriate local chapter rules and regulations.

Kazunori Noda
Open G Office, Inc.
Post code: 579-8011
2-3-25, Higashi-Ishikiri-cho, Hiagshi-Osaka, Osaka Pref. Japan
Mobile phone : +81-90-8213-0168
Email : keny_noda at nike.eonet.ne.jp

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