[fusion-users] Problems with starting a new application.
Paul Deschamps
pdeschamps at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 13 09:28:48 EDT 2008
This may not help your particular issue but I want to mention a little
anomaly about XML and web browsers:
XML files behave differently in browsers cache then a css or static html
file. If you modify most static content such as css or html a simple
call to refresh usually updates the modified file. Where in XML this is
not the case at all.
XML is cached on initial load and is persistent until you forcibly empty
the browser's cache.
Any time you edit the AppDef. empty the browser's cache.
Hope this helps.
Paul D.
| Paul Deschamps |
| Applications Specialist |
| |
| DM Solutions Group |
| http://dmsolutions.ca/ |
| P: 613.565.5056 ext 28 |
| F: 613.565.0925 |
On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 13:01 +0000, Tómas Guðmundsson wrote:
> Yes, that does help me, thank you very much.
> However I did find a way to make Fusion read my
> ApplicationDefinition.xml
> (by leaving no extra URL parameters like ApplicationDefinition)
> however, I
> do not understand how and why. When I modify the MapGroup in the
> ApplicationDefinition, that if I change the id from sheboygan
> something else,
> It doesn’t work. But if use another map resource and keep the
> Sheboygan id for
> the mapgroup it works perfectly ? Is this a bug within fusion and
> should it be
> reported or is there a setting defining a map with ID=’sheboygan’
> somewhere
> I don’t know about ?
> Rgds
> tomas
> From: Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S [mailto:ks at geograf.dk]
> Sent: 13. maí 2008 13:04
> To: Tómas Guðmundsson
> Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Problems with starting a new application.
> I'm not all up to date on Fusion, so I might be wrong.
> Fusion can either use a standalone ApplicationDefinition.xml, or read
> the equvalent xml from the MapGuide server.
> When you use Studio, it modifies the xml in the MapGuide server.
> Normally, Fusion will load the xml from the MapGuide server, rather
> than from a file.
> You cannot load xml into MapGuide via. Studio, but you can save a copy
> of the Xml to your disc, and manually insert it into the server.
> Does that help you?
> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Tómas Guðmundsson skrev:
> Hello all.
> I wanted to ask this list if they can help me understand something
> more about fusion. If there is some more documentation than on the
> osgeo webpage I would be verey happy if someone could point me to that
> resource. I‘m hoping somebody on this list can answer several aspects
> I have not yet wrapped my head around. I am using Mapguide Server and
> Studio Enterprise 2009 and the Fusion that came bundled with that CD.
> All my modifications and testing took place in the folder
> mapguide2009/fusion/templates/mapguide/newtemplate/ where newtemplate
> was indeed just a copy of another template which I modified so I
> wouldn‘t overwrite the original copy.
> ApplicationDefinition.xml. To what ApplicationDefinition does fusion
> listen to or parse? I modified the one in the same directory, to
> hopefully include my mapdefinition but nothing happens. It still went
> with the default Sheboygan sample data or when it didn‘t do that it
> told me (via firebug) that mapGroup has no properties in Map.js. Maybe
> I‘m referencing it wrong? Where can I find the MapDefinition for a
> weblayout or a map I have ? Also, when I removed a whole section of
> let‘s say, ContextMenu, nothing changed. Even with the right map (now
> given as a paramter in the URL) the same default ContextMenu popped
> up.
> I know there are several ways to add your own stuff to the fusion
> application, but as a programmer I want to everything by hand. When I
> add something with a point and click via Mapguide Studio it sometimes
> works but I would like to know the best way, and in what order I
> should add the xml definition of a widget, the javascript
> implementation of that widget, and then the xml snippet inside the
> applicationdefinition? (Which as point a) made, did not work for me
> when I changed the ApplicationDefinition).
> How do I get fusion to execute my code? I tried with my own widgets or
> components and just the simple javascript command "alert('I say, Hello
> Fusion!');" does not seem to execute in my own widgets. Other widgets
> modified, like in the most simple one, About widget. Just before I
> would open the about window, I entered that line and nothing happened.
> A colleague of mine told me to move it up 4 lines, on line 67 in
> About.js, which seems totally random to me but hey, I got my About
> button to say Hello Fusion so it worked.
> So these are my main points of not understanding how Fusion works, so
> I would appreciate it greatly if somebody could help me understand
> these points.
> Regards,
> Tomas, Programmer for
> Snertill, Iceland.
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