[fusion-trac] #347: GLOB: 4 new widgets EN strings are not localized yet

Fusion trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Fri Jan 8 04:41:30 EST 2010

#347: GLOB: 4 new widgets EN strings are not localized yet
 Reporter:  christinebao  |         Owner:  Christine Bao
     Type:  defect        |        Status:  closed       
 Priority:  P2            |     Milestone:  Future       
Component:  Widgets       |       Version:  1.1.1        
 Severity:  Major         |    Resolution:  fixed        
 Keywords:                |   External_id:  1284495      
    State:  Committed     |       Browser:  All          
       Os:  All           |  
Comment (by christinebao):

 QA found another defect: in Linux the texts of these four widgets are
 missing. Related defect 1290611: Linux: The button shows wrong in the
 flexible web layout.

 This is because the new line is different in Linux and Windows, causing
 the resource file (en) not correct in Linux.[[BR]]
 To fix this defect, please replace the MgDev\OS\Oem\fusion\text\en with
 the one created in Linux.

 Perform test in Linux:[[BR]]
 1. Replace the en resource file.[[BR]]
 2. Restart web server.[[BR]]
 3. Open FeatureInfo, Query, Theme and Redline widgets, check the text of
 buttons and labels.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/347#comment:8>
Fusion <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion>
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.

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