[fusion-users] JX Panel height
Tómas Guðmundsson
tomas at snertill.is
Fri Aug 22 11:21:52 EDT 2008
We at Snertill have already modified the Panels in such a way that the traditional 'Accordion' mode. No resizing and single click maximizing. I personally believe this way enters into the user interface rules about 'minimizing rules about your interface that users have to memorize' and 'avoid all confusion'.
The single click maximizing accordion has been done in many other applications and the new users I see entering into our application feel right at home knowing exactly what they need to do, to open up a panel. I also think that first thought to the question a new user asks him/herself "What do I need to do get to there" is trying to click and then doubleclick if a click doesn't work.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pspencer at dmsolutions.ca]
Sent: 22. ágúst 2008 15:00
To: Tómas Guðmundsson
Cc: Jason Fournier; fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] JX Panel height
Jx and panels are getting an overhaul right now. The interaction
isn't changing significantly though. I don't think I agree with a
single click on the title bar maximizing the panel, that seems overly
aggressive to me and prone to users complaining about it. For now, we
will stick with clicking a button or double clicking the title bar to
maximize, and click/drag to resize.
I am contemplating a more traditional 'Accordion' mode where only one
panel is open at a time, which would have your proposed style of
interaction (click title to open panel) and no dragging of title bars
- but this is not in there yet.
On 22-Aug-08, at 10:51 AM, Tómas Guðmundsson wrote:
> Jason, All.
> I'm sorry but I think that this is not correct. As you can see it
> says "this.title..." so the '22px' is the height of the title bar.
> The title bar's are funny business and I hereby recommend that the
> function of the titles in regards with the mouse functionality.
> My personal opinion is that a single click is more in tune with what
> users already know, given the functionality of Outlook for instance.
> This leaves the dragging tool out though. Single click was assigned
> to dragging. It could be moved to the arrow on the left side. To
> single click and drag the panels accordingly would be more for
> advanced users who can relate to those functions.
> So to sum up, single click = maximize panel, single click and drag
> on arrow : resize panel.
> Also I would like to mention that Snertill is very close to
> releasing its product and it will be fun to receive feedback from
> the fusion community.
> Also, I would like to mention that Iceland just qualified for the
> finals at the Olympics in Handball.
> Regards,
> Tómas.
> From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> ] On Behalf OfJason Fournier
> Sent: 22. ágúst 2008 13:46
> To: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: RE: [fusion-users] JX Panel height
> Hi Marc,
> It would seem that jx is setting the style of the panel height in
> jxpanel.js:
> this.title.style.height = '22px';
> You could override this value in the js file itself but it would
> affect all panels. Considering this value is being applied as a
> style I don't think you could overwrite it by any CSS selectors as a
> style reigns supreme in the selector hierarchy. One thing could be
> to add an option to the Panel prototype to accept height.
> Best regards,
> Jason
> From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> ] On Behalf OfMarc Pfister
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5:06 PM
> To: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [fusion-users] JX Panel height
> Is there a way to explicitly set the height of a JX panel in pixels,
> or as a percentage of the panel pane, or to automagically size it to
> fit its contents?
> Thanks,
> Marc
> n
> Marc Pfister
> Geospatial Data Manager
> mpfister at enplan.com
> 530/221-0440 x108
> 530/221-6963 Fax
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Paul Spencer
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DM Solutions Group Inc
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