[fusion-users] Several problems popping up.
Paul Spencer
pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu May 22 09:39:10 EDT 2008
On 19-May-08, at 11:28 AM, Tómas Guðmundsson wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have several problems occurring now with my interferance with my
> version of Fusion. Just so you guys know where I'm coming from, I do
> have a widget called BlockUI that blocks the Map and the User
> Interface whilst it's drawing the map. Now, as you can see in the
> following screenshot in the Firebug are the divs that are related to
> that BlockUI are the ones with the id "Loading". This might be
> creating a conflict, I don't know, but somehow I'm getting these
> errors. What I tried at first was to copy from a backup folder of
> fusion and overwrite the folders, "jx", "lib", all the folders in
> the widget folder, Print.js and Overview.js, so the core is the same
> and the widgets that are bothering me are the same as the default
> ( I think version 1.0.5 ).
> Now I think this is very interesting and the screenshot that has to
> go with these errors is up on : http://www.wildrabbit.org/fusionproblem.jpg
> 1. The OverviewMap. No idea, at all, why do I get the white sleave
> below the mini map. I know by cracking the HTML that this should be
> the Action div in a JxDialog. Has anyone been through this before ?
> Like I said before, I overwrited the OverviewMap.js and all the JX
> library so I have no idea where this is coming from.
the Jx.Dialog class has an 'Action' area that is used for buttons.
Unfortunately this was poorly thought out (at least for more generic
use) and so it is difficult to not have this action area. I believe
you can get rid of it using CSS (set its height to 0). We are
reworking the Jx library to use mootools instead of scriptaculous/
prototype and this is one of the things that I want to clean up.
> 2. In association you can see 2a and 2b being duplicates of a
> jxDialogContainer that contains a dialog that displays a loading
> animation. I have a code, actually in the RefreshMap widget ( I
> should find a better place for it ) but here is the code. Once it is
> executed, that is I need to call the constructor at least once, it
> runs on Events sent out by the Map.
> Fusion.require('/widgets/sneBlockUI.js');
> ...
> this.blocker = new Fusion.Widget.sneBlockUI(widgetTag);
> Now, this is the most amazing part. I know for a fact that this line
> does not happen anywhere else in any of the files because if I
> comment it out. No blockUI object appears (no loading dialog). So
> this is a very big mystery to me as well.
Are you referring to the fact that there are 2 divs of id Loading?
Somehow that code is getting called twice - you will need to set a
breakpoint on that line and confirm what is happening, but I suspect
that you have two instances of your widget or two wigdets that use
> 3. This is what the jxDialog does and that is as you can see in 3a
> and 3b is create what I guess is called a blanket. This hinders the
> user to interact with the rest of the ui, so if you have a MCM
> (Mouse Clicking Maniac) using your system he can be prevented from
> trying to do everything at once. Just a safety measure. But then
> again, it appears twice as explained in point 2.
> 4. As you can see in the 4a part, my print dialog (again reverted to
> the original) is getting into a bad position which is obvious if you
> take a look at the output from firebug. As you can see the z-index
> of the print dialog is 104 but the Modal div is 138. And I don't
> quite understand how those z-indices are distributed. And the thing
> is that now I have 3 modal blankets, and the print dialog pops
> behind (in the z-buffer) on of the blankets and then becomes
> inoperable by the user and the solution totally fails.
Jx.Dialog tries to manage the z-indexes of dialogs to keep them in an
appropriate order, I believe.
> I know that problems 2-4 are related to the block function I wrote.
> Thanks to all who read all this and offer their help, its really
> appreciated.
> Icelandic regards,
> Tómas.
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Paul Spencer
Chief Technology Officer
DM Solutions Group Inc
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