[fusion-commits] r1825 - trunk/lib/OpenLayers

svn_fusion at osgeo.org svn_fusion at osgeo.org
Fri Apr 3 10:46:08 EDT 2009

Author: madair
Date: 2009-04-03 10:46:07 -0400 (Fri, 03 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 1825

closes #238: error was due to OL regression in the Bounds.intersects() method that didn't pick up the overlapped but not contained case.  OL at rev 9176

Modified: trunk/lib/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js
--- trunk/lib/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js	2009-04-01 15:09:35 UTC (rev 1824)
+++ trunk/lib/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js	2009-04-03 14:46:07 UTC (rev 1825)
@@ -146,28 +146,22 @@
          * {String} Path to this script
         _getScriptLocation: function () {
-            var scriptLocation = "";
-            var scriptName = OpenLayers._scriptName;
+            var scriptLocation = "";            
+            var isOL = new RegExp("(^|(.*?\\/))(" + OpenLayers._scriptName + ")(\\?|$)");
             var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
             for (var i=0, len=scripts.length; i<len; i++) {
                 var src = scripts[i].getAttribute('src');
                 if (src) {
-                    var index = src.lastIndexOf(scriptName); 
-                    // set path length for src up to a query string
-                    var pathLength = src.lastIndexOf('?');
-                    if (pathLength < 0) {
-                        pathLength = src.length;
-                    }
-                    // is it found, at the end of the URL?
-                    if ((index > -1) && (index + scriptName.length == pathLength)) {
-                        scriptLocation = src.slice(0, pathLength - scriptName.length);
+                    var match = src.match(isOL);
+                    if(match) {
+                        scriptLocation = match[1];
             return scriptLocation;
-         }
+        }
      * OpenLayers.singleFile is a flag indicating this file is being included
@@ -194,9 +188,9 @@
+            "OpenLayers/Events.js",
-            "OpenLayers/Events.js",
@@ -278,6 +272,7 @@
+            "OpenLayers/Control/WMSGetFeatureInfo.js",
@@ -296,6 +291,7 @@
+            "OpenLayers/Layer/Vector/RootContainer.js",
@@ -330,6 +326,8 @@
+            "OpenLayers/Format/WMSDescribeLayer.js",
+            "OpenLayers/Format/WMSDescribeLayer/v1_1.js",
@@ -1238,7 +1236,7 @@
     if (precision == 0) {
         number = parseFloat(number);
     } else {
-        number = parseFloat(parseFloat(number).toPrecision(precision))
+        number = parseFloat(parseFloat(number).toPrecision(precision));
     return number;
@@ -2885,15 +2883,19 @@
         if(typeof arguments[i] == "function") {
             // make the class passed as the first argument the superclass
             if(i == 0 && len > 1) {
+                initialize = arguments[i].prototype.initialize;
                 // replace the initialize method with an empty function,
                 // because we do not want to create a real instance here
-                initialize = arguments[i].prototype.initialize;
                 arguments[i].prototype.initialize = function() {};
                 // the line below makes sure that the new class has a
                 // superclass
                 extended = new arguments[i];
                 // restore the original initialize method
-                arguments[i].prototype.initialize = initialize;
+                if(initialize === undefined) {
+                    delete arguments[i].prototype.initialize;
+                } else {
+                    arguments[i].prototype.initialize = initialize;
+                }
             // get the prototype of the superclass
             parent = arguments[i].prototype;
@@ -3457,59 +3459,67 @@
-     * APIMethod: touchesBounds
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Boolean} The passed-in OpenLayers.Bounds object touches this bounds
-     *     at a single edge, and therefore do not inclusively intersect.
-     */
-    touchesBounds:function(bounds) {
-        return (this.left == bounds.right ||
-                this.right == bounds.left ||
-                this.top == bounds.bottom ||
-                this.bottom == bounds.top);
-    },
-    /**
      * APIMethod: intersectsBounds
+     * Determine whether the target bounds intersects this bounds.  Bounds are
+     *     considered intersecting if any of their edges intersect or if one
+     *     bounds contains the other.
      * Parameters:
-     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
-     * inclusive - {Boolean} Whether or not to include the border.  Default
-     *     is true.
+     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The target bounds.
+     * inclusive - {Boolean} Treat coincident borders as intersecting.  Default
+     *     is true.  If false, bounds that do not overlap but only touch at the
+     *     border will not be considered as intersecting.
      * Returns:
-     * {Boolean} The passed-in OpenLayers.Bounds object intersects this bounds.
-     *     Simple math just check if either contains the other, allowing for
-     *     partial.
+     * {Boolean} The passed-in bounds object intersects this bounds.
     intersectsBounds:function(bounds, inclusive) {
         if (inclusive == null) {
             inclusive = true;
         var intersects = false;
+        var mightTouch = (
+            this.left == bounds.right ||
+            this.right == bounds.left ||
+            this.top == bounds.bottom ||
+            this.bottom == bounds.top
+        );
         // if the two bounds only touch at an edge, and inclusive is false,
         // then the bounds don't *really* intersect.
-        if (inclusive || !this.touchesBounds(bounds)) {
+        if (inclusive || !mightTouch) {
             // otherwise, if one of the boundaries even partially contains another,
             // inclusive of the edges, then they do intersect.
-            intersects = this.containsBounds(bounds, true, true) ||
-                         bounds.containsBounds(this, true, true);
+            var inBottom = (
+                ((bounds.bottom >= this.bottom) && (bounds.bottom <= this.top)) ||
+                ((this.bottom >= bounds.bottom) && (this.bottom <= bounds.top))
+            );
+            var inTop = (
+                ((bounds.top >= this.bottom) && (bounds.top <= this.top)) ||
+                ((this.top > bounds.bottom) && (this.top < bounds.top))
+            );
+            var inLeft = (
+                ((bounds.left >= this.left) && (bounds.left <= this.right)) ||
+                ((this.left >= bounds.left) && (this.left <= bounds.right))
+            );
+            var inRight = (
+                ((bounds.right >= this.left) && (bounds.right <= this.right)) ||
+                ((this.right >= bounds.left) && (this.right <= bounds.right))
+            );
+            intersects = ((inBottom || inTop) && (inLeft || inRight));
         return intersects;
      * APIMethod: containsBounds
+     * Determine whether the target bounds is contained within this bounds.
-     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
-     * partial - {Boolean} If true, only part of passed-in bounds needs be
-     *     within this bounds.  If false, the entire passed-in bounds must be
-     *     within. Default is false
-     * inclusive - {Boolean} Whether or not to include the border. Default is
+     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The target bounds.
+     * partial - {Boolean} If any of the target corners is within this bounds
+     *     consider the bounds contained.  Default is false.  If true, the
+     *     entire target bounds must be contained within this bounds.
+     * inclusive - {Boolean} Treat shared edges as contained.  Default is
      *     true.
      * Returns:
@@ -4674,6 +4684,20 @@
      *     Default is false.
     panMapIfOutOfView: false,
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: keepInMap 
+     * {Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true, 
+     *     contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map
+     *     space. By default, this is not set on the base class. If you are
+     *     creating popups that are near map edges and not allowing pannning,
+     *     and especially if you have a popup which has a
+     *     fixedRelativePosition, setting this to false may be a smart thing to
+     *     do. Subclasses may want to override this setting.
+     *   
+     *     Default is false.
+     */
+    keepInMap: false,
      * APIProperty: closeOnMove
@@ -5244,22 +5268,44 @@
         // is bigger than the map's viewport.
         if (this.map && this.map.size) {
-            // Note that there *was* a reference to a
-            // 'OpenLayers.Popup.SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH' constant here, with special
-            // tolerance for it and everything... but it was never defined in
-            // the first place, so I don't know what to think.
+            var extraX = 0, extraY = 0;
+            if (this.keepInMap && !this.panMapIfOutOfView) {
+                var px = this.map.getPixelFromLonLat(this.lonlat);
+                switch (this.relativePosition) {
+                    case "tr":
+                        extraX = px.x;
+                        extraY = this.map.size.h - px.y;
+                        break;
+                    case "tl":
+                        extraX = this.map.size.w - px.x;
+                        extraY = this.map.size.h - px.y;
+                        break;
+                    case "bl":
+                        extraX = this.map.size.w - px.x;
+                        extraY = px.y;
+                        break;
+                    case "br":
+                        extraX = px.x;
+                        extraY = px.y;
+                        break;
+                    default:    
+                        extraX = px.x;
+                        extraY = this.map.size.h - px.y;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }    
             var maxY = this.map.size.h - 
                 this.map.paddingForPopups.top - 
                 this.map.paddingForPopups.bottom - 
-                hPadding;
+                hPadding - extraY;
             var maxX = this.map.size.w - 
                 this.map.paddingForPopups.left - 
                 this.map.paddingForPopups.right - 
-                wPadding;
+                wPadding - extraX;
             safeContentSize.w = Math.min(safeContentSize.w, maxX);
             safeContentSize.h = Math.min(safeContentSize.h, maxY);
@@ -5538,6 +5584,12 @@
     container: null,
+    /**
+     * Property: root
+     * {DOMElement}
+     */
+    root: null,
      * Property: extent
      * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
@@ -5748,304 +5800,33 @@
      * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} 
     eraseGeometry: function(geometry) {},
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer"
-/* ======================================================================
-    OpenLayers/Request.js
-   ====================================================================== */
-/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
- * license.  See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
- * full text of the license. */
- * Namespace: OpenLayers.Request
- * The OpenLayers.Request namespace contains convenience methods for working
- *     with XMLHttpRequests.  These methods work with a cross-browser
- *     W3C compliant <OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest> class.
- */
-OpenLayers.Request = {
-     * Constant: DEFAULT_CONFIG
-     * {Object} Default configuration for all requests.
-     */
-        method: "GET",
-        url: window.location.href,
-        async: true,
-        user: undefined,
-        password: undefined,
-        params: null,
-        proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost,
-        headers: {},
-        data: null,
-        callback: function() {},
-        success: null,
-        failure: null,
-        scope: null
-    },
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: issue
-     * Create a new XMLHttpRequest object, open it, set any headers, bind
-     *     a callback to done state, and send any data.  It is recommended that
-     *     you use one <GET>, <POST>, <PUT>, <DELETE>, <OPTIONS>, or <HEAD>.
-     *     This method is only documented to provide detail on the configuration
-     *     options available to all request methods.
-     *
+     * Method: moveRoot
+     * moves this renderer's root to a (different) renderer.
+     * To be implemented by subclasses that require a common renderer root for
+     * feature selection.
+     * 
      * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object containing properties for configuring the
-     *     request.  Allowed configuration properties are described below.
-     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     *
-     * Allowed config properties:
-     * method - {String} One of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, or
-     *     OPTIONS.  Default is GET.
-     * url - {String} URL for the request.
-     * async - {Boolean} Open an asynchronous request.  Default is true.
-     * user - {String} User for relevant authentication scheme.  Set
-     *     to null to clear current user.
-     * password - {String} Password for relevant authentication scheme.
-     *     Set to null to clear current password.
-     * proxy - {String} Optional proxy.  Defaults to
-     *     <OpenLayers.ProxyHost>.
-     * params - {Object} Any key:value pairs to be appended to the
-     *     url as a query string.  Assumes url doesn't already include a query
-     *     string or hash.  Typically, this is only appropriate for <GET>
-     *     requests where the query string will be appended to the url.
-     *     Parameter values that are arrays will be
-     *     concatenated with a comma (note that this goes against form-encoding)
-     *     as is done with <OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString>.
-     * headers - {Object} Object with header:value pairs to be set on
-     *     the request.
-     * data - {String | Document} Optional data to send with the request.
-     *     Typically, this is only used with <POST> and <PUT> requests.
-     *     Make sure to provide the appropriate "Content-Type" header for your
-     *     data.  For <POST> and <PUT> requests, the content type defaults to
-     *     "application-xml".  If your data is a different content type, or
-     *     if you are using a different HTTP method, set the "Content-Type"
-     *     header to match your data type.
