[fusion-dev] Creating Vector Points on the Map from Task Pane

Nolte, Tim Tim.Nolte at ipcswirelessinc.com
Mon Nov 30 08:27:44 EST 2009

OK, well after a bunch of trial-and-error I finally got this working.
The key was a small error:


should have been:


Nothing like such a small item causing a bunch of headache. Maybe this
will help someone else.

- Tim

Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
Network Planning Engineer

iPCS Wireless, Inc.
4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
Kentwood, MI 49512

Office: 616-656-5163
PCS:    616-706-2438
Fax:    616-554-6484
Web: www.ipcswirelessinc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fusion-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Nolte, Tim
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 12:30 AM
To: fusion-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [fusion-dev] Creating Vector Points on the Map from Task Pane

OK Guys,

So I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how
to get a geocoded point to display as a vector star on the map. I've got
things working to the point of getting my lat/long and zooming the map
to the extents that the point falls in. The part that I just can't seem
to get working, no matter what combination I try, is taking my lat/long
and sticking a point(star) on the map. I'm including my code so you can
see where I'm at. You'll notice that in some cases I've got some
hard-coded items, this is just due to my custom widget not really being
general purpose anyways. Any tips here would be hugely appreciated.

function GetParent() {
	if (parent.Fusion) {
		return parent;
	} else if (parent.parent.Fusion) {
		return parent.parent;
	return null;

function getMapAddress() {

function createPoint(nLat, nLon, sLabel) {
	var OpenLayers = GetParent().OpenLayers;
	var mapWidget = getMapAddress().getMapWidget();
	var json = getMapAddress().extension;
	// calculate & zoom to new extents
	var ur = new Object;
	var ll = new Object;
	ur.x = nLon;
	ll.x = nLon;
	ur.y = nLat;
	ll.y = nLat;
	// create one default layer, unless other widgets have created
	var vectorLayer = mapWidget.oMapOL.getLayersByName('Geocoded
	var mapServerLayer =
	if (vectorLayer) { mapWidget.oMapOL.removeLayer(vectorLayer,
false); }
	vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Geocoded Points', {
		styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({'default':{
			strokeColor: "#00FF00",
			strokeOpacity: 1,
			strokeWidth: 3,
			fillColor: "#000000",
			fillOpacity: 0.5,
			pointRadius: 6,
			pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
			label : "${label}",
			fontColor: "#000000",
			fontSize: "7px",
			fontFamily: "Arial",
			fontWeight: "bold",
			labelAlign: "rt",
			labelXOffset: "${xOffset}",
			labelYOffset: "${yOffset}"
	// create a point feature
	var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(nLon, nLat);
	var pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point);
	pointFeature.attributes = {
		label: sLabel,
		// positive value moves the label to the right
		xOffset: 50,
		// negative value moves the label down
		yOffset: 0
	vectorLayer.maxScale = mapServerLayer.maxScale;
	vectorLayer.numZoomLevels = mapServerLayer.numZoomLevels;
	var zoomFactor = json.Factor ? json.Factor[0] : 2;
	var margin = .0125;
	var zoom_size = zoomFactor * margin / 2;
	//var zoom_size = zoomFactor * Math.max( Math.abs(ur.x - ll.x),
Math.abs(ur.y - ll.y)) / 2;
	var cX = (ur.x + ll.x)/2;
	var cY = (ur.y + ll.y)/2;
	ll.x = cX - zoom_size;
	ur.x = cX + zoom_size;
	ll.y = cY - zoom_size;
	ur.y = cY + zoom_size;
	mapWidget._oCurrentExtents = mapWidget.oMapOL.getExtent();

Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
Network Planning Engineer

iPCS Wireless, Inc.
4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
Kentwood, MI 49512

Office: 616-656-5163
PCS:    616-706-2438
Fax:    616-554-6484
Web: www.ipcswirelessinc.com

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