[fusion-users] FOSS4G2008 Fusion Tutorial

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 13 12:00:45 EDT 2009

ah - you need to load fusion through a web server.  Since you have  
ms4w, you have an apache web server running on your machine and you  
should be able to enter a URL like


into your web browser.



On 13-Mar-09, at 10:44 AM, Dana Lee wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> So I've tried using the fusion version (1.1.0 I think) that gets  
> downloaded
> with the tutorial but I get an exception saying access to restricted  
> denied. Same thing happens when I try to use the index.html file  
> that comes
> with fusion that is under the template folder (attached .jpg is a  
> screenshot
> of this exception). Sorry if this is a poor question, I have next to  
> no
> experience with html. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Dana
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pspencer at dmsolutions.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:57 AM
> To: Dana Lee
> Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [fusion-users] FOSS4G2008 Fusion Tutorial
> which version of fusion are you using?  The tutorial was written for
> 1.0/1.1 I think.
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 9-Mar-09, at 11:58 AM, Dana Lee wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to get the FOSS4G2008 lab
> (http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/wiki/PresentationFOSS4G2008
>> ) to work but am doing something wrong. I assume that when I open
>> 'page1.html' under where it says "The map will appear here", there
>> should be a map. For me, nothing is showing up.
>> I have MS4W installed and extracted foss4g08_fusionlab_ms4w.zip. I
>> have edited page1.html so that src= points to my fusion
>> installation. I can get gmap75.map to work with just Mapserver, but
>> nothing shows up with Fusion. If anyone has any advice or help on
>> how I can figure out what I'm doing wrong that would be greatly
>> appreciated. Thanks!
>> Dana
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>    Paul Spencer
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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