-     * callback - {Function} Function to call when request is done.
-     *     To determine if the request failed, check request.status (200
-     *     indicates success).
-     * success - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is in
-     *     the 200s.  This will be called in addition to callback above and
-     *     would typically only be used as an alternative.
-     * failure - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is not
-     *     in the 200s.  This will be called in addition to callback above and
-     *     would typically only be used as an alternative.
-     * scope - {Object} If callback is a public method on some object,
-     *     set the scope to that object.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.  To abort the request before a response
-     *     is received, call abort() on the request object.
+     * renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
-    issue: function(config) {        
-        // apply default config - proxy host may have changed
-        var defaultConfig = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
-            this.DEFAULT_CONFIG,
-            {proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost}
-        );
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(config, defaultConfig);
+    moveRoot: function(renderer) {},
-        // create request, open, and set headers
-        var request = new OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest();
-        var url = config.url;
-        if(config.params) {
-            var paramString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(config.params);
-            if(paramString.length > 0) {
-                var separator = (url.indexOf('?') > -1) ? '&' : '?';
-                url += separator + paramString;
-            }
-        }
-        if(config.proxy && (url.indexOf("http") == 0)) {
-            url = config.proxy + encodeURIComponent(url);
-        }
-        request.open(
-            config.method, url, config.async, config.user, config.password
-        );
-        for(var header in config.headers) {
-            request.setRequestHeader(header, config.headers[header]);
-        }
-        // bind callbacks to readyState 4 (done)
-        var complete = (config.scope) ?
-            OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.callback, config.scope) :
-            config.callback;
-        // optional success callback
-        var success;
-        if(config.success) {
-            success = (config.scope) ?
-                OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.success, config.scope) :
-                config.success;
-        }
-        // optional failure callback
-        var failure;
-        if(config.failure) {
-            failure = (config.scope) ?
-                OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.failure, config.scope) :
-                config.failure;
-        }
-        request.onreadystatechange = function() {
-            if(request.readyState == OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
-                complete(request);
-                if(success && (!request.status ||
-                   (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300))) {
-                    success(request);
-                }
-                if(failure && (request.status &&
-                   (request.status < 200 || request.status >= 300))) {
-                    failure(request);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        // send request (optionally with data) and return
-        // call in a timeout for asynchronous requests so the return is
-        // available before readyState == 4 for cached docs
-        if(config.async === false) {
-            request.send(config.data);
-        } else {
-            window.setTimeout(function(){
-                request.send(config.data);
-            }, 0);
-        }
-        return request;
-    },
-     * APIMethod: GET
-     * Send an HTTP GET request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to GET.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
-     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * Method: getRenderLayerId
+     * Gets the layer that this renderer's output appears on. If moveRoot was
+     * used, this will be different from the id of the layer containing the
+     * features rendered by this renderer.
      * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     * {String} the id of the output layer.
-    GET: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "GET"});
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    getRenderLayerId: function() {
+        return this.container.id;
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: POST
-     * Send a POST request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to POST and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.  The
-     *     default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
-     *     none is provided.  This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
-     */
-    POST: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "POST"});
-        // set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
-        config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
-        if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
-            config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
-        }
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
-    },
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: PUT
-     * Send an HTTP PUT request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to PUT and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.  The
-     *     default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
-     *     none is provided.  This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
-     */
-    PUT: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "PUT"});
-        // set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
-        config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
-        if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
-            config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
-        }
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
-    },
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: DELETE
-     * Send an HTTP DELETE request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to DELETE.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
-     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
-     */
-    DELETE: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "DELETE"});
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
-    },
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: HEAD
-     * Send an HTTP HEAD request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to HEAD.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
-     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
-     */
-    HEAD: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "HEAD"});
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
-    },
-    /**
-     * APIMethod: OPTIONS
-     * Send an HTTP OPTIONS request.  Additional configuration properties are
-     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
-     *     to OPTIONS.
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
-     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
-     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
-     * 
-     * Returns:
-     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
-     */
-    OPTIONS: function(config) {
-        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "OPTIONS"});
-        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
-    }
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer"
 /* ======================================================================
    ====================================================================== */
@@ -6197,14 +5978,14 @@
      *     properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
      * All event objects have at least the following properties:
-     *  - *object* {Object} A reference to control.events.object (a reference
+     * object - {Object} A reference to control.events.object (a reference
      *      to the control).
-     *  - *element* {DOMElement} A reference to control.events.element (which
+     * element - {DOMElement} A reference to control.events.element (which
      *      will be null unless documented otherwise).
      * Supported map event types:
-     *  - *activate* Triggered when activated.
-     *  - *deactivate* Triggered when deactivated.
+     * activate - Triggered when activated.
+     * deactivate - Triggered when deactivated.
     EVENT_TYPES: ["activate", "deactivate"],
@@ -6550,6 +6331,20 @@
      * {String} Relative position of the popup ("br", "tr", "tl" or "bl").
     relativePosition: null,
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: keepInMap 
+     * {Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true, 
+     *     contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map
+     *     space. By default, this is set. If you are creating popups that are
+     *     near map edges and not allowing pannning, and especially if you have
+     *     a popup which has a fixedRelativePosition, setting this to false may
+     *     be a smart thing to do.
+     *   
+     *     For anchored popups, default is true, since subclasses will
+     *     usually want this functionality.
+     */
+    keepInMap: true,
      * Parameter: anchor
@@ -6732,12 +6527,6 @@
 OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Renderer, {
-     * Property: root
-     * {DOMElement} root element of canvas.
-     */
-    root: null,
-    /**
      * Property: canvas
      * {Canvas} The canvas context object.
@@ -6912,6 +6701,10 @@
     drawExternalGraphic: function(pt, style) {
        var img = new Image();
        img.src = style.externalGraphic;
+       if(style.graphicTitle) {
+           img.title=style.graphicTitle;           
+       }
        var width = style.graphicWidth || style.graphicHeight;
        var height = style.graphicHeight || style.graphicWidth;
@@ -7531,12 +7324,6 @@
     rendererRoot: null,
-     * Property: root
-     * {DOMElement}
-     */
-    root: null,
-    /**
      * Property: xmlns
      * {String}
@@ -8133,6 +7920,35 @@
     createNode: function(type, id) {},
+     * Method: moveRoot
+     * moves this renderer's root to a different renderer.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
+     */
+    moveRoot: function(renderer) {
+        var root = this.root;
+        if(renderer.root.parentNode == this.rendererRoot) {
+            root = renderer.root;
+        }
+        root.parentNode.removeChild(root);
+        renderer.rendererRoot.appendChild(root);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getRenderLayerId
+     * Gets the layer that this renderer's output appears on. If moveRoot was
+     * used, this will be different from the id of the layer containing the
+     * features rendered by this renderer.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {String} the id of the output layer.
+     */
+    getRenderLayerId: function() {
+        return this.root.parentNode.parentNode.id;
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: isComplexSymbol
      * Determines if a symbol cannot be rendered using drawCircle
@@ -8164,323 +7980,6 @@
     "triangle": [0,10, 10,10, 5,0, 0,10]
 /* ======================================================================
-    OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
-   ====================================================================== */
-// Copyright 2007 Sergey Ilinsky (http://www.ilinsky.com)
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @requires OpenLayers/Request.js
- */
-(function () {
-    // Save reference to earlier defined object implementation (if any)
-    var oXMLHttpRequest    = window.XMLHttpRequest;
-    // Define on browser type
-    var bGecko    = !!window.controllers,
-        bIE        = window.document.all && !window.opera;
-    // Constructor
-    function cXMLHttpRequest() {
-        this._object    = oXMLHttpRequest ? new oXMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
-    };
-    // BUGFIX: Firefox with Firebug installed would break pages if not executed
-    if (bGecko && oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped)
-        cXMLHttpRequest.wrapped    = oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped;
-    // Constants
-    cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT                = 0;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED                = 1;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED    = 2;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.LOADING                = 3;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.DONE                = 4;
-    // Public Properties
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseText    = "";
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseXML    = null;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.status        = 0;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.statusText    = "";
-    // Instance-level Events Handlers
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange    = null;
-    // Class-level Events Handlers
-    cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange    = null;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.onopen                = null;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.onsend                = null;
-    cXMLHttpRequest.onabort                = null;
-    // Public Methods
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.open    = function(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword) {
-        // Save async parameter for fixing Gecko bug with missing readystatechange in synchronous requests
-        this._async        = bAsync;
-        // Set the onreadystatechange handler
-        var oRequest    = this,
-            nState        = this.readyState;
-        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak on page unload (inter-page leak)
-        if (bIE) {
-            var fOnUnload    = function() {
-                if (oRequest._object.readyState != cXMLHttpRequest.DONE)
-                    fCleanTransport(oRequest);
-            };
-            if (bAsync)
-                window.attachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
-        }
-        this._object.onreadystatechange    = function() {
-            if (bGecko && !bAsync)
-                return;
-            // Synchronize state
-            oRequest.readyState        = oRequest._object.readyState;
-            //
-            fSynchronizeValues(oRequest);
-            // BUGFIX: Firefox fires unneccesary DONE when aborting
-            if (oRequest._aborted) {
-                // Reset readyState to UNSENT
-                oRequest.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
-                // Return now
-                return;
-            }
-            if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
-                //
-                fCleanTransport(oRequest);
-// Uncomment this block if you need a fix for IE cache
-                // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
-                if (!oRequest._object.getResponseHeader("Date")) {
-                    // Save object to cache
-                    oRequest._cached    = oRequest._object;
-                    // Instantiate a new transport object
-                    cXMLHttpRequest.call(oRequest);
-                    // Re-send request
-                    oRequest._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
-                    oRequest._object.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", oRequest._cached.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") || new window.Date(0));
-                    // Copy headers set
-                    if (oRequest._headers)
-                        for (var sHeader in oRequest._headers)
-                            if (typeof oRequest._headers[sHeader] == "string")    // Some frameworks prototype objects with functions
-                                oRequest._object.setRequestHeader(sHeader, oRequest._headers[sHeader]);
-                    oRequest._object.onreadystatechange    = function() {
-                        // Synchronize state
-                        oRequest.readyState        = oRequest._object.readyState;
-                        if (oRequest._aborted) {
-                            //
-                            oRequest.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
-                            // Return
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
-                            // Clean Object
-                            fCleanTransport(oRequest);
-                            // get cached request
-                            if (oRequest.status == 304)
-                                oRequest._object    = oRequest._cached;
-                            //
-                            delete oRequest._cached;
-                            //
-                            fSynchronizeValues(oRequest);
-                            //
-                            fReadyStateChange(oRequest);
-                            // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
-                            if (bIE && bAsync)
-                                window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
-                        }
-                    };
-                    oRequest._object.send(null);
-                    // Return now - wait untill re-sent request is finished
-                    return;
-                };
-                // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
-                if (bIE && bAsync)
-                    window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
-            }
-            // BUGFIX: Some browsers (Internet Explorer, Gecko) fire OPEN readystate twice
-            if (nState != oRequest.readyState)
-                fReadyStateChange(oRequest);
-            nState    = oRequest.readyState;
-        };
-        // Add method sniffer
-        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onopen)
-            cXMLHttpRequest.onopen.apply(this, arguments);
-        this._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
-        // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests
-        if (!bAsync && bGecko) {
-            this.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
-            fReadyStateChange(this);
-        }
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.send    = function(vData) {
-        // Add method sniffer
-        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onsend)
-            cXMLHttpRequest.onsend.apply(this, arguments);
-        // BUGFIX: Safari - fails sending documents created/modified dynamically, so an explicit serialization required
-        // BUGFIX: IE - rewrites any custom mime-type to "text/xml" in case an XMLNode is sent
-        // BUGFIX: Gecko - fails sending Element (this is up to the implementation either to standard)
-        if (vData && vData.nodeType) {
-            vData    = window.XMLSerializer ? new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(vData) : vData.xml;
-            if (!this._headers["Content-Type"])
-                this._object.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
-        }
-        this._object.send(vData);
-        // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests
-        if (bGecko && !this._async) {
-            this.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
-            // Synchronize state
-            fSynchronizeValues(this);
-            // Simulate missing states
-            while (this.readyState < cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
-                this.readyState++;
-                fReadyStateChange(this);
-                // Check if we are aborted
-                if (this._aborted)
-                    return;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort    = function() {
-        // Add method sniffer
-        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onabort)
-            cXMLHttpRequest.onabort.apply(this, arguments);
-        // BUGFIX: Gecko - unneccesary DONE when aborting
-        if (this.readyState > cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT)
-            this._aborted    = true;
-        this._object.abort();
-        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak
-        fCleanTransport(this);
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders    = function() {
-        return this._object.getAllResponseHeaders();
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader    = function(sName) {
-        return this._object.getResponseHeader(sName);
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader    = function(sName, sValue) {
-        // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
-        if (!this._headers)
-            this._headers    = {};
-        this._headers[sName]    = sValue;
-        return this._object.setRequestHeader(sName, sValue);
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.toString    = function() {
-        return '[' + "object" + ' ' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
-    };
-    cXMLHttpRequest.toString    = function() {
-        return '[' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
-    };
-    // Helper function
-    function fReadyStateChange(oRequest) {
-        // Execute onreadystatechange
-        if (oRequest.onreadystatechange)
-            oRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest);
-        // Sniffing code
-        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange)
-            cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest);
-    };
-    function fGetDocument(oRequest) {
-        var oDocument    = oRequest.responseXML;
-        // Try parsing responseText
-        if (bIE && oDocument && !oDocument.documentElement && oRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").match(/[^\/]+\/[^\+]+\+xml/)) {
-            oDocument    = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
-            oDocument.loadXML(oRequest.responseText);
-        }
-        // Check if there is no error in document
-        if (oDocument)
-            if ((bIE && oDocument.parseError != 0) || (oDocument.documentElement && oDocument.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"))
-                return null;
-        return oDocument;
-    };
-    function fSynchronizeValues(oRequest) {
-        try {    oRequest.responseText    = oRequest._object.responseText;    } catch (e) {}
-        try {    oRequest.responseXML    = fGetDocument(oRequest._object);    } catch (e) {}
-        try {    oRequest.status            = oRequest._object.status;            } catch (e) {}
-        try {    oRequest.statusText        = oRequest._object.statusText;        } catch (e) {}
-    };
-    function fCleanTransport(oRequest) {
-        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak (on-page leak)
-        oRequest._object.onreadystatechange    = new window.Function;
-        // Delete private properties
-        delete oRequest._headers;
-    };
-    // Internet Explorer 5.0 (missing apply)
-    if (!window.Function.prototype.apply) {
-        window.Function.prototype.apply    = function(oRequest, oArguments) {
-            if (!oArguments)
-                oArguments    = [];
-            oRequest.__func    = this;
-            oRequest.__func(oArguments[0], oArguments[1], oArguments[2], oArguments[3], oArguments[4]);
-            delete oRequest.__func;
-        };
-    };
-    // Register new object with window
-    /**
-     * Class: OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest
-     * Standard-compliant (W3C) cross-browser implementation of the
-     *     XMLHttpRequest object.  From
-     *     http://code.google.com/p/xmlhttprequest/.
