[fusion-users] PanQuery and pink backgrounds

Marc Pfister mpfister at enplan.com
Thu Sep 11 17:18:57 EDT 2008

Paul Spencer [mailto:pspencer at dmsolutions.ca] wrote:

> I haven't tried the panquery widget in a while.  The intention of the
> widget was to have a dual mode widget that if you click and drag, it
> pans and if you just click it does a query.  Looking at the code, it
> doesn't appear to have anything that would cause it to make two
> buttons.  Perhaps you have something unintentional in your
> ApplicationDefinition (widget declared twice perhaps?).

I noticed a few things and now have it working.

1. PanQuery.js requires Pan.js
2. I end up with 2 icons. Hmmmmm....
3. I set PanQuery.js and Pan.js to output a message to console when
4. I have a map that only has PanQuery in its ApplicationDefinition.xml
5. When it starts, I get messages that both Pan and PanQuery have
6. Perhaps it's adding a new OpenLayers control twice, once for each
7. Try commenting out the creation and adding of the control in either
JS. No dice.
8. OK, try taking the event binding and the mouseup event method and
adding into pan.js
9. Use query-fied pan.js 
10. Success!

So I'm not sure why exactly I couldn't get PanQuery.js to work, but it
seems to have something to do with the require.


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