[fusion-trac] #357: LinkToView cannot be displayed on Statusbar
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Thu Jan 28 01:02:47 EST 2010
#357: LinkToView cannot be displayed on Statusbar
Reporter: liuar | Owner: madair
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: P2 | Milestone: Future
Component: Widgets | Version: 1.1.1
Severity: Major | Resolution:
Keywords: | External_id: 1297286
State: New | Browser: All
Os: All |
Changes (by liuar):
* summary: LinkToView cannot be displayed on Statusba => LinkToView
cannot be displayed on Statusbar
In revision 1733, this.domObj.appendChild(this.anchor) was removed from
the initializeWidget function and added to the setUiObj function. if the
LinkToView widget is added to StatusBar, it will not be assigned any
uiClass, so the setUiObj function will never be called. That's why the
widget can not be displayed on StatusBar.[[BR]]
If the widget has domObj at initialize time, we just append it to the
domObj, else wait until setUiObj is called.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/357#comment:1>
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