-     */
-    OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest = cXMLHttpRequest;
-/* ======================================================================
    ====================================================================== */
@@ -8807,687 +8306,6 @@
     CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Easing.Quad"
 /* ======================================================================
-    OpenLayers/Ajax.js
-   ====================================================================== */
-/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
- * license.  See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
- * full text of the license. */
- * @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
- * @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
- */
-OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "";
-//OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "examples/proxy.cgi?url=";
- * Ajax reader for OpenLayers
- *
- *  @uri url to do remote XML http get
- *  @param {String} 'get' format params (x=y&a=b...)
- *  @who object to handle callbacks for this request
- *  @complete  the function to be called on success 
- *  @failure  the function to be called on failure
- *  
- *   example usage from a caller:
- *  
- *     caps: function(request) {
- *      -blah-  
- *     },
- *  
- *     OpenLayers.loadURL(url,params,this,caps);
- *
- * Notice the above example does not provide an error handler; a default empty
- * handler is provided which merely logs the error if a failure handler is not 
- * supplied
- *
- */
- * Function: OpenLayers.nullHandler
- * @param {} request
- */
-OpenLayers.nullHandler = function(request) {
-    OpenLayers.Console.userError(OpenLayers.i18n("unhandledRequest", {'statusText':request.statusText}));
- * APIFunction: loadURL
- * Background load a document.  For more flexibility in using XMLHttpRequest,
- *     see the <OpenLayers.Request> methods.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * uri - {String} URI of source doc
- * params - {String} or {Object} GET params. Either a string in the form
- *     "?hello=world&foo=bar" (do not forget the leading question mark)
- *     or an object in the form {'hello': 'world', 'foo': 'bar}
- * caller - {Object} object which gets callbacks
- * onComplete - {Function} Optional callback for success.  The callback
- *     will be called with this set to caller and will receive the request
- *     object as an argument.  Note that if you do not specify an onComplete
- *     function, <OpenLayers.nullHandler> will be called (which pops up a 
- *     user friendly error message dialog).
- * onFailure - {Function} Optional callback for failure.  In the event of
- *     a failure, the callback will be called with this set to caller and will
- *     receive the request object as an argument.  Note that if you do not
- *     specify an onComplete function, <OpenLayers.nullHandler> will be called
- *     (which pops up a user friendly error message dialog).
- *
- * Returns:
- * {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>}  The request object. To abort loading,
- *     call request.abort().
- */
-OpenLayers.loadURL = function(uri, params, caller,
-                                  onComplete, onFailure) {
-    if(typeof params == 'string') {
-        params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(params);
-    }
-    var success = (onComplete) ? onComplete : OpenLayers.nullHandler;
-    var failure = (onFailure) ? onFailure : OpenLayers.nullHandler;
-    return OpenLayers.Request.GET({
-        url: uri, params: params,
-        success: success, failure: failure, scope: caller
-    });
- * Function: parseXMLString
- * Parse XML into a doc structure
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * text - {String} 
- * 
- * Returns:
- * {?} Parsed AJAX Responsev
- */
-OpenLayers.parseXMLString = function(text) {
-    //MS sucks, if the server is bad it dies
-    var index = text.indexOf('<');
-    if (index > 0) {
-        text = text.substring(index);
-    }
-    var ajaxResponse = OpenLayers.Util.Try(
-        function() {
-            var xmldom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
-            xmldom.loadXML(text);
-            return xmldom;
-        },
-        function() {
-            return new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml');
-        },
-        function() {
-            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
-            req.open("GET", "data:" + "text/xml" +
-                     ";charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(text), false);
-            if (req.overrideMimeType) {
-                req.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
-            }
-            req.send(null);
-            return req.responseXML;
-        }
-    );
-    return ajaxResponse;
- * Namespace: OpenLayers.Ajax
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax = {
-    /**
-     * Method: emptyFunction
-     */
-    emptyFunction: function () {},
-    /**
-     * Method: getTransport
-     * 
-     * Returns: 
-     * {Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we're in, or false if
-     *          none available.
-     */
-    getTransport: function() {
-        return OpenLayers.Util.Try(
-            function() {return new XMLHttpRequest();},
-            function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');},
-            function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}
-        ) || false;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Property: activeRequestCount
-     * {Integer}
-     */
-    activeRequestCount: 0
- * Namespace: OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders
- * {Object}
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders = {
-    /**
-     * Property: responders
-     * {Array}
-     */
-    responders: [],
-    /**
-     * Method: register
-     *  
-     * Parameters:
-     * responderToAdd - {?}
-     */
-    register: function(responderToAdd) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.responders.length; i++){
-            if (responderToAdd == this.responders[i]){
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        this.responders.push(responderToAdd);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: unregister
-     *  
-     * Parameters:
-     * responderToRemove - {?}
-     */
-    unregister: function(responderToRemove) {
-        OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.reponders, responderToRemove);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: dispatch
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * callback - {?}
-     * request - {?}
-     * transport - {?}
-     */
-    dispatch: function(callback, request, transport) {
-        var responder;
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.responders.length; i++) {
-            responder = this.responders[i];
-            if (responder[callback] && 
-                typeof responder[callback] == 'function') {
-                try {
-                    responder[callback].apply(responder, 
-                                              [request, transport]);
-                } catch (e) {}
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /** 
-     * Function: onCreate
-     */
-    onCreate: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Ajax.activeRequestCount++;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Function: onComplete
-     */
-     onComplete: function() {
-         OpenLayers.Ajax.activeRequestCount--;
-     }
- * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Base
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.Base = OpenLayers.Class({
-    /**
-     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Base
-     * 
-     * Parameters: 
-     * options - {Object}
-     */
-    initialize: function(options) {
-        this.options = {
-            method:       'post',
-            asynchronous: true,
-            contentType:  'application/xml',
-            parameters:   ''
-        };
-        OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.options, options || {});
-        this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase();
-        if (typeof this.options.parameters == 'string') {
-            this.options.parameters = 
-                OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(this.options.parameters);
-        }
-    }
- * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
- * *Deprecated*.  Use <OpenLayers.Request> method instead.
- *
- * Inherit:
- *  - <OpenLayers.Ajax.Base>
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.Request = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Ajax.Base, {
-    /**
-     * Property: _complete
-     *
-     * {Boolean}
-     */
-    _complete: false,
-    /**
-     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
-     * 
-     * Parameters: 
-     * url - {String}
-     * options - {Object}
-     */
-    initialize: function(url, options) {
-        OpenLayers.Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
-        if (OpenLayers.ProxyHost && OpenLayers.String.startsWith(url, "http")) {
-            url = OpenLayers.ProxyHost + encodeURIComponent(url);
-        }
-        this.transport = OpenLayers.Ajax.getTransport();
-        this.request(url);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: request
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * url - {String}
-     */
-    request: function(url) {
-        this.url = url;
-        this.method = this.options.method;
-        var params = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.options.parameters);
-        if (this.method != 'get' && this.method != 'post') {
-            // simulate other verbs over post
-            params['_method'] = this.method;
-            this.method = 'post';
-        }
-        this.parameters = params;        
-        if (params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(params)) {
-            // when GET, append parameters to URL
-            if (this.method == 'get') {
-                this.url += ((this.url.indexOf('?') > -1) ? '&' : '?') + params;
-            } else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
-                params += '&_=';
-            }
-        }
-        try {
-            var response = new OpenLayers.Ajax.Response(this);
-            if (this.options.onCreate) {
-                this.options.onCreate(response);
-            }
-            OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', 
-                                                this, 
-                                                response);
-            this.transport.open(this.method.toUpperCase(), 
-                                this.url,
-                                this.options.asynchronous);
-            if (this.options.asynchronous) {
-                window.setTimeout(
-                    OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.respondToReadyState, this, 1),
-                    10);
-            }
-            this.transport.onreadystatechange = 
-                OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onStateChange, this);    
-            this.setRequestHeaders();
-            this.body =  this.method == 'post' ?
-                (this.options.postBody || params) : null;
-            this.transport.send(this.body);
-            // Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests
-            if (!this.options.asynchronous && 
-                this.transport.overrideMimeType) {
-                this.onStateChange();
-            }
-        } catch (e) {
-            this.dispatchException(e);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: onStateChange
-     */
-    onStateChange: function() {
-        var readyState = this.transport.readyState;
-        if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete)) {
-            this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: setRequestHeaders
-     */
-    setRequestHeaders: function() {
-        var headers = {
-            'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
-            'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*',
-            'OpenLayers': true
-        };
-        if (this.method == 'post') {
-            headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType +
-                (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : '');
-            /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work
-             * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect
-             * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651.
