[fusion-dev] RE: [mapguide-internals] Fusion - Base layers questions...

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Oct 8 14:46:11 EDT 2008

always worth a ticket, that way we won't forget.  Please document how  
you would expect this to appear in the ApplicationDefinition and how  
you would expect it to work.  I don't think it would take a lot to  
support, but it would be easy to set it up wrong.


On 8-Oct-08, at 1:52 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

> Another semi-related question... I know that Zac has had some success
> using the OpenLayers MapGuide provider with an array of map services
> (multiple DNS hosts pointing to the same service) to allow for  
> multiple
> connections.  Is there any way of configuring Fusion to take advantage
> of this?  Currently I think that you can only configure a single
> MapAgent?.  It would be cool if the mapagent could be defined as a  
> list
> in the config file, with the first entry being used for session
> management and general mapagent calls, and the additional entries  
> being
> used for tile requests.  Is this something that it is worth putting in
> an enhancement request for?


    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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