[fusion-trac] #425: "Stop Running this Script" with Fusion & IE
when too many items in legend
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Sun Dec 19 22:20:43 EST 2010
#425: "Stop Running this Script" with Fusion & IE when too many items in legend
Reporter: liuar | Owner: liuar
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: P2 | Milestone: Future
Component: Widgets | Version: 2.2 - RC1
Severity: Major | Keywords:
External_id: | State: New
Browser: All | Os: All
This defect is caused by Ticket #388 Legend: dynamic legend doesn't work
in IE.[[BR]]
All legend icons will be requested from server no matter the layer’s
legend icon should be shown or not. So there will be a long term loop
which IE thought harmful and prompt user to stop running the script .
The workaround is letting IE browser take a breath while handling the
loop, I make it take a 0.001 second break after processing 10 legend
icons. This will prevent the 'Stop running this script' message in IE.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/425>
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