[fusion-users] How to add Tab Pages.... Help please!

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Aug 21 08:51:50 EDT 2008

Hi Khalid,

the tabs are not specifically part of Fusion, but rather a component  
of the Jx library that we are basing fusion on.

A tab in Jx is essentially a button that is linked to a content area  
that is to be displayed when the tab is selected.

There are two ways to work with tabs - the first is using a tab box  
and the second is not using a tab box.

Using tab box:

var tabBox = new Jx.TabBox('<contentId>', '<position>');

where <contentId> is the id of a <div> that you want the tab box to be  
inside and <position> is one of 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left'  
which dictates where the tab bar will go (typically you want top).

Then creating tabs is simple:

var t1 = new Jx.Tab('<label>', {contentID: '<contentId>'});
var t2 = new Jx.Tab('<label>', {contentID: '<contentId>'});
// ...
tabBox.add(t1, t2 /*, ... */);

where <label> is the text on the tab and <contentId> is the id of a  
<div> that will be displayed when that tab is active.

The non-tabbox case is more flexible because the tabs don't have to be  
directly attached to the content area, but a bit more work to set up  
(not a lot though)

var toolbar = new Jx.Toolbar('<contentId'>); // the id of the <div> to  
put the toolbar in
var tabset = new Jx.TabSet('<contentId>'); // the id of the <div> to  
put the tab content into
var t1 = new Jx.Tab('<label>', {contentID: '<contentId>'});
var t2 = new Jx.Tab('<label>', {contentID: '<contentId>'});
toolbar.add(t1, t2);
tabset.add(t1, t2);

Now to use this with Fusion, you set up your tabs then in the  
ApplicationDefinition you can use the same <contentId> as you used for  
a tab with a widget to have that widget appear inside the tab.



On 20-Aug-08, at 6:32 PM, Khalid wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to Fusion. I am using Fusion with Mapserver. I am trying to  
> use Tab Pages fucntionality instead of Panels and found that we can  
> use Jx.Tab to show layers and selection on Tab pages but I could not  
> find any example. I am not sure if this feature has been implemented  
> in Fusion for Mapserver. If somebody can give me an example about it  
> that would be great.
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Khalid
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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