[fusion-trac] #220: Selection hides other features in IE6
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 4 12:23:06 EST 2009
#220: Selection hides other features in IE6
Reporter: chrisclaydon | Owner: madair
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: P1 | Milestone: 2.0
Component: Widgets | Version: SVN
Severity: Major | Resolution:
Keywords: | External_id: 1193382.01
State: Analysis Requested | Browser: IE6
Os: All |
Comment (by tomfukushima):
Mike, I think that a simple check using Fiddler could tell you that the
image coming back is PNG24.
On another note, why does it take so much work to get this reproduced?
Something like this should be simple to diagnose. It just seems silly to
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/220#comment:8>
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