[fusion-dev] Fusion 1.1 release

Mike Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Aug 22 09:17:46 EDT 2008

+1 from me.  It will be good to have the OL2.6 functionality in there 
before 2.7 s released.


Jason Fournier wrote:
> Dear PSC and developers alike,
> I would like to propose a release of Fusion geared towards the end of
> August.  The release would be a cut of trunk versioned at 1.1.  I propose
> either of the following paths for this release:
> 1) Cut a release immediately from trunk and version it as 1.1
> 2) Cut an RC immediately from trunk as 1.1 RC1 for testing with final 1.1.
> release following shortly thereafter.
> This release addresses the following:
> - Addition of OpenLayers 2.6
> - Allow MapGuide templates to be updated correctly  
> - Include i18n support in an official release
> - Many other enhancements (performance or otherwise) and bug fixes
> A change log will be provided with the release.
> I'm interested in hearing feedback from anyone interested.  PSC members, if
> we consider the two options above we can choose:
> a) an immediate 1.1 official release
> b) an RC release followed by official 1.1 version
> c) no release at this time
> Note that this release will not necessarily be indicative of the way we will
> want to release future versions of Fusion.  Like many other things we are
> currently working at figuring out how best to handle certain aspects of the
> project.
> I'll begin the vote with a +1 for option b - RC release followed by official
> version.
> Best regards,
> Jason
> ____________________________________
>      Jason Fournier
>      Product Manager, Data & Technologies
>      DM Solutions Group Inc.
>      jfournier at dmsolutions.ca
>      Office: (613) 565-5056 x18
>      Mobile: (613) 227-5056
> _______________________________________________
> fusion-dev mailing list
> fusion-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/fusion-dev

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