[fusion-commits] r2767 - trunk/widgets/QuickPlot

svn_fusion at osgeo.org svn_fusion at osgeo.org
Fri Aug 23 01:32:53 PDT 2013

Author: jng
Date: 2013-08-23 01:32:53 -0700 (Fri, 23 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 2767

#591: Rework PlotAsPDF.php
 - Draw the print elements (title, scalebar, disclaimer) first before drawing the map/legend. These draw methods now return a Metrics object containing their position and size.
 - Use these returned metrics to calculate the ideal size for the map and/or legend image that we want to put into the PDF. The end result is that the map and legend will better fit inside the PDF regardless of the size of the title or disclaimer as the map/legend will be re-adjusted in such cases.

Modified: trunk/widgets/QuickPlot/PlotAsPDF.php
--- trunk/widgets/QuickPlot/PlotAsPDF.php	2013-08-13 14:45:25 UTC (rev 2766)
+++ trunk/widgets/QuickPlot/PlotAsPDF.php	2013-08-23 08:32:53 UTC (rev 2767)
@@ -97,17 +97,75 @@
         $printSize = new Size(0, 0);
+    if ($showLegend) {
+        $legendWidth = PxToIn(250, $printDpi);
+    }
+    // Create new PDF document, the default "PDF_UNIT" value is "mm"
+    $pdf = new TCPDF($orientation, PDF_UNIT, $paperType, true, "UTF-8", false);
+    $font = "dejavusans";
+    // Set margins  
+    $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
+    $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(0);
+    $pdf->SetFooterMargin(0);
+    // Prevent adding page automatically
+    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); 
+    // Remove default header/footer
+    $pdf->setPrintHeader(false);
+    $pdf->setPrintFooter(false);
+    // Set default font size
+    $pdf->SetFont($font, "", 16, "", true);
+    // Add a page
+    $pdf->AddPage();
+    // The print size determines the size of the PDF, not the size of the map and legend images
+    // we want to request back to put into this PDF.
+    //
+    // What that means is that we should draw the surrounding print elements first (title, scale, disclaimer),
+    // then adjust the image request sizes to ensure they (and element drawn on top like coordinates) will fit
+    // correctly in the remaining space.
+    //
+    // Title, scale and disclaimer rendering will all return Metrics objects that will give us the information
+    // needed for the size adjustments
+    // Draw Title
+    $mTitle = DrawTitle();
+    $mScale = NULL;
+    if ($showScaleBar) {
+        // Draw Scale
+        $mScale = DrawScale();
+    }
+    // Draw declaration
+    $mDec = DrawDeclaration(($mScale != NULL) ? ($mScale->x + $mScale->w) : 0);
+    // Adjust width and height of the images we want to request to compensate for surrounding print elements that have been rendered
+    // Check the size of the disclaimer and adjust height
+    $idealHeight = $pdf->getPageHeight() - ($mDec->h - ($mScale != NULL ? $mScale->h : 0)) - $margin[0] - $margin[1];
+    //var_dump($idealHeight);
+    //var_dump($printSize);
+    //die;
+    if ($idealHeight < $printSize->height);
+        $printSize->height = $idealHeight;
+    $idealWidth = $pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin[2] - $margin[3];
+    if ($idealWidth < $printSize->width);
+        $printSize->width = $idealWidth;
     // Shave off width if we have a legend
     if ($showLegend) {
-        $legendWidth = PxToIn(250, $printDpi);
         $printSize->width = $printSize->width - $legendWidth;
     // Construct the querysting which can be used to generate the Map image
     $query_string = "session_id=".$_POST['sessionId']."&map_name=".$_POST['mapName']."&print_size=".$printSize->width.",".$printSize->height.
                     "&scale_denominator=".$_POST['scaleDenominator']."&rotation=".$_POST['rotation']."&northarrow=".($showNorthArrow ? "1" : "0");
     // Construct the querystring which can be used to generate the legend
     if ($showLegend) {
         if (strcmp($legendType, "original") == 0) {
@@ -116,7 +174,7 @@
             $legend_query_string = "session_id=".$_POST['sessionId']."&map_name=".$_POST['mapName']."&width=".InToPx($legendWidth, $printDpi)."&height=".InToPx($printSize->height, $printDpi);
     $filelocation = "";
     $legendfilelocation = "";
@@ -138,25 +196,6 @@
