[fusion-users] Maptips on Mapserver (was: PanQuery and pink backgrounds)

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Sep 16 14:37:26 EDT 2008

Nice work, Marc!  Here's what I'd like to do with this widget:

1) write a php script for MapGuide equivalent to the MapServer one you  
have written - both will take the same parameters
2) return the same JSON object from both scripts
3) make the client side completely generic to both architectures

I've created a ticket for this: http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/127

If you are willing, can you attach your PHP script, Maptip2.js and  
anything else we might need to incorporate this into trunk?



On 16-Sep-08, at 2:16 PM, Marc Pfister wrote:

> Paul Deschamps wrote
>> One thing you can try is to just offset it a little from the cursor  
>> position. it's not
>> a fix but if we are able to get the selection issue resolved  it  
>> would be less obvious.
>> Your widget is a good basis thus far. Here's one method you can do  
>> to preform the query:
>> call a separate php script in the widget and in that script open up  
>> the mapfile then do
>> a queryByRect and return the results in json.
> Here's Maptips fixed to use a separate PHP script for MapServer. It  
> now seems to work pretty nicely. The code should work for both  
> MapGuide and Mapserver, though I don't have a MapGuide install any  
> more to test against.
> I've also added extension parameters for MapServer to specify which  
> fields in the feature class to use for the text and hyperlink in the  
> MapTip.
> And to help it work with PanQuery, I added a 5 pixel offset to the  
> Maptip div so that it isn't under the mouse and taking away focus. I  
> considered making it an extension parameter too but maybe that's not  
> needed.
> Marc
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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