[fusion-trac] #289: Dynamic loading of scripts for commercial
map layer
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 17 09:56:00 EDT 2009
#289: Dynamic loading of scripts for commercial map layer
Reporter: liuar | Owner: zjames
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: P2 | Milestone: Future
Component: Core | Version: 1.1.1
Severity: Major | Resolution:
Keywords: | External_id:
State: New | Browser: All
Os: All |
Changes (by zjames):
* owner: liuar => zjames
* status: new => assigned
We reviewed the patch and unfortunately it needs some modification before
we can put it in trunk because it makes an assumption that will break many
applications. If the ApplicationDefinition is not stored in the repository
or the Fusion application uses MapServer instead of MapGuide, this patch
will cause a failure.
If you can make modifications so that the addition is entirely skipped in
those cases, then we can apply it.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/289#comment:1>
Fusion <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion>
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.
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