[fusion-users] Getting zoomscroll to work with baselayers in
fusion 1.1 (MapGuide)
Paul Spencer
pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Nov 4 07:40:34 EST 2008
Thanks for digging into this Måns. I suspect that the difference is
something to do with the fixed zoom levels in tiled maps vs non-fixed
in regular maps.
You might want to change your approach here and try something like this:
wheelChange: function(evt, deltaZ) {
var size = this.oMapOL.getSize();
var deltaX = size.w/2 - evt.xy.x;
var deltaY = evt.xy.y - size.h/2;
if (this.fractionalZoom) {
var deltaRes = deltaZ > 0 ? 0.5 : 2; //TODO: use some sort
of factor here
var newRes = this.oMapOL.baseLayer.getResolution()*deltaRes;
} else {
var newZoom = this.olMap.getZoom() + deltaZ;
if (!this.olMap.isValidZoomLevel(newZoom)) {
var newRes =
var zoomPoint = this.oMapOL.getLonLatFromPixel(evt.xy);
var newCenter = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
zoomPoint.lon + deltaX * newRes,
zoomPoint.lat + deltaY * newRes );
var newBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
newCenter.lon - size.w*newRes/2,
newCenter.lat - size.h*newRes/2,
newCenter.lon + size.w*newRes/2,
newCenter.lat + size.h*newRes/2);
Please let me know what you get working and I will incorporate it into
On 4-Nov-08, at 3:17 AM, Måns Beckman wrote:
> Hi,
> Fusion 1.1 is great, but zooming with the scrollwheel doesn’t work. http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/59
> (like in Zac’s case my map is in a locale coordinate system)
> I have been trying to figure out why, but I’ve had some trouble and
> some success.
> So I started with figuring out that we don’t get the same reply from
> the server when we use ordinary maps as when we use baselayers maps.
> Something is happening inside OpenLayers. The same parameters are
> sent from wheelChange to setExtents, after setExtents something is
> happening that makes the map stay in the same scale.
> But what could be seen was that zooming in using the zoom tool or
> the navigator worked, so my quick and dirty hack was to copy some
> code from the navigator widget into wheelChange.
> (I know this code is ugly, but it kind of works.)
> wheelChange: function(evt, deltaZ) {
> var deltaRes = deltaZ > 0 ? 0.5 : 2;
> var activeWidget = null;
> if (this.oActiveWidget) {
> activeWidget = this.oActiveWidget;
> this.deactivateWidget(this.oActiveWidget);
> }
> var center = this.getCurrentCenter();
> this.zoom(center.x, center.y, deltaRes);
> //Event.stop(e);
> if (activeWidget) {
> this.activateWidget(activeWidget);
> }
> },
> This will work, but zooms into the center of the map instead of
> where the cursor is. I tried to send a different center to the zoom
> function, like the newCenter calculated in the original wheelChange
> function, but it still kept zooming into the center of the map, even
> if I send fixed coordinates like 0,0. This is just strange.
> So if anyone can make my code better or find another solution it
> would be great.
> Cheers
> Måns
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Måns Beckman
> Man and Machine
> Fabriksgatan 13
> 412 50 Göteborg
> Phone: +46 31 - 762 8182
> Mobile: +46 733 - 38 83 19
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Paul Spencer
Chief Technology Officer
DM Solutions Group Inc
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