[fusion-trac] #266: Maptips Should Only Show for Visible Layers

Fusion trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 2 17:07:29 EDT 2009

#266: Maptips Should Only Show for Visible Layers
 Reporter:  tnolte   |         Owner:  madair    
     Type:  defect   |        Status:  new       
 Priority:  P2       |     Milestone:  Future    
Component:  Widgets  |       Version:  2.0 - beta
 Severity:  Major    |    Resolution:            
 Keywords:  maptips  |   External_id:            
    State:  New      |       Browser:  All       
       Os:  All      |  
Comment (by pagameba):

 The visibility of layers is controlled on the client side and included in
 a call to mapserv to request specific layers to be drawn.  Same with
 extent and image size.  This means that the map is (almost) never updated
 to reflect the transient client side changes.

 I think we should modify the Maptips request in
 Layers/MapServer/MapServer.js to pass the current extent and visible
 layers along with the other parameters around line 807, then modify the
 MapTips.php to use this to correctly set up the map object.

 Does this sound like a reasonable approach?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/266#comment:3>
Fusion <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion>
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.

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