[fusion-trac] #551: Redline: Configurable data store type
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 6 02:40:54 PST 2013
#551: Redline: Configurable data store type
Reporter: jng | Owner: jng
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: P2 | Milestone: Future
Component: Widgets | Version: 2.0
Severity: Major | Keywords:
External_id: | State: New
Browser: All | Os: All
The current choice of data store for the Redline widget is SDF.
Because we're using MgFileFeatureSourceParams server-side for creating the
initial Redline data store, we should be able to extend this to support
any other provider supported by this class like SQLite and SHP. The
redline FDO schema is simple enough even for a schematically constrained
format like SHP.
For SHP it would have to be a special case where if the user chooses to
download the data, we need to "download" the SHP file and its dependent
data files to a temp location and serve out a zipped version of this file.
We could then expose the data store type as a new widget extension
property (defaulting to SDF to preserve original behaviour)
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/551>
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