-             */
-            if (this.transport.overrideMimeType &&
-                (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005) {
-                headers['Connection'] = 'close';
-            }
-        }
-        // user-defined headers
-        if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') {    
-            var extras = this.options.requestHeaders;
-            if (typeof extras.push == 'function') {
-                for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2) {
-                    headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1];
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (var i in extras) {
-                    headers[i] = extras[i];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        for (var name in headers) {
-            this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: success
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Boolean} - 
-     */
-    success: function() {
-        var status = this.getStatus();
-        return !status || (status >=200 && status < 300);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getStatus
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {Integer} - Status
-     */
-    getStatus: function() {
-        try {
-            return this.transport.status || 0;
-        } catch (e) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: respondToReadyState
-     *
-     * Parameters:
-     * readyState - {?}
-     */
-    respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
-        var state = OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.Events[readyState];
-        var response = new OpenLayers.Ajax.Response(this);
-        if (state == 'Complete') {
-            try {
-                this._complete = true;
-                (this.options['on' + response.status] ||
-                    this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] ||
-                    OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction)(response);
-            } catch (e) {
-                this.dispatchException(e);
-            }
-            var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type');
-        }
-        try {
-            (this.options['on' + state] || 
-             OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction)(response);
-             OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, 
-                                                 this, 
-                                                 response);
-        } catch (e) {
-            this.dispatchException(e);
-        }
-        if (state == 'Complete') {
-            // avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up
-            this.transport.onreadystatechange = OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getHeader
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * name - {String} Header name
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {?} - response header for the given name
-     */
-    getHeader: function(name) {
-        try {
-            return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
-        } catch (e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: dispatchException
-     * If the optional onException function is set, execute it
-     * and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered
-     * for onException.
-     * 
-     * If no optional onException function is set, we suspect that
-     * the user may have also not used
-     * OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.register to register a listener
-     * for the onException call.  To make sure that something
-     * gets done with this exception, only dispatch the call if there
-     * are listeners.
-     *
-     * If you explicitly want to swallow exceptions, set
-     * request.options.onException to an empty function (function(){})
-     * or register an empty function with <OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders>
-     * for onException.
-     * 
-     * Parameters:
-     * exception - {?}
-     */
-    dispatchException: function(exception) {
-        var handler = this.options.onException;
-        if(handler) {
-            // call options.onException and alert any other listeners
-            handler(this, exception);
-            OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
-        } else {
-            // check if there are any other listeners
-            var listener = false;
-            var responders = OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.responders;
-            for (var i = 0; i < responders.length; i++) {
-                if(responders[i].onException) {
-                    listener = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if(listener) {
-                // call all listeners
-                OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
-            } else {
-                // let the exception through
-                throw exception;
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Property: Events
- * {Array(String)}
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.Events =
-  ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete'];
- * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Response
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.Response = OpenLayers.Class({
-    /**
-     * Property: status
-     *
-     * {Integer}
-     */
-    status: 0,
-    /**
-     * Property: statusText
-     *
-     * {String}
-     */
-    statusText: '',
-    /**
-     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Response
-     * 
-     * Parameters: 
-     * request - {Object}
-     */
-    initialize: function(request) {
-        this.request = request;
-        var transport = this.transport = request.transport,
-            readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState;
-        if ((readyState > 2 &&
-            !(!!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera))) ||
-            readyState == 4) {
-            this.status       = this.getStatus();
-            this.statusText   = this.getStatusText();
-            this.responseText = transport.responseText == null ?
-                '' : String(transport.responseText);
-        }
-        if(readyState == 4) {
-            var xml = transport.responseXML;
-            this.responseXML  = xml === undefined ? null : xml;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getStatus
-     */
-    getStatus: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus,
-    /**
-     * Method: getStatustext
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {String} - statusText
-     */
-    getStatusText: function() {
-        try {
-            return this.transport.statusText || '';
-        } catch (e) {
-            return '';
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: getHeader
-     */
-    getHeader: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader,
-    /** 
-     * Method: getResponseHeader
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {?} - response header for given name
-     */
-    getResponseHeader: function(name) {
-        return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
-    }
- * Function: getElementsByTagNameNS
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * parentnode - {?}
- * nsuri - {?}
- * nsprefix - {?}
- * tagname - {?}
- * 
- * Returns:
- * {?}
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.getElementsByTagNameNS  = function(parentnode, nsuri, 
-                                                   nsprefix, tagname) {
-    var elem = null;
-    if (parentnode.getElementsByTagNameNS) {
-        elem = parentnode.getElementsByTagNameNS(nsuri, tagname);
-    } else {
-        elem = parentnode.getElementsByTagName(nsprefix + ':' + tagname);
-    }
-    return elem;
- * Function: serializeXMLToString
- * Wrapper function around XMLSerializer, which doesn't exist/work in
- *     IE/Safari. We need to come up with a way to serialize in those browser:
- *     for now, these browsers will just fail. #535, #536
- *
- * Parameters: 
- * xmldom {XMLNode} xml dom to serialize
- * 
- * Returns:
- * {?}
- */
-OpenLayers.Ajax.serializeXMLToString = function(xmldom) {
-    var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-    var data = serializer.serializeToString(xmldom);
-    return data;
-/* ======================================================================
    ====================================================================== */
@@ -9683,11 +8501,21 @@
      * APIProperty: slideFactor
      * {Integer} Number of pixels by which we'll pan the map in any direction 
-     *     on clicking the arrow buttons. 
+     *     on clicking the arrow buttons.  If you want to pan by some ratio
+     *     of the map dimensions, use <slideRatio> instead.
     slideFactor: 50,
+     * APIProperty: slideRatio
+     * {Number} The fraction of map width/height by which we'll pan the map            
+     *     on clicking the arrow buttons.  Default is null.  If set, will
+     *     override <slideFactor>. E.g. if slideRatio is .5, then the Pan Up
+     *     button will pan up half the map height. 
+     */
+    slideRatio: null,
+    /** 
      * Property: buttons
      * {Array(DOMElement)} Array of Button Divs 
@@ -9716,11 +8544,7 @@
     destroy: function() {
         OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-        while(this.buttons.length) {
-            var btn = this.buttons.shift();
-            btn.map = null;
-            OpenLayers.Event.stopObservingElement(btn);
-        }
+        this.removeButtons();
         this.buttons = null;
         this.position = null;
@@ -9790,14 +8614,49 @@
             OpenLayers.Function.bindAsEventListener(this.doubleClick, btn));
         btn.action = id;
         btn.map = this.map;
-        btn.slideFactor = this.slideFactor;
+        if(!this.slideRatio){
+            var slideFactorPixels = this.slideFactor;
+            var getSlideFactor = function() {
+                return slideFactorPixels;
+            };
+        } else {
+            var slideRatio = this.slideRatio;
+            var getSlideFactor = function(dim) {
+                return this.map.getSize()[dim] * slideRatio;
+            };
+        }
+        btn.getSlideFactor = getSlideFactor;
         //we want to remember/reference the outer div
         return btn;
+     * Method: _removeButton
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * btn - {Object}
+     */
+    _removeButton: function(btn) {
+        OpenLayers.Event.stopObservingElement(btn);
+        btn.map = null;
+        this.div.removeChild(btn);
+        OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.buttons, btn);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: removeButtons
+     */
+    removeButtons: function() {
+        for(var i=this.buttons.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
+            this._removeButton(this.buttons[i]);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: doubleClick
      * Parameters:
@@ -9824,16 +8683,16 @@
         switch (this.action) {
             case "panup": 
-                this.map.pan(0, -this.slideFactor);
+                this.map.pan(0, -this.getSlideFactor("h"));
             case "pandown": 
-                this.map.pan(0, this.slideFactor);
+                this.map.pan(0, this.getSlideFactor("h"));
             case "panleft": 
-                this.map.pan(-this.slideFactor, 0);
+                this.map.pan(-this.getSlideFactor("w"), 0);
             case "panright": 
-                this.map.pan(this.slideFactor, 0);
+                this.map.pan(this.getSlideFactor("w"), 0);
             case "zoomin": 
@@ -10319,7 +9178,6 @@
     initialize: function (object, element, eventTypes, fallThrough, options) {
         OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
         this.object     = object;
-        this.element    = element;
         this.fallThrough = fallThrough;
         this.listeners  = {};
@@ -10340,7 +9198,7 @@
         // if a dom element is specified, add a listeners list 
         // for browser events on the element and register them
-        if (this.element != null) {
+        if (element != null) {
@@ -10383,6 +9241,10 @@
      * element - {HTMLDOMElement} a DOM element to attach browser events to
     attachToElement: function (element) {
+        if(this.element) {
+            OpenLayers.Event.stopObservingElement(this.element);
+        }
+        this.element = element;
         for (var i=0, len=this.BROWSER_EVENTS.length; i<len; i++) {
             var eventType = this.BROWSER_EVENTS[i];
@@ -10559,7 +9421,13 @@
      *     chain of listeners will stop getting called.
     triggerEvent: function (type, evt) {
+        var listeners = this.listeners[type];
+        // fast path
+        if(!listeners || listeners.length == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
         // prep evt object with object & div references
         if (evt == null) {
             evt = {};
@@ -10573,25 +9441,21 @@
         // execute all callbacks registered for specified type
         // get a clone of the listeners array to
         // allow for splicing during callbacks
-        var listeners = (this.listeners[type]) ?
-                            this.listeners[type].slice() : null;
-        if ((listeners != null) && (listeners.length > 0)) {
-            var continueChain;
-            for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
-                var callback = listeners[i];
-                // bind the context to callback.obj
-                continueChain = callback.func.apply(callback.obj, [evt]);
-                if ((continueChain != undefined) && (continueChain == false)) {
-                    // if callback returns false, execute no more callbacks.
-                    break;
-                }
+        var listeners = listeners.slice(), continueChain;
+        for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
+            var callback = listeners[i];
+            // bind the context to callback.obj
+            continueChain = callback.func.apply(callback.obj, [evt]);
+            if ((continueChain != undefined) && (continueChain == false)) {
+                // if callback returns false, execute no more callbacks.
+                break;
-            // don't fall through to other DOM elements
-            if (!this.fallThrough) {           
-                OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
-            }
+        // don't fall through to other DOM elements
+        if (!this.fallThrough) {           
+            OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
+        }
         return continueChain;
@@ -11556,6 +10420,9 @@
             if (style.externalGraphic) {
                 pos = this.getPosition(node);
+        		if (style.graphicTitle) {
+                    node.setAttributeNS(null, "title", style.graphicTitle);
+                }
                 if (style.graphicWidth && style.graphicHeight) {
                   node.setAttributeNS(null, "preserveAspectRatio", "none");
@@ -11636,7 +10503,7 @@
         if (style.pointerEvents) {
             node.setAttributeNS(null, "pointer-events", style.pointerEvents);
         if (style.cursor != null) {
             node.setAttributeNS(null, "cursor", style.cursor);
@@ -12394,6 +11261,9 @@
         if (node._geometryClass == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
             if (style.externalGraphic) {
                 this.drawGraphic(node, geometry, style);
+        		if (style.graphicTitle) {
+                    node.title=style.graphicTitle;
+                } 
                 // modify style/options for fill and stroke styling below
                 style.fillColor = "none";
                 options.isStroked = false;
@@ -13051,6 +11921,26 @@
+     * Method: moveRoot
+     * moves this renderer's root to a different renderer.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
+     * root - {DOMElement} optional root node. To be used when this renderer
+     *     holds roots from multiple layers to tell this method which one to
+     *     detach
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} true if successful, false otherwise
+     */
+    moveRoot: function(renderer) {
+        var layer = this.map.getLayer(this.container.id);
+        layer && this.clear();
+        OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.prototype.moveRoot.apply(this, arguments);
+        layer && layer.redraw();
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: importSymbol
      * add a new symbol definition from the rendererer's symbol hash
@@ -13806,10 +12696,37 @@
      *                       events on the map
     events: null,
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: allOverlays
+     * {Boolean} Allow the map to function with "overlays" only.  Defaults to
+     *     false.  If true, the lowest layer in the draw order will act as
+     *     the base layer.  In addition, if set to true, all layers will
+     *     have isBaseLayer set to false when they are added to the map.
