[fusion-dev] GeoExt

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Dec 12 11:01:45 EST 2008


JxLib is advancing, but slowly at the moment as there are only two  
developers.  We've created a community presence in the hope of  
attracting new developers and we have had some success.  It will take  
a while to advance things though.

Enhanced grid operations are on our list of things to develop in the  

If you have an immediate need, you might want to try MapFish instead  
of trying to add ExtJS to Fusion.



On 12-Dec-08, at 10:54 AM, kde wrote:

> (First of all, sorry in advance for my bad english)
> The size is even important to don't have to wait 15 seconds the page  
> is
> loading.
> But the added functionnalities in ExtJS are so usefull that I would  
> prefer
> to use ExtJS rather than Jx.
> For example, in the specifications of the application I'm currently
> developping, it's required to do to these operations on data grids:
> - filter data according patterns
> - sort data on multiple columns values
> - reorder, hide, resize columns
> - ...
> Jx don't provide these functionnalities (from what I see from  
> jxlib.org).
> So ... I don't know exactly what I'll do ... wait for a Fusion with  
> ExtJS or
> add the ExtJs library in my webpage (which will make the page very  
> slow to
> load)...
> Paul Spencer-2 wrote:
>> By way of doing some comparisons, I just built a minimal version of
>> Ext using the builder and included things that I thought Jx+MooTools
>> provides, the condensed file size is 392 kb (a full build is 564kb)
>> while the jxlib build including a full MooTools + Extras (of which we
>> don't use everything) is 184kb.  I think I produced a very minimal
>> build of MooTools such that the combined jxlib and MooTools was about
>> 128 kb condensed, but the saving seemed minimal compared to not  
>> having
>> some of the MooTools stuff available for app development.
>> This being said, Ext probably has more functionality than jxlib has  
>> in
>> that build, but then I think MooTools has more functionality than Ext
>> has in that build too.
>> Not sure why I am rambling on about this ... size doesn't matter,  
>> right?
>> :)
>> Paul
>> On 11-Dec-08, at 8:49 PM, Paul Spencer wrote:
>>> I was just going to say the same thing then I saw this email :)  It
>>> will be interesting to see how it evolves, it provides a very nice
>>> look and feel for a quick mapping application that doesn't need any
>>> server-side dependencies.
>>> Personally, I find Ext quite heavy compared to Jx + MooTools but I
>>> haven't enough knowledge of it to state a strong opinion.  I get the
>>> impression that it is not that easy to customize the look and feel
>>> either, but I could be wrong - and it looks pretty sweet to start
>>> with ...
>>> Cheers
>>> Paul
>>> On 11-Dec-08, at 7:47 PM, Jason Birch wrote:
>>>> GeoExt is similar to Jx + the OL client portion of Fusion,  
>>>> GeoMoose,
>>>> etc.  MapFish is a closer analogue to Fusion.
>>>> I was about to say that because it is based on Ext it would have to
>>>> be
>>>> GPLv3, but then found that ExtJS has exemptions in place for open
>>>> source
>>>> libraries and applications that encapsulate it.  Didn't see that  
>>>> last
>>>> time I looked.
>>>> This is pretty cool:
>>>> http://extjs.com/products/extjs/build/
>>>> Jason
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Zac Spitzer
>>>> Subject: [fusion-dev] GeoExt
>>>> Just saw this post on planet osgeo,
>>>> http://mapfishblog.blogspot.com/2008/12/geoext-but-why.html
>>>> Seems rather like Fusion, hmmm
>>>> thoughts?
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>>>  Paul Spencer
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>>    Paul Spencer
>>    Chief Technology Officer
>>    DM Solutions Group Inc
>>    http://research.dmsolutions.ca/
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> -- 
> View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/GeoExt-tp1645801p1648310.html
> Sent from the Fusion Developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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