-    // Create new PDF document, the default "PDF_UNIT" value is "mm"
-    $pdf = new TCPDF($orientation, PDF_UNIT, $paperType, true, "UTF-8", false);
-    $font = "dejavusans";
-    // Set margins  
-    $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
-    $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(0);
-    $pdf->SetFooterMargin(0);
-    // Prevent adding page automatically
-    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); 
-    // Remove default header/footer
-    $pdf->setPrintHeader(false);
-    $pdf->setPrintFooter(false);
-    // Set default font size
-    $pdf->SetFont($font, "", 16, "", true);
-    // Add a page
-    $pdf->AddPage();
     // Draw legend if specified
     if ($showLegend) {
         $pdf->Image($legendfilelocation, $margin[2], $margin[0], $legendWidth, $printSize->height, "PNG", "", "", false, $printDpi, "", false, false, 1, false, false, false);
@@ -164,28 +203,35 @@
     // Draw Map first, so if the margin is not enough for the Text, the Text will be displayed about the image
     $pdf->Image($filelocation, ($margin[2] + $legendWidth), $margin[0], $printSize->width, $printSize->height, "PNG", "", "", false, $printDpi, "", false, false, 1, false, false, false);
-    // Draw Title
-    DrawTitle();
+    // Draw coordiates if specified
+    $mExt = NULL;
     if ($showCoordinates) {
         // Draw Extent coordinates
-        DrawExtentCS();
+        $mExt = DrawExtentCS();
-    if ($showScaleBar) {
-        // Draw Scale
-        DrawScale();
-    }
-    // Draw declaration
-    DrawDeclaration();
     // Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output($title.'.pdf', 'I');
+    class Metrics
+    {
+        public $x;
+        public $y;
+        public $w;
+        public $h;
+        public function __construct($x, $y, $w, $h)
+        {
+            $this->x = $x;
+            $this->y = $y;
+            $this->w = $w;
+            $this->h = $h;
+        }
+    }
     class Size
         public $width;
@@ -343,14 +389,20 @@
         $pdf->Text($textStart_x, $end_y + 0.2, $scaleText);
         //write the date
         $date = date("M/d/Y");
-        $pdf->Text($textStart_x + 0.3, $end_y - 3.8, $date);  
+        $pdf->Text($textStart_x + 0.3, $end_y - 3.8, $date);
+        return new Metrics($margin[2],
+                           $start_y,
+                           $textStart_x,
+                           ($end_y + 0.2) - $start_y);
-    function DrawDeclaration()
+    function DrawDeclaration($offX)
         global $pdf, $font, $margin, $printSize, $legendWidth;
         $declaration= $_POST["legalNotice"];
         //$declaration_w = $pdf->GetStringWidth($declaration,$font,9);
         $pdf->SetFont($font, "", 9, "", true);
@@ -360,7 +412,7 @@
         //so it will align to the right
         $SingleLineDeclarationWidth  = $pdf->GetStringWidth($declaration, $font, "", 9, false) + $legendWidth;
         $tolerance = 3;
-        $w = 100;
+        $w = $pdf->getPageWidth() - $margin[0] - $margin[1] - $offX;
         if( $SingleLineDeclarationWidth + $tolerance < $w )
@@ -371,11 +423,15 @@
         $border = 0; //no border
         $align = "L";//align left
         $tolerance = 2;
-        $x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2] + $legendWidth) + $printSize->width - $w + $tolerance;
+        //$x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2] + $legendWidth) + $printSize->width - $w + $tolerance;
+        $x = ParseLocaleDouble($margin[2]) + $offX + $tolerance;
         $cellTotalHeight = $pdf->getStringHeight($w,$declaration);
         $y = $pdf->getPageHeight() - $cellTotalHeight - $bottomPadding;
+        if (strlen($declaration) == 0)
+            return new Metrics($x, $y, 0, 0);
         $pdf->MultiCell($w, $h, $declaration, $border, $align, false, 0, $x , $y , true);
+        return new Metrics($x, $y, $w, $pdf->getStringHeight($w, $declaration));
     function DrawExtentCS()
@@ -433,5 +489,6 @@
         // Print text using writeHTMLCell()
         $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, $x, $y, $html, 0, 1, false, true, "C", true);
+        return new Metrics($x, $y, $titleWidth, $pdf->getStringHeight(0, $title));
\ No newline at end of file

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