+     *
+     * Note:
+     * If you set map.allOverlays to true, then you *cannot* use
+     *     map.setBaseLayer or layer.setIsBaseLayer.  With allOverlays true,
+     *     the lowest layer in the draw layer is the base layer.  So, to change
+     *     the base layer, use <setLayerIndex> or <raiseLayer> to set the layer
+     *     index to 0.
+     */
+    allOverlays: false,
      * APIProperty: div
-     * {DOMElement} The element that contains the map
+     * {DOMElement|String} The element that contains the map (or an id for
+     *     that element).  If the <OpenLayers.Map> constructor is called
+     *     with two arguments, this should be provided as the first argument.
+     *     Alternatively, the map constructor can be called with the options
+     *     object as the only argument.  In this case (one argument), a
+     *     div property may or may not be provided.  If the div property
+     *     is not provided, the map can be rendered to a container later
+     *     using the <render> method.
+     *     
+     * Note: If you calling <render> after map construction, do not use
+     *     <maxResolution>  auto.  Instead, divide your <maxExtent> by your
+     *     maximum expected dimension.
     div: null,
@@ -14060,6 +12977,15 @@
     panMethod: OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut,
+     * Property: panDuration
+     * {Integer} The number of steps to be passed to the
+     * OpenLayers.Tween.start() method when the map is
+     * panned.
+     * Default is 50.
+     */
+    panDuration: 50,
+    /**
      * Property: paddingForPopups
      * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Outside margin of the popup. Used to prevent 
      *     the popup from getting too close to the map border.
@@ -14068,13 +12994,16 @@
      * Constructor: OpenLayers.Map
-     * Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Map instance.
+     * Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Map instance.  There are two possible
+     *     ways to call the map constructor.  See the examples below.
      * Parameters:
      * div - {String} Id of an element in your page that will contain the map.
+     *     May be omitted if the <div> option is provided or if you intend
+     *     to use <render> later.
      * options - {Object} Optional object with properties to tag onto the map.
-     * Examples:
+     * Examples (method one):
      * (code)
      * // create a map with default options in an element with the id "map1"
      * var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map1");
@@ -14088,8 +13017,33 @@
      * };
      * var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map2", options);
      * (end)
+     *
+     * Examples (method two - single argument):
+     * (code)
+     * // create a map with non-default options
+     * var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+     *     div: "map_id",
+     *     maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-200000, -200000, 200000, 200000),
+     *     maxResolution: 156543,
+     *     units: 'm',
+     *     projection: "EPSG:41001"
+     * });
+     *
+     * // create a map without a reference to a container - call render later
+     * var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+     *     maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-200000, -200000, 200000, 200000),
+     *     maxResolution: 156543,
+     *     units: 'm',
+     *     projection: "EPSG:41001"
+     * });
     initialize: function (div, options) {
+        // If only one argument is provided, check if it is an object.
+        if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof div === "object") {
+            options = div;
+            div = options && options.div;
+        }
         // Simple-type defaults are set in class definition. 
         //  Now set complex-type defaults 
@@ -14109,6 +13063,12 @@
         this.id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("OpenLayers.Map_");
         this.div = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(div);
+        if(!this.div) {
+            this.div = document.createElement("div");
+            this.div.style.height = "1px";
+            this.div.style.width = "1px";
+        }
         OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.div, 'olMap');
         // the viewPortDiv is the outermost div we modify
@@ -14204,8 +13164,24 @@
         // always call map.destroy()
         OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, 'unload', this.unloadDestroy);
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: render
+     * Render the map to a specified container.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * div - {String|DOMElement} The container that the map should be rendered
+     *     to. If different than the current container, the map viewport
+     *     will be moved from the current to the new container.
+     */
+    render: function(div) {
+        this.div = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(div);
+        this.events.attachToElement(this.div);
+        this.viewPortDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.viewPortDiv);
+        this.div.appendChild(this.viewPortDiv);
+        this.updateSize();
+    },
      * Method: unloadDestroy
@@ -14494,7 +13470,10 @@
                 return false;
-        }    
+        }
+        if(this.allOverlays) {
+            layer.isBaseLayer = false;
+        }
         this.events.triggerEvent("preaddlayer", {layer: layer});
@@ -14510,7 +13489,7 @@
-        if (layer.isBaseLayer)  {
+        if (layer.isBaseLayer || (this.allOverlays && !this.baseLayer))  {
             if (this.baseLayer == null) {
                 // set the first baselaye we add as the baselayer
@@ -14584,7 +13563,7 @@
             if(setNewBaseLayer) {
                 for(var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
                     var iLayer = this.layers[i];
-                    if (iLayer.isBaseLayer) {
+                    if (iLayer.isBaseLayer || this.allOverlays) {
@@ -14649,6 +13628,13 @@
             this.events.triggerEvent("changelayer", {
                 layer: layer, property: "order"
+            if(this.allOverlays) {
+                if(idx === 0) {
+                    this.setBaseLayer(layer);
+                } else if(this.baseLayer !== this.layers[0]) {
+                    this.setBaseLayer(this.layers[0]);
+                }
+            }
@@ -15097,7 +14083,7 @@
                 lon: lonlat.lon,
                 lat: lonlat.lat
-            this.panTween.start(from, to, 50, {
+            this.panTween.start(from, to, this.panDuration, {
                 callbacks: {
                     start: OpenLayers.Function.bind(function(lonlat) {
@@ -15125,10 +14111,11 @@
      * APIMethod: setCenter
+     * Set the map center (and optionally, the zoom level).
      * Parameters:
-     * lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
-     * zoom - {Integer}
+     * lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The new center location.
+     * zoom - {Integer} Optional zoom level.
      * dragging - {Boolean} Specifies whether or not to trigger 
      *                      movestart/end events
      * forceZoomChange - {Boolean} Specifies whether or not to trigger zoom 
@@ -15259,7 +14246,7 @@
             for (var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
                 var layer = this.layers[i];
-                if (!layer.isBaseLayer) {
+                if (layer !== this.baseLayer && !layer.isBaseLayer) {
                     var inRange = layer.calculateInRange();
                     if (layer.inRange != inRange) {
                         // the inRange property has changed. If the layer is
@@ -16151,6 +15138,342 @@
 /* ======================================================================
+    OpenLayers/Request.js
+   ====================================================================== */
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
+ * license.  See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
+ */
+ * Namespace: OpenLayers.Request
+ * The OpenLayers.Request namespace contains convenience methods for working
+ *     with XMLHttpRequests.  These methods work with a cross-browser
+ *     W3C compliant <OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest> class.
+ */
+OpenLayers.Request = {
+    /**
+     * Constant: DEFAULT_CONFIG
+     * {Object} Default configuration for all requests.
+     */
+        method: "GET",
+        url: window.location.href,
+        async: true,
+        user: undefined,
+        password: undefined,
+        params: null,
+        proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost,
+        headers: {},
+        data: null,
+        callback: function() {},
+        success: null,
+        failure: null,
+        scope: null
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: events
+     * {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all 
+     *     events on the {<OpenLayers.Request>} object.
+     *
+     * All event listeners will receive an event object with three properties:
+     * request - {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>} The request object.
+     * config - {Object} The config object sent to the specific request method.
+     * requestUrl - {String} The request url.
+     * 
+     * Supported event types:
+     * complete - Triggered when we have a response from the request, if a
+     *     listener returns false, no further response processing will take
+     *     place.
+     * success - Triggered when the HTTP response has a success code (200-299).
+     * failure - Triggered when the HTTP response does not have a success code.
+     */
+    events: new OpenLayers.Events(this, null, ["complete", "success", "failure"]),
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: issue
+     * Create a new XMLHttpRequest object, open it, set any headers, bind
+     *     a callback to done state, and send any data.  It is recommended that
+     *     you use one <GET>, <POST>, <PUT>, <DELETE>, <OPTIONS>, or <HEAD>.
+     *     This method is only documented to provide detail on the configuration
+     *     options available to all request methods.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object containing properties for configuring the
+     *     request.  Allowed configuration properties are described below.
+     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     *
+     * Allowed config properties:
+     * method - {String} One of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, or
+     *     OPTIONS.  Default is GET.
+     * url - {String} URL for the request.
+     * async - {Boolean} Open an asynchronous request.  Default is true.
+     * user - {String} User for relevant authentication scheme.  Set
+     *     to null to clear current user.
+     * password - {String} Password for relevant authentication scheme.
+     *     Set to null to clear current password.
+     * proxy - {String} Optional proxy.  Defaults to
+     *     <OpenLayers.ProxyHost>.
+     * params - {Object} Any key:value pairs to be appended to the
+     *     url as a query string.  Assumes url doesn't already include a query
+     *     string or hash.  Typically, this is only appropriate for <GET>
+     *     requests where the query string will be appended to the url.
+     *     Parameter values that are arrays will be
+     *     concatenated with a comma (note that this goes against form-encoding)
+     *     as is done with <OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString>.
+     * headers - {Object} Object with header:value pairs to be set on
+     *     the request.
+     * data - {String | Document} Optional data to send with the request.
+     *     Typically, this is only used with <POST> and <PUT> requests.
+     *     Make sure to provide the appropriate "Content-Type" header for your
+     *     data.  For <POST> and <PUT> requests, the content type defaults to
+     *     "application-xml".  If your data is a different content type, or
+     *     if you are using a different HTTP method, set the "Content-Type"
+     *     header to match your data type.
+     * callback - {Function} Function to call when request is done.
+     *     To determine if the request failed, check request.status (200
+     *     indicates success).
+     * success - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is in
+     *     the 200s.  This will be called in addition to callback above and
+     *     would typically only be used as an alternative.
+     * failure - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is not
+     *     in the 200s.  This will be called in addition to callback above and
+     *     would typically only be used as an alternative.
+     * scope - {Object} If callback is a public method on some object,
+     *     set the scope to that object.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.  To abort the request before a response
+     *     is received, call abort() on the request object.
+     */
+    issue: function(config) {        
+        // apply default config - proxy host may have changed
+        var defaultConfig = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
+            this.DEFAULT_CONFIG,
+            {proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost}
+        );
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(config, defaultConfig);
+        // create request, open, and set headers
+        var request = new OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest();
+        var url = config.url;
+        if(config.params) {
+            var paramString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(config.params);
+            if(paramString.length > 0) {
+                var separator = (url.indexOf('?') > -1) ? '&' : '?';
+                url += separator + paramString;
+            }
+        }
+        if(config.proxy && (url.indexOf("http") == 0)) {
+            url = config.proxy + encodeURIComponent(url);
+        }
+        request.open(
+            config.method, url, config.async, config.user, config.password
+        );
+        for(var header in config.headers) {
+            request.setRequestHeader(header, config.headers[header]);
+        }
+        // bind callbacks to readyState 4 (done)
+        var complete = (config.scope) ?
+            OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.callback, config.scope) :
+            config.callback;
+        // optional success callback
+        var success;
+        if(config.success) {
+            success = (config.scope) ?
+                OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.success, config.scope) :
+                config.success;
+        }
+        // optional failure callback
+        var failure;
+        if(config.failure) {
+            failure = (config.scope) ?
