[fusion-users] Fusion 2.0/MapServer & Units

Nolte, Tim Tim.Nolte at ipcswirelessinc.com
Wed Jun 24 14:30:21 EDT 2009

Yep, I've tried every combination of Units settings I can think of to
get this to work. However, the thing to keep in mind is that you are
using kilometers which I believe is the default unit measure and I need

		<Widget xsi:type="UiWidgetType">
			<StatusText>Measure distances on the
			<Extension xsi:type="CustomContentType">

Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
Network Planning Engineer

iPCS Wireless, Inc.
4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
Kentwood, MI 49512

Office: 616-656-5163
PCS:    616-706-2438
Fax:    616-554-6484
Web: www.ipcswirelessinc.com
-----Original Message-----
From: pdescham49 at gmail.com [mailto:pdescham49 at gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Paul Deschamps
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2:24 PM
To: Nolte, Tim
Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Fusion 2.0/MapServer & Units

Hi Tim, 

Do you have the units set in the measure tool widget like so?

      <Tooltip>Click on the map to measure</Tooltip>



On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Nolte, Tim
<Tim.Nolte at ipcswirelessinc.com> wrote:

	So here is my dilemma. I've tried to find the source of it and
it seems
	like this is a core Fusion code issue. My MapServer mapfile has
	units set in decimal degrees (DD) with an extent set in those
units. It
	would seem that this mapfile setting completely overrides
anything I put
	in my ApplicationDefinition.xml for Units or DisplayUnits. I
want the
	cursor coordinates displayed in DD and I want the measure tool
and the
	view size status to be in miles. Has anyone got a clue how to
get this
	to work. I was able to change my mapfile UNITS set to MILES but
	really doesn't fix my map as 1) I don't know what to set for my
	EXTENTS and 2) then the cursor is in miles instead of DD. I'm
	not going to let the measuring issue be a complete show stopper
but the
	is a tool that we already have in our Chameleon application that
I think
	people are already using. Thanks.
	- Tim
	Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
	Network Planning Engineer
	iPCS Wireless, Inc.
	4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
	Kentwood, MI 49512
	Office: 616-656-5163
	PCS:    616-706-2438
	Fax:    616-554-6484
	Web: www.ipcswirelessinc.com
	fusion-users mailing list
	fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org

   Paul Deschamps
   Applications Specialist
   DM Solutions Group Inc.

   Office: (613) 565-5056 x28
   pdeschamps at dmsolutions.ca

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