[fusion-users] Fusion 2 - Google & Sheboygan Sample
Jason Birch
Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed Apr 1 17:26:52 EDT 2009
>From Hugues Wisniewski on the MapGuide-Internals list:
> CsMap doesn't have a system in its dictionaries for this EPSG
> code but if the WKT is provided to the API in input, a custom
> system will be created.
> Since MapGuide understands such systems and doesn't need to
> have a system physically present in its dictionary to be able
> to work, MapGuide can work with this WKT.
This means that if you define the coordinate system for the map using WKT (quite easy via Maestro) it should work. I'll see if I can try testing it a bit later.
The WKT for this projection is available at SpatialReference.org:
-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jason Birch
Sent: April-01-09 11:50 AM
To: 'percy'
Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [fusion-users] Fusion 2 - Google & Sheboygan Sample
Yes, MapGuide can project on the fly; prior to 2.1 vector only, but now both vector and raster. Just set the projection on the Map level. There is, of course, a bit of a performance cost but in some cases it can make more sense than reprojecting your data source.
I'll ask a question on the mapguide-internals list because I can't figure out how to get to these codes with the version of CS-Map we have bundled at 2.1.
-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of percy
Sent: April-01-09 7:07 AM
Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Fusion 2 - Google & Sheboygan Sample
You have to use Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 (google in L33T) or
EPSG:3785, but I don't know how to specify that in mapguide, just in
mapserver :-)
Does mapguide reproject on-the-fly?
Paul Spencer wrote:
> Google and all the other commercial services are not in EPSG:4326 (WGS84
> LatLong), rather they use a spherical mercator projection. I'm not sure
> how to configure this in MapGuide.
> On 31-Mar-09, at 5:00 PM, Berdel, Brian wrote:
>> Thanks Mike, that actually did work to get them both on. However I
>> have to zoom in to Sheboygan then turn the layers on and off to get
>> them to appear.
>> These are the problems I have noticed:
>> 1. I cannot set the correct extents...The map always starts with a
>> full view of the world...Shouldn't it get set to the extents of my
>> first map?
>> I tried setting it with ( as in example)
>> <maxExtent>-87.764986990962839,- 87.695521510899724,
>> 43.691398128787782, 43.797520000480347</maxExtent>
>> I noticed in Generic.js that there is a comment saying:
>> this.mapTag.layerOptions.maxExtent = null; //maxExtent not
>> allowed on Google layers
>> So it looks as though this is not correct...
>> 2. Once viewable, the maps do not overlay properly even though they
>> are both the same coordinate system WGS84.
>> I tried with Sheboygan and some other data I have in WGS84.
>> 3. You cannot set the maps background color to transparent in studio /
>> maestro / or XML (not that I know of anyway)
>> So, there will always be a color blocking the underlying google
>> map if any layer from the top map is on
>> This also goes for any maps you may try to overlay
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mike Adair [mailto:madair at dmsolutions.ca]
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:09 PM
>> To: Berdel, Brian
>> Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Fusion 2 - Google & Sheboygan Sample
>> Can you try putting a
>> <Options><isBaseLayer>false</isBaseLayer></Options> in your MapGuide
>> layer <Extension> element. OL only allows one baselayer at a time and I
>> suspect the MG layer gets set as a baselayer.
>> Mike
>> Berdel, Brian wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been trying to test the functionality of adding google maps to
>>> the Sheboygan Sample Map in my Appdef but have had no luck...I am able
>>> to get google to show up but the Sheboygan data does not. I can see
>>> the Sheboygan layers in the legend but when I zoom to sheyboygan the
>>> overview map does show that I am in the correct location but there are
>>> no layers in the map. Here is my AppDef. I have tried using the
>>> Tiledmap and regular and setting singletile & isbaselayer to true /
>>> false. Am I not doing something right? Sheboygan is the same
>>> coordinate system as Google.
>>> <MapGroup id="sheboygan" xsi:type="MapType">
>>> <Map xsi:type="MapGuideLayerType">
>>> <Type>MapGuide</Type>
>>> <SingleTile>true</SingleTile>
>>> <Extension>
>>> <ResourceId>Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Maps/Sheboygan.MapDefinition</ResourceId>
>>> <SelectionAsOverlay>true</SelectionAsOverlay>
>>> <SelectionFormat>PNG</SelectionFormat>
>>> <SelectionColor>0xFF0000FF</SelectionColor>
>>> </Extension>
>>> </Map>
>>> <Map xsi:type="WMSLayerType">
>>> <Type>Google</Type>
>>> <Extension>
>>> <ResourceId>google</ResourceId>
>>> <Options>
>>> <name>GoogleLayer</name>
>>> <type>G_PHYSICAL_MAP</type>
>>> <isBaseLayer>true</isBaseLayer>
>>> <sphericalMercator>false</sphericalMercator>
>>> </Options>
>>> </Extension>
>>> </Map>
>>> </MapGroup>
>>> Brian Berdel
>>> Applications Development Manager
>>> McMahon Associates, Inc.
>>> 425 Commerce Drive, Suite 200
>>> Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034
>>> p: 215.283.9444 x 260
>>> f: 215.283.9858
>>> brian.berdel at mcmtrans.com
>>> http://www.mcmtrans.com/mcm_logo.jpg <http://www.mcmtrans.com/>
>>> New England | Mid-Atlantic | Florida
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>> Michael Adair
>> Senior Software Architect
>> DM Solutions Group Inc.
>> Office: (613) 565-5056 x26
>> madair at dmsolutions.ca
>> http://www.dmsolutions.ca
>> http://research.dmsolutions.ca
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