+                OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.failure, config.scope) :
+                config.failure;
+        }
+        var events = this.events;
+        request.onreadystatechange = function() {
+            if(request.readyState == OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+                var proceed = events.triggerEvent(
+                    "complete",
+                    {request: request, config: config, requestUrl: url}
+                );
+                if(proceed !== false) {
+                    complete(request);
+                    if (!request.status || (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300)) {
+                        events.triggerEvent(
+                            "success",
+                            {request: request, config: config, requestUrl: url}
+                        );
+                        if(success) {
+                            success(request);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if(request.status && (request.status < 200 || request.status >= 300)) {                    
+                        events.triggerEvent(
+                            "failure",
+                            {request: request, config: config, requestUrl: url}
+                        );
+                        if(failure) {
+                            failure(request);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        // send request (optionally with data) and return
+        // call in a timeout for asynchronous requests so the return is
+        // available before readyState == 4 for cached docs
+        if(config.async === false) {
+            request.send(config.data);
+        } else {
+            window.setTimeout(function(){
+                request.send(config.data);
+            }, 0);
+        }
+        return request;
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: GET
+     * Send an HTTP GET request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to GET.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
+     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    GET: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "GET"});
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: POST
+     * Send a POST request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to POST and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.  The
+     *     default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
+     *     none is provided.  This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    POST: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "POST"});
+        // set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
+        config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
+        if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
+            config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
+        }
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: PUT
+     * Send an HTTP PUT request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to PUT and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.  The
+     *     default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
+     *     none is provided.  This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    PUT: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "PUT"});
+        // set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
+        config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
+        if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
+            config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
+        }
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: DELETE
+     * Send an HTTP DELETE request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to DELETE.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
+     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    DELETE: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "DELETE"});
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: HEAD
+     * Send an HTTP HEAD request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to HEAD.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
+     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    HEAD: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "HEAD"});
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    },
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: OPTIONS
+     * Send an HTTP OPTIONS request.  Additional configuration properties are
+     *     documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
+     *     to OPTIONS.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
+     *     See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
+     *     This object is modified and should not be reused.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
+     */
+    OPTIONS: function(config) {
+        config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "OPTIONS"});
+        return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
+    }
+/* ======================================================================
    ====================================================================== */
@@ -16450,13 +15773,12 @@
                                          null, this.position, this.size);   
-        var imageSize = this.layer.getImageSize(); 
         if (this.layerAlphaHack) {
-                    null, null, imageSize, this.url);
+                    null, null, this.size, this.url);
         } else {
-                    null, null, imageSize) ;
+                    null, null, this.size) ;
             this.imgDiv.src = this.url;
         return true;
@@ -16483,12 +15805,11 @@
     initImgDiv: function() {
         var offset = this.layer.imageOffset; 
-        var size = this.layer.getImageSize(); 
         if (this.layerAlphaHack) {
             this.imgDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(null,
-                                                           size,
+                                                           this.size,
@@ -16498,7 +15819,7 @@
         } else {
             this.imgDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createImage(null,
-                                                      size,
+                                                      this.size,
@@ -17922,6 +17243,10 @@
             this.timerId = null;
+        if(this.rightclickTimerId != null) {
+            window.clearTimeout(this.rightclickTimerId);
+            this.rightclickTimerId = null;
+        }
@@ -19198,19 +18523,19 @@
      *     properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
      * All event objects have at least the following properties:
-     *  - *object* {Object} A reference to layer.events.object.
-     *  - *element* {DOMElement} A reference to layer.events.element.
+     * object - {Object} A reference to layer.events.object.
+     * element - {DOMElement} A reference to layer.events.element.
      * Supported map event types:
-     *  - *loadstart* Triggered when layer loading starts.
-     *  - *loadend* Triggered when layer loading ends.
-     *  - *loadcancel* Triggered when layer loading is canceled.
-     *  - *visibilitychanged* Triggered when layer visibility is changed.
-     *  - *move* Triggered when layer moves (triggered with every mousemove
-     *      during a drag).
-     *  - *moveend* Triggered when layer is done moving, object passed as
-     *      argument has a zoomChanged boolean property which tells that the
-     *      zoom has changed.
+     * loadstart - Triggered when layer loading starts.
+     * loadend - Triggered when layer loading ends.
+     * loadcancel - Triggered when layer loading is canceled.
+     * visibilitychanged - Triggered when layer visibility is changed.
+     * move - Triggered when layer moves (triggered with every mousemove
+     *     during a drag).
+     * moveend - Triggered when layer is done moving, object passed as
+     *     argument has a zoomChanged boolean property which tells that the
+     *     zoom has changed.
     EVENT_TYPES: ["loadstart", "loadend", "loadcancel", "visibilitychanged",
                   "move", "moveend"],
@@ -19453,6 +18778,7 @@
             this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(this.id);
             this.div.style.width = "100%";
             this.div.style.height = "100%";
+            this.div.dir = "ltr";
             this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, this.div, 
@@ -20412,6 +19738,1004 @@
 /* ======================================================================
+    OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
+   ====================================================================== */
+// Copyright 2007 Sergey Ilinsky (http://www.ilinsky.com)
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request.js
+ */
+(function () {
+    // Save reference to earlier defined object implementation (if any)
+    var oXMLHttpRequest    = window.XMLHttpRequest;
+    // Define on browser type
+    var bGecko    = !!window.controllers,
+        bIE        = window.document.all && !window.opera;
+    // Constructor
+    function cXMLHttpRequest() {
+        this._object    = oXMLHttpRequest ? new oXMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
+    };
+    // BUGFIX: Firefox with Firebug installed would break pages if not executed
+    if (bGecko && oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped)
+        cXMLHttpRequest.wrapped    = oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped;
+    // Constants
+    cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT                = 0;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED                = 1;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED    = 2;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.LOADING                = 3;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.DONE                = 4;
+    // Public Properties
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseText    = "";
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseXML    = null;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.status        = 0;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.statusText    = "";
+    // Instance-level Events Handlers
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange    = null;
+    // Class-level Events Handlers
+    cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange    = null;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.onopen                = null;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.onsend                = null;
+    cXMLHttpRequest.onabort                = null;
+    // Public Methods
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.open    = function(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword) {
+        // Save async parameter for fixing Gecko bug with missing readystatechange in synchronous requests
+        this._async        = bAsync;
+        // Set the onreadystatechange handler
+        var oRequest    = this,
+            nState        = this.readyState;
+        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak on page unload (inter-page leak)
+        if (bIE) {
+            var fOnUnload    = function() {
+                if (oRequest._object.readyState != cXMLHttpRequest.DONE)
+                    fCleanTransport(oRequest);
+            };
+            if (bAsync)
+                window.attachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
+        }
+        this._object.onreadystatechange    = function() {
+            if (bGecko && !bAsync)
+                return;
+            // Synchronize state
+            oRequest.readyState        = oRequest._object.readyState;
+            //
+            fSynchronizeValues(oRequest);
+            // BUGFIX: Firefox fires unneccesary DONE when aborting
+            if (oRequest._aborted) {
+                // Reset readyState to UNSENT
+                oRequest.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
+                // Return now
+                return;
+            }
+            if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+                //
+                fCleanTransport(oRequest);
+// Uncomment this block if you need a fix for IE cache
+                // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
+                if (!oRequest._object.getResponseHeader("Date")) {
+                    // Save object to cache
+                    oRequest._cached    = oRequest._object;
+                    // Instantiate a new transport object
+                    cXMLHttpRequest.call(oRequest);
+                    // Re-send request
+                    oRequest._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
+                    oRequest._object.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", oRequest._cached.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") || new window.Date(0));
+                    // Copy headers set
+                    if (oRequest._headers)
+                        for (var sHeader in oRequest._headers)
+                            if (typeof oRequest._headers[sHeader] == "string")    // Some frameworks prototype objects with functions
+                                oRequest._object.setRequestHeader(sHeader, oRequest._headers[sHeader]);
+                    oRequest._object.onreadystatechange    = function() {
+                        // Synchronize state
+                        oRequest.readyState        = oRequest._object.readyState;
+                        if (oRequest._aborted) {
+                            //
+                            oRequest.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
+                            // Return
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+                            // Clean Object
+                            fCleanTransport(oRequest);
+                            // get cached request
+                            if (oRequest.status == 304)
+                                oRequest._object    = oRequest._cached;
+                            //
+                            delete oRequest._cached;
+                            //
+                            fSynchronizeValues(oRequest);
+                            //
+                            fReadyStateChange(oRequest);
+                            // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
+                            if (bIE && bAsync)
+                                window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
+                        }
+                    };
+                    oRequest._object.send(null);
+                    // Return now - wait untill re-sent request is finished
+                    return;
+                };
+                // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
+                if (bIE && bAsync)
+                    window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
+            }
+            // BUGFIX: Some browsers (Internet Explorer, Gecko) fire OPEN readystate twice
+            if (nState != oRequest.readyState)
+                fReadyStateChange(oRequest);
+            nState    = oRequest.readyState;
+        };
+        // Add method sniffer
+        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onopen)
+            cXMLHttpRequest.onopen.apply(this, arguments);
+        this._object.open(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
+        // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests
+        if (!bAsync && bGecko) {
+            this.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
+            fReadyStateChange(this);
+        }
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.send    = function(vData) {
+        // Add method sniffer
+        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onsend)
+            cXMLHttpRequest.onsend.apply(this, arguments);
+        // BUGFIX: Safari - fails sending documents created/modified dynamically, so an explicit serialization required
+        // BUGFIX: IE - rewrites any custom mime-type to "text/xml" in case an XMLNode is sent
+        // BUGFIX: Gecko - fails sending Element (this is up to the implementation either to standard)
+        if (vData && vData.nodeType) {
+            vData    = window.XMLSerializer ? new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(vData) : vData.xml;
+            if (!this._headers["Content-Type"])
+                this._object.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
+        }
+        this._object.send(vData);
+        // BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests
+        if (bGecko && !this._async) {
+            this.readyState    = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
+            // Synchronize state
+            fSynchronizeValues(this);
+            // Simulate missing states
+            while (this.readyState < cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+                this.readyState++;
+                fReadyStateChange(this);
+                // Check if we are aborted
+                if (this._aborted)
+                    return;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort    = function() {
+        // Add method sniffer
+        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onabort)
+            cXMLHttpRequest.onabort.apply(this, arguments);
+        // BUGFIX: Gecko - unneccesary DONE when aborting
+        if (this.readyState > cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT)
+            this._aborted    = true;
+        this._object.abort();
+        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak
+        fCleanTransport(this);
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders    = function() {
+        return this._object.getAllResponseHeaders();
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader    = function(sName) {
+        return this._object.getResponseHeader(sName);
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader    = function(sName, sValue) {
+        // BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
+        if (!this._headers)
+            this._headers    = {};
+        this._headers[sName]    = sValue;
+        return this._object.setRequestHeader(sName, sValue);
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.toString    = function() {
+        return '[' + "object" + ' ' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
+    };
+    cXMLHttpRequest.toString    = function() {
+        return '[' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
+    };
+    // Helper function
+    function fReadyStateChange(oRequest) {
+        // Execute onreadystatechange
+        if (oRequest.onreadystatechange)
+            oRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest);
+        // Sniffing code
+        if (cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange)
+            cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange.apply(oRequest);
+    };
+    function fGetDocument(oRequest) {
+        var oDocument    = oRequest.responseXML;
+        // Try parsing responseText
+        if (bIE && oDocument && !oDocument.documentElement && oRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").match(/[^\/]+\/[^\+]+\+xml/)) {
+            oDocument    = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
+            oDocument.loadXML(oRequest.responseText);
+        }
+        // Check if there is no error in document
+        if (oDocument)
+            if ((bIE && oDocument.parseError != 0) || (oDocument.documentElement && oDocument.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"))
+                return null;
+        return oDocument;
+    };
+    function fSynchronizeValues(oRequest) {
+        try {    oRequest.responseText    = oRequest._object.responseText;    } catch (e) {}
+        try {    oRequest.responseXML    = fGetDocument(oRequest._object);    } catch (e) {}
+        try {    oRequest.status            = oRequest._object.status;            } catch (e) {}
+        try {    oRequest.statusText        = oRequest._object.statusText;        } catch (e) {}
+    };
+    function fCleanTransport(oRequest) {
+        // BUGFIX: IE - memory leak (on-page leak)
+        oRequest._object.onreadystatechange    = new window.Function;
+        // Delete private properties
+        delete oRequest._headers;
+    };
+    // Internet Explorer 5.0 (missing apply)
+    if (!window.Function.prototype.apply) {
+        window.Function.prototype.apply    = function(oRequest, oArguments) {
+            if (!oArguments)
+                oArguments    = [];
+            oRequest.__func    = this;
+            oRequest.__func(oArguments[0], oArguments[1], oArguments[2], oArguments[3], oArguments[4]);
+            delete oRequest.__func;
+        };
+    };
+    // Register new object with window
+    /**
+     * Class: OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest
+     * Standard-compliant (W3C) cross-browser implementation of the
+     *     XMLHttpRequest object.  From
+     *     http://code.google.com/p/xmlhttprequest/.
