[fusion-trac] #266: Maptips Should Only Show for Visible Layers

Fusion trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 6 08:28:50 EDT 2009

#266: Maptips Should Only Show for Visible Layers
 Reporter:  tnolte   |         Owner:  madair    
     Type:  defect   |        Status:  new       
 Priority:  P2       |     Milestone:  Future    
Component:  Widgets  |       Version:  2.0 - beta
 Severity:  Major    |    Resolution:            
 Keywords:  maptips  |   External_id:            
    State:  New      |       Browser:  All       
       Os:  All      |  
Comment (by tnolte):

 That is the road I did start to go down. It took a little bit to figure
 out where to gather this information from. I do agree that this seems to
 be the best route. As far as what all to pass, I guess this is sort of a
 toss-up. My first thought was to pass the scale and/or extent then in the
 MapServer Maptips script do some querying of the specified Maptips layers
 and see if any of the given layers fall within the current scale. If so
 then only provide Maptips for those layers. However, if you just passed a
 list of what layers were currently visible then you could also just bump
 up the Maptips layers against that list to dictate whether to show the

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/266#comment:4>
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Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.

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