[fusion-users] legend.currentRange JavaScript Error?

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 23 10:35:06 EDT 2009

What we need is sample data and map definitions that cause the problem  
in specific templates (the fusion standard one would be best).

I would expect that this would still be a problem with the legend.

On 23-Jul-09, at 4:18 AM, Jason Birch wrote:

> I saw this problem crop up on earlier versions of Fusion (like the  
> one I'm currently running) when there are hidden folders in the  
> legend.  I've also seen funky behaviour with themed layers at the  
> top level of the map causing the entire legend not to load.
> I'm refraining from reporting these because they may well have been  
> fixed in the heavily modified legend code in 2.0.  Sounds like we  
> need some kind of testing framework though... How does one do tests  
> against JS, especially a library with a strong server-side  
> requirement.  Sounds tough.
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: GordonL
> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [fusion-users] legend.currentRange JavaScript Error?
> HI Paul, I think I found the root cause of the error.  I have been  
> tricky
> with my Layer Names .
> For example rather than the Legend Label showing:
> Parcel Polygons
> I have:
> <b>Parcel</b> Polygons
> This works great with the Basic AJAX viewer but causes havoc with  
> No funky legends for me!
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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