+     */
+    OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest = cXMLHttpRequest;
+/* ======================================================================
+    OpenLayers/Ajax.js
+   ====================================================================== */
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the Clear BSD
+ * license.  See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
+ */
+OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "";
+//OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "examples/proxy.cgi?url=";
+ * Ajax reader for OpenLayers
+ *
+ *  @uri url to do remote XML http get
+ *  @param {String} 'get' format params (x=y&a=b...)
+ *  @who object to handle callbacks for this request
+ *  @complete  the function to be called on success 
+ *  @failure  the function to be called on failure
+ *  
+ *   example usage from a caller:
+ *  
+ *     caps: function(request) {
+ *      -blah-  
+ *     },
+ *  
+ *     OpenLayers.loadURL(url,params,this,caps);
+ *
+ * Notice the above example does not provide an error handler; a default empty
+ * handler is provided which merely logs the error if a failure handler is not 
+ * supplied
+ *
+ */
+ * Function: OpenLayers.nullHandler
+ * @param {} request
+ */
+OpenLayers.nullHandler = function(request) {
+    OpenLayers.Console.userError(OpenLayers.i18n("unhandledRequest", {'statusText':request.statusText}));
+ * APIFunction: loadURL
+ * Background load a document.  For more flexibility in using XMLHttpRequest,
+ *     see the <OpenLayers.Request> methods.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * uri - {String} URI of source doc
+ * params - {String} or {Object} GET params. Either a string in the form
+ *     "?hello=world&foo=bar" (do not forget the leading question mark)
+ *     or an object in the form {'hello': 'world', 'foo': 'bar}
+ * caller - {Object} object which gets callbacks
+ * onComplete - {Function} Optional callback for success.  The callback
+ *     will be called with this set to caller and will receive the request
+ *     object as an argument.  Note that if you do not specify an onComplete
+ *     function, <OpenLayers.nullHandler> will be called (which pops up a 
+ *     user friendly error message dialog).
+ * onFailure - {Function} Optional callback for failure.  In the event of
+ *     a failure, the callback will be called with this set to caller and will
+ *     receive the request object as an argument.  Note that if you do not
+ *     specify an onComplete function, <OpenLayers.nullHandler> will be called
+ *     (which pops up a user friendly error message dialog).
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>}  The request object. To abort loading,
+ *     call request.abort().
+ */
+OpenLayers.loadURL = function(uri, params, caller,
+                                  onComplete, onFailure) {
+    if(typeof params == 'string') {
+        params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(params);
+    }
+    var success = (onComplete) ? onComplete : OpenLayers.nullHandler;
+    var failure = (onFailure) ? onFailure : OpenLayers.nullHandler;
+    return OpenLayers.Request.GET({
+        url: uri, params: params,
+        success: success, failure: failure, scope: caller
+    });
+ * Function: parseXMLString
+ * Parse XML into a doc structure
+ * 
+ * Parameters:
+ * text - {String} 
+ * 
+ * Returns:
+ * {?} Parsed AJAX Responsev
+ */
+OpenLayers.parseXMLString = function(text) {
+    //MS sucks, if the server is bad it dies
+    var index = text.indexOf('<');
+    if (index > 0) {
+        text = text.substring(index);
+    }
+    var ajaxResponse = OpenLayers.Util.Try(
+        function() {
+            var xmldom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
+            xmldom.loadXML(text);
+            return xmldom;
+        },
+        function() {
+            return new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml');
+        },
+        function() {
+            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+            req.open("GET", "data:" + "text/xml" +
+                     ";charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(text), false);
+            if (req.overrideMimeType) {
+                req.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
+            }
+            req.send(null);
+            return req.responseXML;
+        }
+    );
+    return ajaxResponse;
+ * Namespace: OpenLayers.Ajax
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax = {
+    /**
+     * Method: emptyFunction
+     */
+    emptyFunction: function () {},
+    /**
+     * Method: getTransport
+     * 
+     * Returns: 
+     * {Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we're in, or false if
+     *          none available.
+     */
+    getTransport: function() {
+        return OpenLayers.Util.Try(
+            function() {return new XMLHttpRequest();},
+            function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');},
+            function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}
+        ) || false;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Property: activeRequestCount
+     * {Integer}
+     */
+    activeRequestCount: 0
+ * Namespace: OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders
+ * {Object}
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders = {
+    /**
+     * Property: responders
+     * {Array}
+     */
+    responders: [],
+    /**
+     * Method: register
+     *  
+     * Parameters:
+     * responderToAdd - {?}
+     */
+    register: function(responderToAdd) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.responders.length; i++){
+            if (responderToAdd == this.responders[i]){
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        this.responders.push(responderToAdd);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: unregister
+     *  
+     * Parameters:
+     * responderToRemove - {?}
+     */
+    unregister: function(responderToRemove) {
+        OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.reponders, responderToRemove);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: dispatch
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * callback - {?}
+     * request - {?}
+     * transport - {?}
+     */
+    dispatch: function(callback, request, transport) {
+        var responder;
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.responders.length; i++) {
+            responder = this.responders[i];
+            if (responder[callback] && 
+                typeof responder[callback] == 'function') {
+                try {
+                    responder[callback].apply(responder, 
+                                              [request, transport]);
+                } catch (e) {}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Function: onCreate
+     */
+    onCreate: function() {
+        OpenLayers.Ajax.activeRequestCount++;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Function: onComplete
+     */
+     onComplete: function() {
+         OpenLayers.Ajax.activeRequestCount--;
+     }
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Base
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.Base = OpenLayers.Class({
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Base
+     * 
+     * Parameters: 
+     * options - {Object}
+     */
+    initialize: function(options) {
+        this.options = {
+            method:       'post',
+            asynchronous: true,
+            contentType:  'application/xml',
+            parameters:   ''
+        };
+        OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.options, options || {});
+        this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase();
+        if (typeof this.options.parameters == 'string') {
+            this.options.parameters = 
+                OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(this.options.parameters);
+        }
+    }
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
+ * *Deprecated*.  Use <OpenLayers.Request> method instead.
+ *
+ * Inherit:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Ajax.Base>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.Request = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Ajax.Base, {
+    /**
+     * Property: _complete
+     *
+     * {Boolean}
+     */
+    _complete: false,
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
+     * 
+     * Parameters: 
+     * url - {String}
+     * options - {Object}
+     */
+    initialize: function(url, options) {
+        OpenLayers.Ajax.Base.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
+        if (OpenLayers.ProxyHost && OpenLayers.String.startsWith(url, "http")) {
+            url = OpenLayers.ProxyHost + encodeURIComponent(url);
+        }
+        this.transport = OpenLayers.Ajax.getTransport();
+        this.request(url);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: request
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * url - {String}
+     */
+    request: function(url) {
+        this.url = url;
+        this.method = this.options.method;
+        var params = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.options.parameters);
+        if (this.method != 'get' && this.method != 'post') {
+            // simulate other verbs over post
+            params['_method'] = this.method;
+            this.method = 'post';
+        }
+        this.parameters = params;        
+        if (params = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(params)) {
+            // when GET, append parameters to URL
+            if (this.method == 'get') {
+                this.url += ((this.url.indexOf('?') > -1) ? '&' : '?') + params;
+            } else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+                params += '&_=';
+            }
+        }
+        try {
+            var response = new OpenLayers.Ajax.Response(this);
+            if (this.options.onCreate) {
+                this.options.onCreate(response);
+            }
+            OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', 
+                                                this, 
+                                                response);
+            this.transport.open(this.method.toUpperCase(), 
+                                this.url,
+                                this.options.asynchronous);
+            if (this.options.asynchronous) {
+                window.setTimeout(
+                    OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.respondToReadyState, this, 1),
+                    10);
+            }
+            this.transport.onreadystatechange = 
+                OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onStateChange, this);    
+            this.setRequestHeaders();
+            this.body =  this.method == 'post' ?
+                (this.options.postBody || params) : null;
+            this.transport.send(this.body);
+            // Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests
+            if (!this.options.asynchronous && 
+                this.transport.overrideMimeType) {
+                this.onStateChange();
+            }
+        } catch (e) {
+            this.dispatchException(e);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: onStateChange
+     */
+    onStateChange: function() {
+        var readyState = this.transport.readyState;
+        if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete)) {
+            this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: setRequestHeaders
+     */
+    setRequestHeaders: function() {
+        var headers = {
+            'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
+            'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*',
+            'OpenLayers': true
+        };
+        if (this.method == 'post') {
+            headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType +
+                (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : '');
+            /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work
+             * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect
+             * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651.
+             */
+            if (this.transport.overrideMimeType &&
+                (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005) {
+                headers['Connection'] = 'close';
+            }
+        }
+        // user-defined headers
+        if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') {    
+            var extras = this.options.requestHeaders;
+            if (typeof extras.push == 'function') {
+                for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2) {
+                    headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1];
+                }
+            } else {
+                for (var i in extras) {
+                    headers[i] = extras[i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for (var name in headers) {
+            this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: success
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} - 
+     */
+    success: function() {
+        var status = this.getStatus();
+        return !status || (status >=200 && status < 300);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getStatus
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Integer} - Status
+     */
+    getStatus: function() {
+        try {
+            return this.transport.status || 0;
+        } catch (e) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: respondToReadyState
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * readyState - {?}
+     */
+    respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
+        var state = OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.Events[readyState];
+        var response = new OpenLayers.Ajax.Response(this);
+        if (state == 'Complete') {
+            try {
+                this._complete = true;
+                (this.options['on' + response.status] ||
+                    this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] ||
+                    OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction)(response);
+            } catch (e) {
+                this.dispatchException(e);
+            }
+            var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type');
+        }
+        try {
+            (this.options['on' + state] || 
+             OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction)(response);
+             OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, 
+                                                 this, 
+                                                 response);
+        } catch (e) {
+            this.dispatchException(e);
+        }
+        if (state == 'Complete') {
+            // avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up
+            this.transport.onreadystatechange = OpenLayers.Ajax.emptyFunction;
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getHeader
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String} Header name
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {?} - response header for the given name
+     */
+    getHeader: function(name) {
+        try {
+            return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
+        } catch (e) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: dispatchException
+     * If the optional onException function is set, execute it
+     * and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered
+     * for onException.
+     * 
+     * If no optional onException function is set, we suspect that
+     * the user may have also not used
+     * OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.register to register a listener
+     * for the onException call.  To make sure that something
+     * gets done with this exception, only dispatch the call if there
+     * are listeners.
+     *
+     * If you explicitly want to swallow exceptions, set
+     * request.options.onException to an empty function (function(){})
+     * or register an empty function with <OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders>
+     * for onException.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * exception - {?}
+     */
+    dispatchException: function(exception) {
+        var handler = this.options.onException;
+        if(handler) {
+            // call options.onException and alert any other listeners
+            handler(this, exception);
+            OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
+        } else {
+            // check if there are any other listeners
+            var listener = false;
+            var responders = OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.responders;
+            for (var i = 0; i < responders.length; i++) {
+                if(responders[i].onException) {
+                    listener = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if(listener) {
+                // call all listeners
+                OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
+            } else {
+                // let the exception through
+                throw exception;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * Property: Events
+ * {Array(String)}
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.Events =
+  ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete'];
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Ajax.Response
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.Response = OpenLayers.Class({
+    /**
+     * Property: status
+     *
+     * {Integer}
+     */
+    status: 0,
+    /**
+     * Property: statusText
+     *
+     * {String}
+     */
+    statusText: '',
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Ajax.Response
+     * 
+     * Parameters: 
+     * request - {Object}
+     */
+    initialize: function(request) {
+        this.request = request;
+        var transport = this.transport = request.transport,
+            readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState;
+        if ((readyState > 2 &&
+            !(!!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera))) ||
+            readyState == 4) {
+            this.status       = this.getStatus();
+            this.statusText   = this.getStatusText();
+            this.responseText = transport.responseText == null ?
+                '' : String(transport.responseText);
+        }
+        if(readyState == 4) {
+            var xml = transport.responseXML;
+            this.responseXML  = xml === undefined ? null : xml;
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getStatus
+     */
+    getStatus: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus,
+    /**
+     * Method: getStatustext
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {String} - statusText
+     */
+    getStatusText: function() {
+        try {
+            return this.transport.statusText || '';
+        } catch (e) {
+            return '';
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getHeader
+     */
+    getHeader: OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader,
+    /** 
+     * Method: getResponseHeader
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {?} - response header for given name
+     */
+    getResponseHeader: function(name) {
+        return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
+    }
+ * Function: getElementsByTagNameNS
+ * 
+ * Parameters:
+ * parentnode - {?}
+ * nsuri - {?}
+ * nsprefix - {?}
+ * tagname - {?}
+ * 
+ * Returns:
+ * {?}
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.getElementsByTagNameNS  = function(parentnode, nsuri, 
+                                                   nsprefix, tagname) {
+    var elem = null;
+    if (parentnode.getElementsByTagNameNS) {
+        elem = parentnode.getElementsByTagNameNS(nsuri, tagname);
+    } else {
+        elem = parentnode.getElementsByTagName(nsprefix + ':' + tagname);
+    }
+    return elem;
+ * Function: serializeXMLToString
+ * Wrapper function around XMLSerializer, which doesn't exist/work in
+ *     IE/Safari. We need to come up with a way to serialize in those browser:
+ *     for now, these browsers will just fail. #535, #536
+ *
+ * Parameters: 
+ * xmldom {XMLNode} xml dom to serialize
+ * 
+ * Returns:
+ * {?}
+ */
+OpenLayers.Ajax.serializeXMLToString = function(xmldom) {
+    var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
+    var data = serializer.serializeToString(xmldom);
+    return data;
+/* ======================================================================
    ====================================================================== */
@@ -20838,6 +21162,7 @@
  * graphicZIndex - {Number} The integer z-index value to use in rendering.
  * graphicName - {String} Named graphic to use when rendering points.  Supported values include "circle" (default),
  *     "square", "star", "x", "cross", "triangle".
+ * graphicTitle - {String} Tooltip for an external graphic. Only supported in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
  * backgroundGraphic - {String} Url to a graphic to be used as the background under an externalGraphic.
  * backgroundGraphicZIndex - {Number} The integer z-index value to use in rendering the background graphic.
  * backgroundXOffset - {Number} The x offset (in pixels) for the background graphic.
@@ -22908,7 +23233,7 @@
      * Constant: EVENT_TYPES
      * Supported event types:
-     *  - *featureadded* Triggered when a feature is added
+     * featureadded - Triggered when a feature is added
     EVENT_TYPES: ["featureadded"],
@@ -23016,10 +23341,10 @@
      *     properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
      * Supported control event types (in addition to those from <OpenLayers.Control>):
-     *  - *measure* Triggered when a measurement sketch is complete.  Listeners
+     * measure - Triggered when a measurement sketch is complete.  Listeners
      *      will receive an event with measure, units, order, and geometry
      *      properties.
-     *  - *measurepartial* Triggered when a new point is added to the
+     * measurepartial - Triggered when a new point is added to the
      *      measurement sketch.  Listeners receive an event with measure,
      *      units, order, and geometry.
@@ -25252,7 +25577,7 @@
         var rules = this.rules;
         var symbolizer, value;
         for (var i=0, len=rules.length; i<len; i++) {
-            var symbolizer = rules[i].symbolizer;
+            symbolizer = rules[i].symbolizer;
             for (var key in symbolizer) {
                 value = symbolizer[key];
                 if (typeof value == "object") {
@@ -25546,7 +25871,7 @@
-     * Method: defaultRightDblClick 
+     * Method: defaultDblRightClick 
      * Parameters:
      * evt - {Event} 
@@ -27122,10 +27447,9 @@
      * {<OpenLayers.Rule>}
     initialize: function(options) {
-        this.id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
         this.symbolizer = {};
         OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
+        this.id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
@@ -27199,6 +27523,33 @@
         return context;
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: clone
+     * Clones this rule.
+     * 
+     * Returns:
+     * {<OpenLayers.Rule>} Clone of this rule.
+     */
+    clone: function() {
+        var options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this);
+        // clone symbolizer
+        options.symbolizer = {};
+        for(var key in this.symbolizer) {
+            value = this.symbolizer[key];
+            type = typeof value;
+            if(type === "object") {
+                options.symbolizer[key] = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, value);
+            } else if(type === "string") {
+                options.symbolizer[key] = value;
+            }
+        }
+        // clone filter
+        options.filter = this.filter && this.filter.clone();
+        // clone context
+        options.context = this.context && OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.context);
+        return new OpenLayers.Rule(options);
+    },
     CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Rule"
@@ -27625,11 +27976,13 @@
      * APIMethod: move
-     * Moves a collection in place
+     * Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
+     *     This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
+     *     bounds.
      * Parameters:
-     * x - {Float} The x-displacement (in map units)
-     * y - {Float} The y-displacement (in map units)
+     * x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction. 
+     * y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
     move: function(x, y) {
         for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
@@ -27721,15 +28074,16 @@
         return best;
-    /**
+    /** 
      * APIMethod: equals
-     * Tests for equivalent geometries
-     *
+     * Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.  Geometries
+     *     are considered equivalent if all components have the same coordinates.
+     * 
      * Parameters:
-     * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
+     * geom - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The geometry to test. 
      * Returns:
-     * {Boolean} The coordinates are equivalent
+     * {Boolean} The supplied geometry is equivalent to this geometry.
     equals: function(geometry) {
         var equivalent = true;
@@ -27948,18 +28302,17 @@
-    * APIMethod: equals
-    * 
-    * Parameters:
-    * xy - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} 
-    *
-    * Returns:
-    * {Boolean} Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in 
-    *          {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} object has the same  components as this
-    *          note that if ll passed in is null, returns false
-    *
-    */
-    equals:function(geom) {
+     * APIMethod: equals
+     * Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one.  Geometries
+     *     are considered equivalent if all components have the same coordinates.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * geom - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The geometry to test. 
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} The supplied geometry is equivalent to this geometry.
+     */
+    equals: function(geom) {
         var equals = false;
         if (geom != null) {
             equals = ((this.x == geom.x && this.y == geom.y) ||
@@ -27981,11 +28334,13 @@
      * APIMethod: move
-     * Moves a point in place
+     * Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
+     *     This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
+     *     bounds.
      * Parameters:
-     * x - {Float} 
-     * y - {Float} 
+     * x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction. 
+     * y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
     move: function(x, y) {
         this.x = this.x + x;
@@ -28143,62 +28498,62 @@
      *     properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
      * All event objects have at least the following properties:
-     *  - *object* {Object} A reference to layer.events.object.
-     *  - *element* {DOMElement} A reference to layer.events.element.
+     * object - {Object} A reference to layer.events.object.
+     * element - {DOMElement} A reference to layer.events.element.
      * Supported map event types (in addition to those from <OpenLayers.Layer>):
-     *  - *beforefeatureadded* Triggered before a feature is added.  Listeners
+     * beforefeatureadded - Triggered before a feature is added.  Listeners
      *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
      *      feature to be added.  To stop the feature from being added, a
      *      listener should return false.
-     *  - *beforefeaturesadded* Triggered before an array of features is added.
+     * beforefeaturesadded - Triggered before an array of features is added.
      *      Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
      *      referencing the feature to be added. To stop the features from
      *      being added, a listener should return false.
-     *  - *featureadded* Triggered after a feature is added.  The event
+     * featureadded - Triggered after a feature is added.  The event
      *      object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
      *      reference to the added feature.
-     *  - *featuresadded* Triggered after features are added.  The event
+     * featuresadded - Triggered after features are added.  The event
      *      object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
      *      reference to an array of added features.
-     *  - *beforefeatureremoved* Triggered before a feature is removed. Listeners
+     * beforefeatureremoved - Triggered before a feature is removed. Listeners
      *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
      *      feature to be removed.
-     *  - *featureremoved* Triggerd after a feature is removed. The event
+     * featureremoved - Triggerd after a feature is removed. The event
      *      object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
      *      reference to the removed feature.
-     *  - *featuresremoved* Triggered after features are removed. The event
+     * featuresremoved - Triggered after features are removed. The event
      *      object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
      *      reference to an array of removed features.
-     *  - *featureselected* Triggered after a feature is selected.  Listeners
+     * featureselected - Triggered after a feature is selected.  Listeners
      *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
      *      selected feature.
-     *  - *featureunselected* Triggered after a feature is unselected.
+     * featureunselected - Triggered after a feature is unselected.
      *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property
      *      referencing the unselected feature.
-     *  - *beforefeaturemodified* Triggered when a feature is selected to 
+     * beforefeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is selected to 
      *      be modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* 
      *      property referencing the selected feature.
-     *  - *featuremodified* Triggered when a feature has been modified.
+     * featuremodified - Triggered when a feature has been modified.
      *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing 
      *      the modified feature.
-     *  - *afterfeaturemodified* Triggered when a feature is finished being modified.
+     * afterfeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is finished being modified.
      *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing 
      *      the modified feature.
-     *  - *vertexmodified* Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
+     * vertexmodified - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
      *      has been modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a
      *      *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
      *      property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
      *      and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
      *      modification.
-     *  - *sketchmodified* Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
+     * sketchmodified - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
      *      is modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a *vertex*
      *      property referencing the modified vertex.
-     *  - *sketchcomplete* Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
+     * sketchcomplete - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
      *      is complete.  Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
      *      property referencing the sketch feature.  By returning false, a
      *      listener can stop the sketch feature from being added to the layer.
-     *  - *refresh* Triggered when something wants a strategy to ask the protocol
+     * refresh - Triggered when something wants a strategy to ask the protocol
      *      for a new set of features.
     EVENT_TYPES: ["beforefeatureadded", "beforefeaturesadded",
@@ -28409,7 +28764,7 @@
      *     the refresh event.
     refresh: function(obj) {
-        if(this.inRange && this.visibility) {
+        if(this.calculateInRange() && this.visibility) {
             this.events.triggerEvent("refresh", obj);
@@ -28555,6 +28910,23 @@
+    /** 
+     * APIMethod: display
+     * Hide or show the Layer
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * display - {Boolean}
+     */
+    display: function(display) {
+        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
+        // we need to set the display style of the root in case it is attached
+        // to a foreign layer
+        var currentDisplay = this.div.style.display;
+        if(currentDisplay != this.renderer.root.style.display) {
+            this.renderer.root.style.display = currentDisplay;
+        }
+    },
      * APIMethod: addFeatures
@@ -30058,11 +30430,13 @@
      * APIMethod: move
-     * Moves a collection in place
+     * Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
+     *     This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
+     *     bounds.
      * Parameters:
-     * x - {Float} The x-displacement (in map units)
-     * y - {Float} The y-displacement (in map units)
+     * x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction. 
+     * y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
     move: function(x, y) {
         for(var i = 0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; i++) {

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